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EUROMEDIA 2013 : 17th Annual EUROMEDIA'2013 Conference


When Apr 15, 2013 - Apr 17, 2013
Where University of Lincoln
Submission Deadline Dec 15, 2012
Notification Due Feb 5, 2013
Final Version Due Mar 20, 2013
Categories    multimedia   telecom   web   cloud computing

Call For Papers


17th Annual International European Media Conference 2013
University of Lincoln
LIncoln, United Kingdom
April 15-17, 2013
in conjunction with the annual

Knowledge Management
In-Car Applications
Facial Recognition
Virtual reality Applications
Medical Imaging Systems
Cloud Computing
Social Networks
Cyber Security
Computer Graphics
Poster Session
Student Session

Organised by
The European Technology Institute
and Sponsored by
The University of Lincoln
For latest information see:


The 17th annual EUROMEDIA'2013 conference covers the latest developments in web-multimedia and communications technology while also looking at their implementation in Broadband networking, mobile computing, broadband networking, distributed computing, telematics, E-technology and real world environments like embedded systems, security systems and training systems. New topics are human computer interaction with a focus on the interaction of users with multimodal interfaces and the usability and experiences of users with multimodal systems based on different media.

The conference is structured around 5 tracks: WEBTEC, which deals with web technology-COMTEC, which covers communications technology-MEDIATEC, which covers multimedia technology-APTEC, which provides an overview of media-integration and ETEC, which covers electronic commerce.

The conference also features special workshops on Cloud Computing, E-Business, Medical Imaging, Facial and Biometric Recognition, Computer Graphics and Cyber Security.

All submissions will be peer reviewed by at least three members of the International Program Committee. Accepted papers will be published in the conference Proceedings (both print and electronic format), that will be copyrighted and widely disseminated. All talks and tutorials, must be accompanied by a paper of between three to eight Proceedings pages.


The Future of Serious Games and Immersive Technologies
by David Wortley FRSA, Founder Immersive Technology Strategies


Professor Shaun Lawson, School of Computer Science, University of Lincoln

for more information on these see:


Gesture Recognition and Control using Microsoft Kinect, John Murray


The themes of EUROMEDIA'2013 are the following

The WEBTEC conference focuses on new developments with respect to Internet, Intranet, HTML 5.0/XML/DHTML..., and WEB 4.0. Because of the large amount of new tools and developments, scientific papers focusing on this subject should always include references to other ideas and products. If your paper describes a new language or tool, include the theoretical basis, application, and (tested) experiences. This track covers:
Internet Viewers and Programs

Development and Design Tools for the Web
Dynamic Circuit Network Research
Tactical Internet
Web Programming
Web Simulation and Animation
Interactive Web Publishing Tools
Dynamic New Languages and Standards
Java Security
CE and the Web
IPV6 (next generation internetprotocol)

Visual Programming Languages

Advanced Web Authoring and Development Tools
Visual Web Programming
Visual DHTML - XML , XSL editors
Applets and Scripting Languages over Networks

3D Web Programs

3D Worlds
Rule Based Programming for 3D Environments (avatars)
Building Online Communities (Social/Gaming)
Web 4.0 social software

Video and Audio Streaming on the Web

Video Telephony, Web Video and Web Conferencing
Video and Audio Libraries
Internet telephone networks
Video Stream analysis techniques
Motion analysis techniques
Object detection and tagging in Video Streams

AI on the Web

Intelligent Agents, Knowbots and REBOL Bots
Worm Programs, Data Mining and MDX, SQL, SQLJ Based Tools
Mobile Network Agents
Site Analysis Tools
Collaborative Filtering
Intelligent Interactive Characters
Semantic Web Applications
Web-based Information Systems

Software for Web-based Business Applications and E-Commerce

Building Interactive Advertising and Information Interfaces
Business Objects and Business to Business E-Commerce
Customer Tracking Tools, E-Commerce Tools & Architectures
Electronic Cash Transfer Protocols on the Web
Joint Electronic Payments Initiative
Internet Open Trading Protocols
Security and E-Commerce
Web Based Training and Web Based Networked Simulation
PC VR Based Training


