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When Jun 6, 2018 - Jun 6, 2018
Where New Orleans
Submission Deadline Mar 12, 2018
Notification Due Apr 2, 2018
Final Version Due Apr 16, 2018
Categories    NLP   computational social science

Call For Papers



Co-located with NAACL HLT 2018, New Orleans, USA
June 6, 2018

** NEWS **
Paper submission deadline extended: March 12, 2018


On social media, users nowadays freely express what is on their mind at any moment in time, at any location, and about virtually anything. These large amounts of spontaneously produced texts open up a unique opportunity to learn more about such users, e.g., predicting demographic variables (age, gender), but also personality types, as well as emotions and opinion expressions.

Indeed, this excellent opportunity has materialized in a large and growing number of recent workshops held at different Natural Language Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Semantic Web, and Information Retrieval venues, for example WASSA (focusing on sentiment and social media), PAN (focusing on author profiling like personality) and ESSEM (focusing on emotions in AI), including the organization of shared tasks such as at SemEval with a special sentiment track.

While it is evident that interest is wide and high, it is also evident that such aspects of human personality and behavior have been mostly studied in isolation, often in different - but related - communities. We believe that the time is ripe to bring these communities a step closer, to study people’s traits and expressions jointly and in their interplay.

On a conceptual level we can view these aspects on a continuum of stability, where some can be considered stable (e.g., gender), while others are of more transitional nature and contextually prompted (e.g., emotions). They can be seen as characterizing traits of the whole person and should be studied together. As of now, however, little is known on how they interact with one another in computational language understanding, how they interact, and how they impact both natural language processing and society.

This workshop intends to bring together researchers in Computational Linguistics, Natural Language Processing and Computational Social Science who share an interest in personality, opinion and emotion detection, and especially in researching the intertwining of such traits and expressions.

We encourage the submission of long (8 pages) and short (4 pages) research papers, including opinion statements. We especially welcome views from different fields on how to treat the different aspects. We welcome submissions related but not limited to the following topics:

opinion, personality and emotion detection in social media
predicting demographic variables and author traits (gender, age, personality)
opinions, personality and emotions and their interactions
interaction between personality, opinion and emotions with demographic variables (age, gender)
interaction between personality, opinion and emotions and geo-spatial information (geographic locations and places)
interaction between personality, opinion and emotions with politics
personality, opinion and emotions and social network analysis
modeling of personality, opinion and emotions from a multimodal perspective
modeling of personality, opinion and emotions from a multilingual perspective
exploitation of the different degree of stability of the various traits
reflections on the definition of personal traits
reflection on self-selection biases and measurement biases in social media
mixed methods that combine surveys and social media analysis to study opinions, personality and emotions
applications of predictive modeling of user traits
on the ethics of predictive modeling of social variables

Keynote Speakers
Dirk Hovy, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Letizia Mencarini, Bocconi University, Italy

Paper Submission

Standard research papers should be a maximum of 8 pages long, plus two extra pages for references. We also encourage submission of short papers of maximum 4 pages long, plus two extra pages for references. All papers should be electronically submitted in PDF format via the START system, available at:

Submissions must be anonymous and follow the NAACL 2018 style templates (

All accepted papers will be published in the ACL anthology via the conference proceedings.

Important Dates

Submission deadline: March 12, 2018

Notification: April 2, 2018

Camera ready: April 16, 2018

Workshop: June 6, 2018

Programme Committee

Nicolas Aletras, Amazon
Pierpaolo Basile, University of Bari, Italy
Valerio Basile, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Arnim Bleier, GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Germany
Cristina Bosco, University of Turin, Italy
Gosse Bouma, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Erik Cambria, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Fabio Celli, University of Trento, Italy
Chloé Clavel, LTCI-CNRS, Telecom-ParisTech, France
Walter Daelemans, University of Antwerp, Belgium
David Garcia, Complexity Science Hub Vienna and Medical University of Vienna, Austria
Ancsa Hannak, Central European University, Hungary
Dirk Hovy, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Richard Johansson, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
David Jurgens, Stanford University, US
Svetlana Kiritchenko, NRC-Canada, Canada
Florian Kuhnemann, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Fei Liu, Melbourne University, Australia
Nikola Ljubešić, Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia
Kim Luyckx, Biomina Research Group, Belgium
Eric Malmi, Aalto University, Finland
Héctor Martínez Alonso, INRIA, France
Rada Mihalcea, University of Michigan, US
Saif Mohammad, NRC-Canada, Canada
Dong Nguyen, Alan Turing Institute, UK
Massimo Poesio, Queen Mary University, UK
Daniel Preotiuc-Pietro, University of Pennsylvania, US
Paolo Rosso, Technical University of Valencia, Spain
Hassan Saif, Knowledge Media Institute, UK
Ingmar Weber, QCRI, Qatar


Malvina Nissim, University of Groningen
Viviana Patti, University of Turin
Barbara Plank, University of Groningen
Claudia Wagner, University of Koblenz and GESIS - Köln

If have any enquiries/comments about the workshop or the submission procedure, contact us via email:

PEOPLES 2018 is supported by:
CELI Language Technology and the Computational Linguistics group of CLCG, University of Groningen

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