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STAA 2019 : Special Issue: Semantic Technologies Applied to Agriculture


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline Mar 31, 2020
Categories    semantic web   ontology   knowledge management   agriculture

Call For Papers

Nowadays, the use of new technologies in agriculture is almost pervasive across the world. Smart farming refers to using high-tech farming techniques and technologies to improve production output while minimizing cost and preserving resources. The main applications of ICT in agriculture (also known as ‘e-agriculture’) include the use of GPS and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for precision farming, smartphone apps for e-learning and crop management, RFID for product tracking, knowledge management systems with information and best practices, etc. New technologies promote sustainable agricultural development and food security by improving the use of information, communication, and associated technologies in the sector.
Large amounts of data are being generated and made available to third parties in various formats from heterogeneous, disparate data sources. Ontologies and semantic technologies are a useful means to integrate and harmonize data from different sources and facilitate inferring and reasoning over a shared conceptualization. A number of different vocabularies and ontologies for the agronomic community have been defined for different purposes and most of them are being hosted in the AgroPortal ontology repository ( This Special Issue is devoted to papers concerned with the application of semantic technologies in the agronomy domain. We seek for novel contributions and successful use cases in which the benefits of using ontologies on this field are made clear.

* Semantic Web
* Ontology
* Knowledge Management
* Data Integration
* Semantic Services
* Agriculture
* Agronomy
* Smart Farming
* E-Agriculture

Special Issue Editors
Guest Editors
Prof. Dr. Francisco García-Sánchez, Faculty of Computer Science, University of Murcia, Spain
Dr. Miguel Ángel Rodríguez-García, Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain

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