The MEDIATEC conference looks at new developments in multimedia technology. Step by step, multimedia computing becomes more common and more popular. CD-DVD/HD/BLURAY technology, videoconferencing, and real-time 3-D animation have become widely available for standard hardware platforms. The type of papers we are looking for try to give a theoretical foundation to developments in multimedia hardware and software, if possible comparing different alternatives so that empirical results can form a basis for new standards and choice among alternatives. This track covers:
Multimedia Techniques and Telecommunications

Real Time Interactive Systems
Hardware for multimedia storage
Hardware and networks for multimedia transmission
CD-Interactive Systems and Online DVD Technology
Removable Storage Technology
Multimedia Sensors (RF Tags)
Intelligent Analysis and Interpretation of Multimedia Data using f.ex. novel adaptive algorithms (the Panoptes system)
2D to 3D conversion
Image analysis and compression

Multimedia Authoring Tools and Software

Presentation Tools
Presentation Software
Animation /Facial Animation
Animation Tools
3D Authoring Tools, 3D Graphics, 3D Accelerators and Motion Capture
Video and Audio Editing
DVD/Online Video Imaging, Editing Techniques and Tools
Video Compression Techniques and Tools
Video Accelerators
Non Linear Video Editing Systems
Digital Video
MPEG 5 PC-Video Encoding and Decoding
(MPEG) Image Compression
Colour Palette Strategies
Audio Editing
Digital Audio Software
DVD Recording Software
Voice Recognition Systems
Industrial Applications
Automatic Speech Recognition
Software defined radio

Multimedia Building Blocks

Multimedia Databases
Toolboxes for Moving Graphics
Productivity Tools
Object-Oriented Multimedia
AdLib Software
indexed and searchable video intelligence, surveillance and reconnaisance systems (ISR)
tagged videos with metadata tags in federated databases
ant colony optimization algorithms for video tags


The COMTEC conference covers different types of communication technology utilising both fixed and mobile infrastructures. Of course, this conference must be seen in alliance with the overall theme of the conference: new media that are used on a world-wide basis in relation to information and communication infrastructures. This track covers:
Telecommunications Technologies

Augmented Reality and Ubiquitous Computing Applications (such as Aurora, the Sixth Sense Project etc...)
Handheld Augmented Reality using tablets or phones
High Speed Interconnects
Fast video transmission using terahertz waves
Full-Motion Video (FMV), FMV Analysis using GPU's
Optical Networks and Switching
Transport Networks
HSI in Parallel/Distributed Systems
Message Passing Communication Standards
Communication Servers and Networks
Access Networks and Protocols
Systems and Applications Software
Clusters and Load Balancing
Traffic Models and Performance Simulations
Fault Tolerance, Reliability Models, Performance Studies and System Validation


ISDN, Intelligent Networks, LAN-WAN Interconnection, WIFI, Hotspots
Broadband and Wideband Networks
Sensor Networks, Overlays, Peer-to-Peer Networking
Next Generation Networks
Information Super Highways, GRID
Network Management
Case Studies on Large Networks Simulation technology
Network Planning & Management & Software Radio
Traffic Engineering
Broadband convergence networks (BcN)
Business or socio-economic analysis

Network Security

Encryption and Coding
Software Protocols
Privacy, ID Verification, Authentication, Message Integrity,
Message Non-Repudiation and Security Policies
Access Control
Intrusion Detection
Smart Card Technology

Mobile Communications

Satellite Services and GPS Systems
DECT with GAP (Generic Access Profile) and Bluetooth
WAP compliant Broadband Mobile Communication
Voice Paging, Mobile Fax, Mobile Video Text
Smart Phones and Applications
4G LTE Networks
Mobile Networks Planning
W-CDMA (3rd generation mobile telecommunications)
Mobile adhoc networks (MANETS)
WIFI, Hotspots

TV Technology

Smart TV with Cloud and Social computing
Dual View Gaming
Interactive Video
Digital TV
DMB (Digital Multimedia Broadcasting)


QoS in TP Networks
QoS in ATM Networks
QoS in Public Networks
QoS in Mobile Networks
QoS in Heterogeneous Networks
QoS Charging


The APTEC conference shows how effectiveness and efficiency of individuals and public and private organisations can be improved using telematics, advanced communications, and multimedia technology. Papers in the APTEC conference should present the relation between the type of activity that is supported by new technology and the characteristics of the technology itself. If possible, empirical test results should be included in the paper. The topics for this track are the following:
Telematics Consumer Applications

