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SST 2023 : 11th International Workshop on Software and Systems Traceability


When Sep 4, 2023 - Sep 4, 2023
Where Hannover
Submission Deadline Jun 9, 2023
Notification Due Jul 7, 2023
Categories    computer science   software engineering   traceability   requirements engineering

Call For Papers

The Software and Systems Traceability Workshop 2023 provides an opportunity for the entire community to meet and exchange ongoing work. This year’s SST special theme is the synergy of AI and traceability, but all work on software and systems traceability is welcome.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

- Traceability techniques,
- Traceability management and evolution,
- Traceability visualization,
- Lifecycle traceability and the digital thread,
- Traceability for AI-based systems and applications,
- Developing intelligent tracing solutions,
- Traceability tools and their evaluation,
- Intelligent reasoning for ambiguities in traceability,
- Adopting self-adapting solutions to optimize the quality of trace links,
- Improving the performance of automated traceability with novel approaches such as semantic analysis, human factors when applying AI to traceability.

The following sessions are planned in a single track:

- Invited keynote,
- Lightning talks,
- Poster session,
- Fishbowl discussion

Submission format:

You are invited to submit research and experience papers

- Research or experience full paper (up to 8 pages plus a maximum of 2 pages for references).
- Industrial applications paper (up to 6 pages plus a maximum of 2 pages for references)
- Position paper, vision paper, or a paper describing ongoing work (up to 4 pages plus one additional page for references).

Papers must be submitted electronically in PDF format via EasyChair.

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