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The CALA 2019 : Conference on Asian Linguistic Anthropology


When Jan 23, 2019 - Jan 26, 2019
Where Cambodia
Submission Deadline Feb 9, 2018
Notification Due Mar 10, 2018
Categories    linguistics   anthropology   asian studies   cultural studies

Call For Papers

The CALA (2019), The Conference on Asian Linguistic Anthropology (2019)
January 23-26, 2019, Siem Reap, Cambodia

1. Themes
- Revitalization
New mobilities, new textual modes, and new technologies have pervaded Asian regions, affecting communication, structuring the lifeworlds (lived environments), and re-authoring altering identities. As such, language has seen mediation to develop new yet evolving forms. While these changes have become significant, reflexive efforts to cultural origins have also become central to global flows. These efforts have been labeled revivalist, both in widespread languages, and in minority languages. Furthermore, central to work on these languages, are frameworks of Anthropology, without which, our understandings of the political, cultural and linguistic elements would scarcely present themselves epistemically.
- Representation
The effects of Colonialism in and of Asia, crossing into a current era of Post Colonialism, and finding junctures with the intensified global flows of the now, encourage the production of ideas and ideologies of representation of self and other, as well as ideologies of social and cultural performativities. This leads to pursuits of representation. Pervasive throughout the twentieth century, was Western dominance, a hegemony now countered by post structuralist notions of global identity, thus decentering the West, and ‘recentering’ the East. Language and identity thus emerge as constructs central to the understandings of these recenterings, and understood not least through a Linguistic Anthropology. Here, Asian languages and identities have become an increasingly concentrated nexus for new forms of globalization.

2. Location
Paññāsāstra University of Cambodia, Siem Reap, Cambodia

3. Chronology
Abstract and poster proposal submission
Opens: October 13, 2017 at midnight (UTC Time)
Closes: February 9, 2018 at midnight (UTC Time)

Notification of acceptance
No later than March 10, 2018 at midnight (UTC Time) (First Call)

Early bird registration
Opens: February 10, 2018 at midnight (UTC Time)
Closes: May 14, 2018 at midnight (UTC Time)
Normal bird registration
Opens: May 15, 2018 at midnight (UTC Time)
Closes: August 25, 2018 at midnight (UTC Time)
Presenters will need to have registered for The CALA by no later than August 25, 2018, midnight (UTC Time), to guarantee a place in the program. Registration will remain open after this date, but the conference organizers cannot guarantee placement in the conference.
Late bird registration
Opens: August 26, 2018 at midnight (UTC Time) Closes: January 26, 2019 (Conference end)

4. Conference Dates
Day 1: Wednesday January 23, 2019
Day 2: Thursday January 24, 2019
Day 3: Friday January 25, 2019
Day 4: Saturday January 26, 2019

5. Strands
- Anthropological Linguistics - Applied Sociolinguistics
- Cognitive Anthropology and Language
- Critical Linguistic Anthropology
- Post-Structuralism and Language
- Semiotics and Semiology
- Language Documentation
- General Sociolinguistics
- Language Socialization
- Social Psychology of Language
- Language Revitalization
- Ethnography of Communication
- Language, Community, Ethnicity
- Language, Dialect, Sociolect, Genre
- Nonverbal Languages
- Nonverbal Semiotics
- Multifunctionality
- Documenting Language
- Ethnographical Language Work
- Language, Gender, Sexuality
- Language Ideologies
- Literature Studies
- Narrative and Metanarrative
- Language and Spatiotemporal Frames
- Language Minorities and Majorities
- Language in Real and Virtual Spaces
- Language Contact and Change
- Textualization, Contextualization, Entextualization

6. Submissions
Presentation lengths
– Colloquia – 1.5 hours with 3-5 contributors
– General paper sessions – 25 minutes, including 5 minutes for questions/responses
– Posters – to be displayed at designated times throughout the CALA

Abstract Submission Guidelines
– Submission of proposals for papers for general session, colloquia, and posters should be completed via the online submission website.
– 18-word maximum presentation title
– 400-word maximum abstract, including references
– Colloquia: Upload the abstract for the colloquium, in the submissions box. The abstract must contain both the main description of the colloquium, as well as a summarized description of each individual paper to be presented within the colloquium. This information must include the names and affiliations of each author and presenter, and the title of each respective session/presentation, as well as any other relevant information.
– For individual papers submitted for review and acceptance into the general sessions, the first author will be the nominated ‘Corresponding Author’, but can also be a ‘Presenting author’ when completing the profile.
– Each author must also confirm their role: Presenting author, non-presenting author, chair or discussant.