Home Banking
Streamed Video-on-Demand, Video and PC-Gaming
Video Kiosks

Cooperative Telematics Applications

Home Shopping
Web Enabled Devices


Multimedia and DVD Technology
Computer Based Training
CBT Authoring Software
Computer Assisted Instruction
Simulation Based Training
Interactive Tools
Tele-Education on the Web
Case Studies

Integrated Enterprise Software and Groupware

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
VHDL and Verilog Applications
Product Data Interchange
Synthetic Environments and Simulation on the Web
Distributed Simulation (DIS)
Virtual Reality
Innovative e-mail applications
Shared Memory, Shared Screen
Group Decision Support
Group Scheduling
Group Editing
Video Conferencing and standards
Desktop Video Conferencing
Workflow Software
Putting Interactive Training Online


Real-Time Systems
Fault Tolerance
Data Bases
Case Studies

Ubiquitous Computing Applications

Haptic Interfaces
Health Care
Pervasive computing
Video/Television/Home Appliances/Human interaction
Interactive posters
Electronic tags
Ambient intelligence
System architecture and concepts, software and intelligent receptors
Smart homes and transport (cars,planes, Digital home concept)
Smart surroundings using ubiquitous wireless sensor networks
Self organising digital sensor networks of individual motes
GPS, active RFID technology
Context Aware Systems (f.ex SIREN)
Privacy and security from motes, smart sensors to smart dust

Embedded Systems and future product market combinations

modelling specification and validation of embedded systems
intelligent clothing and polytronics
rfid technology
intelligent products and environments, f.ex smart cars
active silenced machines (adaptronics)
simulated environments (reverse engineering)
man-machine interaction (converging technology)
security systems (biometric and other dataprocessing techniques

Multimodal communication

context sensitive sensing
affective computing
speech recognition, recognition of facial expressions
recognition of emotion in text, speech and video
engineering experiences


The ETEC conference reviews the latest trends and technologies applied in the growing field of electronic commerce. This track will be exclusively dedicated to practical applications in business to business and business to customer environments. E-Commerce provides valuable guidance on reconfiguring the structure and interaction between organisations, businesses, and customers, to create effective new possibilities and to stay ahead of competition, by implementing new advanced information and communications technology. The track focuses on the reality rather than the hype which tends to surround these items. This conference is a unique occasion to find out the key issues and essential facts from case studies and unbiased expert presentations. Topics include:

Medical Information Systems
Challenges of tomorrow and beyond Trust and security: provisions and instruments
Online availability of public services
Service survivability and maintainability
Interoperability of services
Security in e-democracy (including e-participation and e-voting)
E-justice (administration and workflow security for legal processes)
Secure federating information access (from different government and third party agencies)
Security and reliability in media integration
Secure e-government and Identity Management
Security and reliability of Smart Card System
Availability and reliability of mobile services
Data protection and data privacy (e.g. e-health and e-education)
Intrusion detection and prevention
Anti-spam legislation and solution
Public-private- partnerships management
Role-based management and usage restriction

Special Tracks
Special Track on Knowledge Management, e-business information management and e-Mobility

Information is a strategic resource in every organisation. In Business Information Management (BIM) we focus on the continuous improvement of the quality of the information, that is intrinsic in business processes and is supporting management decision making.
In e-Business Information Management (e-BIM) internet based information modelling analyzing and presentation is a hot issue and is part of a company's competitiveness.


Knowledge warehouse
Knowledge acquisition and datamining
e-business, e-marketing, e-services
business process modelling
management information systems
content management
business intelligence
management reporting
E-blended learning
MPEG2 standards in e-mobility

Special Track on In-Car Applications

This track will cover the embedded systems envisaged in future car design based on multimedia applications.

