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EuMIC 2011 : European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference


When Oct 12, 2011 - Oct 14, 2011
Where Manchester, UK
Submission Deadline Feb 12, 2011
Notification Due Apr 21, 2011
Final Version Due Jun 13, 2011
Categories    modelling and simulation   nanotechnology   circuit design   HF MEMS

Call For Papers

The 6th European Microwave Integrated Circuits (EuMIC)
Conference will be held from October 10-12 2011 in Manchester, UK
as part of the European Microwave Week. This microwave
integrated circuits conference will continue to help make European
Microwave Week the largest event in Europe related to RF
Monolithic Microwave Integrated circuits, MMICs and RFICs, are the
foundation of today's communication and sensing systems. While
GaAs and silicon based IC technologies are used extensively in
today's systems, emerging technologies such as wide band gap (SiC,
GaN, etc.), InP/antimonide CNT and Graphene based devices are
expected to become commercially available within a few years, with
a big impact on system performance.
The downscaling of silicon technologies such as CMOS and SiGe-
HBT, according to Moore's law, has now resulted in device
performance close to the III-V technologies with cut-off frequencies
exceeding 400 GHz. Highly integrated microwave and millimetre-
wave systems will also be available for many more consumer mass
market applications.
As a result of the downscaling, there are, however, numerous
technical challenges to overcome, including low breakdown
voltage, higher 1/f noise, substrate noise, and many others.
To provide short time-to-product, first-pass success in the design
becomes critical. Accurate component modelling and efficient
CAD/CAE tools are vitally important. Success in these technologies
will enable new services in the areas of safety and security, high bit-
rate wireless access, and multigigabit/s low-cost wireless links. In
such a swiftly changing environment, it is essential to be well
informed about the latest technological developments.
EuMIC is the leading conference in Europe for MMIC and RFIC
technology, design and applications and is the ideal event to keep
abreast of the latest achievements in the field.
The conference will promote the exchange of scientific and
technical information on physical fundamentals, material
technology, process technology, physics-based and empirical
modelling of microwave and optoelectronic devices, design of
monolithic ICs based on GaAs, InP, SiGe, GaN, SiC, RF CMOS and
other semiconductor materials. Special emphasis will be given to
applications covering the field of telecommunications (RF,
microwave and optical), automotive, sensors, MEMS, defence and
space, as well as emerging technologies such as wide band-gap

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