Evaluation of proposals
Proposals for individual papers, posters, and colloquia will be evaluated by the CALA Review Committee, with criteria as follows:
– Appropriateness and significance of the topic to CALA themes
– Originality/significance/impact of the research
– Clarity/coherence of research concerns, theoretical and analytical framework(s), description of research, data collection, findings/conclusions, rhetoric, and exegesis as a whole
– For colloquia, importance/significance of the overarching topic and/or framework(s) addressed, and its coherence of and with individual presentations. All abstracts for presentations within the colloquia will not be peer reviewed by the CALA review committee, but are expected to be at a standard commensurate to the parent colloquium abstract, which will be peer reviewed by the CALA review committee. Thus, the acceptance of the colloquium, and hence all presentations and discussions within that colloquium, become predicated on the success of the review of the main proposal for that colloquium, submitted by the main organizers of the respective colloquium.
– All abstracts for general sessions, which are selected and scheduled by the CALA selection committee, will be double blind reviewed.

Conditions of Submissions
– A participant may be first author/presenter in a maximum of two presentations, be it individual papers, posters, or papers within colloquia.
– In addition, a participant may act as chair, discussant, or co-author in one further presentation.
– Alternatively, participants may act as first author/presenter in one presentation, and chair, discussant, or co-author in a maximum of two other presentations.
– All proposals must present or interpret original work otherwise yet unavailable.
– The language of the CALA is English. However, abstracts may be submitted in any language, but together with an English translation.
– Presenters can present in any language, but must prepare an English translation for the presentation.
– The CALA Committee will assign all relevant schedules to accepted individuals and groups.
– Presenters must register and pay prior to August 25, 2018, to confirm their place at the CALA 2019, and hence for their presentations to be confirmed in the program.
– Presenters are required to organize their own travel and accommodation arrangements. The CALA Organizers have secured accommodation at various locations around the city
(see link for accommodation), details of which will be available for booking when registering for the CALA.

7. Presentations

- 1.5 hours with 3-5 contributors
- Colloquia provide an opportunity for several presenters within the boundaries of a theme or topic to present together in a supportive environment.
- Colloquium organizers can tailor time lengths to each presentation, but must allow time to include opening and closing remarks, presentations, and audience interaction.
- The colloquium chair is responsible for organizing the group and for submitting the colloquium in the Call for Papers platform on behalf of all their contributors.
- All colloquium submissions must be uploaded to the submission site using the Colloquium Submission Form Template provided.
- Panel organizers here will be responsible for panel chairs. Time keepers will be provided by the CALA.

General and non-colloquia session papers
- Paper presentations will be allocated 25 minutes including 5 minutes for questions and answers.
- Time keepers will be provided by the CALA.

- Posters will be displayed at designated times throughout the CALA.
- Posters are for one-on-one discussion of a symposium-related theme or topic.
- A block of time will be allocated for presenters to discuss their posters.
- Posters will be displayed in the designated areas (main halls).
- Presenters will be assigned a space to display their poster.
- Posters should be sized A0: 841 x 1189 mm width x height/ 33.1 x 46.8 inches width x height (landscape or portrait).
- Submissions should contain a summary of key elements for the presentation.
- Posters can include any relevant visuals or academically descriptive objects, where color is visually optimal.
- Posters must be clear, concise, and simple, with large fonts, with the title of the project, and author information (name and affiliation).
For submission/ registration, please visit:
For more information, please contact:
Or Professor Susan Hagadorn:
Vice Chair
Conference on Asian Linguistic Anthropology, The CALA 1 (2019)
Faculty of Arts, Letters, and Humanities
Paññāsāstra University of Cambodia, Cambodia

8. Fees
All fees will be published and announced on the website, by December 18th, 2017. Please check the website for all pertinent information.

9. Publications from the CALA
We also advise that several Special Journal issues are planned, as well as a collection of Monographs, from papers submitted to that CALA, and that meet the requirements of submission, review and acceptance. These papers selected for submission to the journals will be published with Top-Tier Ranking journals, and their Publishers. Here, ample assistance will be provided so to revise these manuscripts for respective publications.

Related Resources

ACML 2024   16th Asian Conference on Machine Learning
DEPLING 2023   International Conference on Dependency Linguistics
TAL-ALD 2024   Special issue of the journal Traitement Automatique des Langues (TAL) Abusive Language Detection : Linguistic Resources, Methods and Applications
NLPTA 2024   5th International Conference on NLP Techniques and Applications
11th ICSS 2024   11th International Hybrid Conference on Social Sciences (ICSS)
SNAM-Special Issue 2024   Datasets, Language Resources and Algorithmic Approaches on Online Wellbeing and Social Order in Asian Languages
NLPTA 2024   5th International Conference on NLP Techniques and Applications
LIMO2024@KONVENS 2024   2nd workshop on Linguistic Insights from and for Multimodal Language Processing @KONVENS 2024
LaCATODA 2024   The Ninth Linguistic and Cognitive Approaches to Dialog Agents
Migrating Minds 2025   Migrating Minds. Journal of Cultural Cosmopolitanism, Issue 4, Spring 2025