Look-Ahead Radar - LIDAR
Automatic Braking
Blind Spot Detection
Steer by Wire
Lane Departure Warning
Conversational Voice Recognition
Drowsiness Sensors
HMI Cockpit Controllers
Split Displays
In-car Entertainment Systems
Glass Cockpit/HUD Displays
Smart Navigation
Integrated Sensors

Special Track on Facial Recognition or Non Verbal Communication

Facial expressions play an important role in human communication. We are able to read emotions from human faces. Turn taking in human dialogues can be regulated by facial expressions. There is an ongoing discussion about the universal character of emotions. Psychologist P. Ekman claims that there are 6 universal emotions corresponding with unique facial expressions: happiness, sadness, disgust, anger, fear and surprise. But there are much more emotions, which can be conveyed by facial expressions, way of speaking, gestures and other body language. (f.ex. using hyperspectral sensors)
For many years researchers have been involved in the automatic recognition and generation of emotions. There are systems which are able to read faces and analyze speech signals to recognize emotions. Researchers have developed "talking faces" which are able to show facial expressions and to speak with appropriate emotions. At this moment here robots and avatars which are able to display emotions and are able to recognize emotion.
The goal of the session/track is to invite researchers to present papers in the area of non verbal communication.
Virtual Reality 2.0 Applications for knowledge building

This track will cover Virtual Reality 2.0 Applications using Motion Capture Technology in

Market research
Auto Safety
Mobile Phones


The conference organization is open to suggestions on possible workshops on multimedia development and related areas of research

If you want to propose a specific simulation workshop please contact; before SEPTEMBER 30
Medical Imaging Systems

Efficient and powerful medical imaging systems have been assuming a growing and crucial importance in medicine, allowing to deeply examination and understanding on the human body and, therefore, playing an essential role for adequate diagnosis, treatment and follow-up.
To accomplish more efficient and powerful medical imaging systems, many research works have been done in many domains, such as the ones related with medical image devices, signal processing, image processing and analysis, biomechanical simulation and data visualization.
The main goal of the Workshop “Medical Imaging Systems” is to bring together researchers involved in the related domains, in order to set the major lines of development for the near future.
The Workshop “Medical Imaging Systems” will consist of researchers representing various fields related to Medical Devices, Signal Processing, Computational Vision, Computer Graphics, Computational Mechanics, Scientific Visualization, Mathematics, Medicine, Medical Imaging and Hardware Manufacturers. The Workshop endeavours to the contribution of obtaining better solutions for more efficient and powerful medical imaging systems, and attempts to establish a bridge between clinicians, researchers and manufacturers from these diverse fields.

The Workshop "Medical Imaging Systems" will cover topics related with (not exhaustive):

image acquisition
signal processing
image processing and analysis
modelling and simulation
computer aided diagnosis
surgery, therapy, and treatment
computational bioimaging and visualization
software development
virtual reality
telemedicine systems and their applications
assistive technology
computational anatomy
medical robots
imaging devices
hardware systems

Interactive Intelligent Systems

The main focus of the Interactive Intelligent Systems track is to highlight research using the best technologies that push the envelope of both interface and interaction.
When the main source of computing power was located in central computing facilities, those systems were evaluated by their throughput, accuracy, reliability, etc. Today’s computing power resides in true end users. The methods for assessing human-machine systems need to evolve along with the technology. Novel interfaces (e.g. virtual environments and wearable devices) and novel interactions (e.g. haptic devices, touch screens, speech) require novel evaluation methods and new metrics for measuring the effectiveness of these human-machine systems. The problem is hard because new technologies are appearing faster than ever and appropriate methods need to keep up.

One part of the evaluation problem has been addressed through attention to the principles of usability; the usability metrics are efficiency, effectiveness and user satisfaction. The major part of the problem, however, involves assessing whether novel technologies actually provide utility to the end user.
Cloud Computing

As one of the fastest growing fields in present-day media cloud computing will form a dedicated track at EUROMEDIA'2013.

Software and computing architectures for SaaS and PaaS
Programming models for cloud applications and virtualization
Cloud application deployment tools and Application Clouds
Public, private, hybrid and Community cloud application and data integration architectures
Portability of applications and data between different cloud providers
Programming tools, plug-ins, and technologies for application monitoring, provisioning
Software architectures for cross-cloud integration and inter-operability
Web portals for provisioning, monitoring, and deploying Cloud applications
Privacy and security in Clouds
Experiences with cloud SaaS and PaaS systems
Infrastructure as a Service Clouds
Software Clouds
Maintenance and Management of Cloud Computing
Case study involving enterprise, business, and government services deployment on cloud

Social Networks

This workshop will look at the applications to search, retrieval, recommendation, and navigation within social networks and covers the following topics:

Explicit vs. inferred social links (e.g. mining query logs)
Integration of different social networks (e.g. links between blogs and bookmarking systems)
Socially induced measures of similarity, relatedness, or distance
Co-evolution of social, information, and semantic networks
Analysis of the structure and the dynamics of social information networks
Behavioral patterns of social linking
Linguistic analysis of social annotation spaces
Formal and generative models of social annotation
Unstructured vs. structured social knowledge representations
Implementation and scalability of social link representations
Automatic and user-based evaluation
Emergent semantics in social networks
Robustness against spam and other forms of social abuse
Design of collaborative annotation mechanisms
Critical mass and incentives of social participation (e.g. games)
User interfaces for collaborative annotation

Cyber Security

This workshop invites presentations on Access Control, Applications of Cryptography, Attacks and Viral Software, Polymorphic Threats, Authentication and Authorization, Biometrics and Applications, Critical ICT Resources Protection, Data and System Integrity, Data Protection, Ethics, Digital Content Security, Identity Management, Information Hiding, Information Warfare, Internet and Web Security, Intrusion Detection, Password Protection(alfanumeric, mnemonic and disposable passwords), Peer-to-Peer Security, Privacy Enhancing Technologies, Risk Analysis and Management, Secure Electronic Voting, Secure Sensor Networks, Secure Systems Development, Security Architectures, Security Economics, Security Education, Security Management, Security Metrics, Smart Cards, SPAM, SPIT, SPIM, Trust Management and Models
Computer Graphics

Computer Graphics applied into every day appliances and multimedia hardware/ software.

Fundamental algorithms for computer graphics and computer vision
Model representation and simplification
Parametric curves and surfaces
Illumination techniques
Colors and color systems
Virtual and augmented reality, haptic systems
Human-computer interaction (haptic devices, virtual mission boards, tablets, cell-phones)
Real time rendering
Image processing, image reconstruction
Pattern recognition
3D scene reconstruction
Motion detection
Scientific and technical visualization
Information visualization
Mobile graphics and vision system
Industrial application of computer graphics and vision


Tutorials can be proposed in the following three categories:
T1- Introductory tutorials
T2- State of the Art Tutorials
T3- Software and Modelware Tutorials
Tutorial proposals should be emailed to before SEPTEMBER 30TH.


The poster session only features work in progress. Next to the actual poster presentation, these submissions also feature as short papers in the Proceedings.


This session is for students who want to present their work in
progress or part of their doctoral thesis as a paper. Student papers
are denoted by the fact that only the name of the student appears on
the paper as an author. They are published as short papers in the


For demonstrations or video sessions, please contact EUROSIS.
Special session will be set up for vendor presentations in co-
ordination with the scientific program. User Group meetings for
simulation languages and tools can be organised the day before the
conference. If you would like to arrange a meeting, please contact
the Conference Chairs. We will be happy to provide a meeting room
and other necessary equipment.
Partners for projects session(s) will be organised by EUROSIS to
give potential project teams or individuals the opportunity to
present their research in order to link up with fellow researchers
for future research projects. Those wishing to participate in this
session need to send a proposal to EUROSIS.
A EUROSIS TC Meeting and an EU Project update meeting


A special exhibition is envisaged during the conference focused on
multimedia applications. For more information please contact EUROSIS for
further details. Email:


Send all submissions in an ELECTRONIC FORM ONLY in (zipped)
Microsoft Word format, or PDF format (PREFERRED FORMAT)indicating the
designated track and type of submission (full paper or an extended
abstract) to the EUROSIS (
Please provide your name, affiliation, full mailing address,
telephone / fax number and Email address on all submissions as well.
For submissions please put in the subject of your Email the
following indications: EUROMEDIA'2013 and designated track or USE THE

Only original papers, which have not been published elsewhere, will
be accepted for publication
Journal Publication

Only accepted and presented extended papers are eligible for journal publication in any of the journals listed here.
Quality Control

In order to ensure the quality of the proceedings, Thomson-Reuters ISI and IET will receive the listing of the actually presented papers, next to the copies of the Proceedings.

All EUROSIS Proceedings are ISI-Thomson Reuters and IET referenced.

As the VAT rules for conferences in the UK are set to change only on December 1st 2013 the fees for this conference are as yet VAT free.
Registration Fees

EUROSIS members

Other Participants
Pre-registration before March 20, 2013 EUR 500 EUR 500 EUR 555
Registration after March 20, 2013 Pre-registration required EUR 545 EUR 595

Students who are authors, pay a registration of EUR 370 . To qualify as a student author you need to send in together with your paper a copy of your student card. Student papers are only accepted as student papers if only the name of the student appears as author of the paper or in the case of multiple authors, all authors should be students.
Registration Fees Students

EUROSIS members

Other Participants
Pre-registration before March 20, 2013 € 370 € 370 € 410
Registration after March 20, 2013 Pre-registration required € 390 € 430

The full registration fee includes one copy of the Conference
Proceedings, coffee and tea during the breaks, all lunches, a
welcome cocktail and a conference dinner.

A visit to a related facility in (or near) Lincoln. More information to follow.
The conference dinner will be at the Bishop's Palace in Lincoln - this is a charming location situated in the medieval cathedral complex.

FULL PAPER (including abstract, conclusions, diagrams, references)
During review, the submitted full papers can be accepted as a
regular 5 page paper. If excellent, full papers can be accepted by
the program committee as an extended (8-page) paper. Each submission
will be reviewed by at least three members of the EUROMEDIA'2013
International Program Committee.

EXTENDED ABSTRACT (at least five pages)
Participants may also submit a 5 page extended abstract for a
regular (5 pages) or short (3 pages) paper or poster, which will be
reviewed by the International Program Committee. All accepted papers
will be published in the EUROMEDIA'2013 Conference Proceedings.

SHORT ABSTRACT (at least three to four pages)
Participants may also submit a 3 page abstract for a short paper or
poster, which will be reviewed by the International Program
Committee. All accepted papers will be published in the EUROMEDIA'2013
Conference Proceedings.


Philippe Geril
European Simulation Office
Greenbridge Science Park
Ghent University - Ostend Campus
Wetenschapspark 1
Plassendale 1
B-8400 Ostend Belgium
Tel: +32.59.255330
Fax: +32.59.255339


The 2013 EUROMEDIA Conference Committee will select the Outstanding Paper of the Conference. The author of this paper will be awarded the a Best Paper Award, a free registration for a EUROSIS conference. Only papers SUBMITTED AS FULL papers and accepted as EXTENDED papers will be eligible for the Outstanding Paper Award.


The official conference language for all papers and presentations is


The conference will be held at the University of Lincoln
in the historic medieval city of Lincoln, UK,_England


Authors provide camera-ready manuscript: MARCH 20TH, 2013

First Name:
Occupation and/or Title:
Mailing Address
Zip code: City: Country.
Telephone: Fax:
Yes, I intend to attend the EUROMEDIA'2013:
[ ] Presenting a paper, by submitting a full paper
[ ] Presenting a short paper (by submitting an extended abstract)
[ ] Participating in the industrial program
[ ] Organizing a vendor session
[ ] Proposing a panel discussion (please mention names of
[ ] Contributing to the exhibition
[ ] Without presenting a paper
The provisional title of my paper / exhibited tool is:
With the following highlights:
The paper belongs to the category (please tick only one):
[ ] ETEC
[ ] Knowledge Management
[ ] In-Car Applications
[ ] Facial Recognition
[ ] Virtual reality Applications
[ ] Medical Imaging Systems
[ ] Cloud Computing
[ ] Social Networks
[ ] Cyber Security
[ ] Computer Graphics
[ ] Poster Session
[ ] Student Session
[ ] Tutorials
[ ] Exhibition
Other colleague(s) interested in the topics of the conference

Please send or fax this card immediately to:
Philippe Geril, EUROSIS-ETI
Greenbridge Science Park
Ghent University - Ostend Campus
Wetenschapspark 1
Plassendale 1
B-8400 Ostend Belgium
Tel: +32.59.255330
Fax: +32.59.255339

Related Resources

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ACIJ 2025   Advanced Computing: An International Journal
IJCACS 2025   International Journal of Control, Automation, Communication and Systems
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CETA--EI 2025   2025 4th International Conference on Computer Engineering, Technologies and Applications (CETA 2025)
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