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ASTEC 2013 : 4th Asian Simulation Technology Conference | |||||||||||||||
Link: http://www.eurosis.org/cms/?q=node/2239 | |||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||
ASTEC'2013 4th annual Asian Simulation Technology Conference 2013 Westin Bund Center Shanghai, China P.R. March 7-9, 2013 Simulation Methodology Discrete Event Simulation Technology Simulation Tools Agent Based Simulation Simulation in Aerospace Engineering Simulation Simulation in Logistics and Transport Robotics Simulation Simulation in Manufacturing Simulation in Electronics and Telecommunications Automotive Simulation Simulation in Civil and Building Engineering Water Management Simulation Simulation in Energy and Power Systems Graphics Simulation Ecological Sustainable Development Tutorials Student Papers Poster Sessions Exhibition Organised by The European Technology Institute and Sponsored by EUROSIS For latest information see: www.eurosis.org or http://www.eurosis.org/cms/?q=taxonomy/term/329 AIM OF ASTEC'2013 The aim of the 4th annual Asian Simulation Technology Conference 2013 (ASTEC 2013) is to give a state of the art overview of industrial simulation related research and to provide an annual status report on present day simulation research within Asia and the rest of the world. The exchange of techniques and ideas among the different disciplines, universities and industry, which support the integration of simulation in the everyday workplace, is the basic premise at the heart of ASTEC-2013. Each year ASTEC will adapt its aim in response to the demands of research at that particular point in time and on the bequest of the organizing country's and university's research needs. One of these needs is securing China's coast again natural disasters. As flooding of the Chinese lowlands is a real threat to the country's prosperity, this year's ASTEC will feature a special track on water management systems in view of securing Chinese lowlands against possible flooding. All submissions will be peer reviewed by at least three members of the International Program Committee. Accepted papers will be published in the conference Proceedings (both print and electronic format), that will be copyrighted and widely disseminated. All talks and tutorials, must be accompanied by a paper of between three to eight Proceedings pages. Contributions to the technical program are solicited in the following general areas; The conference will cover the following tracks: GENERAL MODELLING METHODOLOGY Continuous, discrete and hybrid simulation methodology, Simulation environments, Multi-paradigm simulation, Simulation uncertainty, Simulation visualisation, Integration of simulation and geographical information systems, Object-oriented programming and Languages, Multi-paradigm Languages, Software comparisons. Numerical Methods for Simulation, Mathematical Analysis in Simulation, Parallel Simulation Methodology, Discrete Event Simulation, Simulation Fidelity and Performance Evaluation, Advanced Training and Simulation Concepts for Education, Multiparameter Sequential Optimization Methods in Simulation, Verification, Validation, and Control in Complex Systems Simulation, Distributed and Parallel Systems Simulation, Combined Continuous and Discrete Event Models, Symbol Analysis and Manipulation of Equation-Based Models, Simultaneous vs Modular Simulation Methods, Standardization Issues DISCRETE EVENT SIMULATION METHODOLOGY Web Based Simulation, Optimization and Response Surfaces, Parallel and Distributed Systems, Virtual Worlds, Methods for Special Applications, Practice, Extensions, XML, Open Source, Model Development, Network Modelling, Distributed Simulation and Industry, Modelling Very Large Scale Systems, Aerospace Operations, Revising Simulation Components. SIMULATION TOOLS Application papers using different simulation tools in all fields of research are welcomed here. Tools such as: Achilles, ACOLADE, ACSL, ACSU PC. ADAMS® ADAPT, ADSIM, ADSIMNX, Ahead, AIM, ALSS, APE, ARENA, ATSSP, AutoForcast, AutoCode, AutoGraph, AutoMod, AutoSched, AUTOSIM, BATCHES, BEST-NETWORK, CADmotion, CANPAC, CARA, CETRAN, COMNET, CONES, CSSL-IV, CX/SX, CX/UX, Cinema, DADS, Design Works, DESIGN/CPN, DOSIMIS-3, DSNP, DYNAMO, EASY5, ENPORT/PC, ESL, ECS 4.0, Engineering Conversion, Extend, FACTOR, FACTOR/AIM, FANSIM, FAS, FIELDVIEW, FLEXSIM, FORTRAN/AD, Flow Simulation Software, GEMS-II, GENETIK, GPSS/H, GPSS/PC, GPSS/PC EMS, GPSS/PC Animator, GSS, GSS-MDG, GSS-RTG, HOCUS, ISI-PC, InterSIM, i Think, LYSIS, MAST, MATLAB, MATRIX, MedModel, Micro-GPSS, MMS for Windows, MODELICA, MODSIM,MOGUL, Micro SAINT, Model-C, NETWORK, OPTDES, PASION, PC-BOlLER, PCModel, PERCNET, PROSIM, PQS, P/G%, ProModel, ProofAnimation, PSP, SAREPTA, SCoP, SERVICEMODEL, SES/workbench, SILMA, SIMAN, SIMBOL 3, SIMFACfORY, SIMLAN, SIMMOD, SIMULINK, SIMNET, SIMNON, SIMPLE, SIMPLE++, SIMPLEX II, SIMSCRIPT SIMGRAPHICS, SIMSTAT, SIMULIA, SIMULA, SLAMSYSTEM, SSS, SLAM/TESS, SIMTRONICS, SIMUL-R, SimuSolv, STAR, SYSL, Taylor, THOR, TUTSIM, TurboSim, UniFit, VSA, Vensim, WITNESS, WCS, XANALOG, etc… AGENT BASED SIMULATION Agent Based Simulation covers, Basic Methodologies, Agent Architectures, Model Specification and Languages, Mobile Agents, Multi Agent System Communication and Cooperation, Multi-Level Simulation and Emergence, decision making and Strategies, plus applications in Ecology and Environment (environment management, resource management, social and political impact on the environment, computer aided decision making, socio-eco systems modelling), psychology, Cognitive Science and AI, Economics and Market Systems, Business Process Management, Industry, Manufacturing and Logistics and Transport(control of Industrial Systems, scheduling, Planning, Supply Chain) and Health Care with the emphasis on simulation and modelling. SIMULATION IN AEROSPACE Space Simulation Low Cost Simulation Environments, Rapid Simulation Prototyping, Simulation Based Design, Simulation of Satellite Navigation, systems (space segment and terrestrial applications) simulation of satellite constellations, real-time hardware-in-the-loop nab-in-the-loop simulation, flight simulation, distributed interactive simulation and HLA standards, Graphical simulation (virtual environments and virtual reality) applied to aerospace. Modelling and Simulation standards, rationalisation efforts, repositories and reuse. Simulation in support of system specification and design, simulation in support of system assembly, integration and testing. Simulation in support of flight software validation, structural dynamics of Pylon Store Coupling, Flutter Prediction, volterra kernels to model nonlinear aeroelasticity. Aircraft Simulation Air Systems Simulation Modelling and Design (Airframe, Wing, Lift Coefficient, Parasitic Drag, Aircraft Stabilization, Impact Dynamics, Flight Controls, Avionics, Fit Control, Landing Gear), Control Surface Shaping, Active wing Morphing Control and Self-repair, Structures technology for future aerospace systems, Aerospace Vehicle Systems Technology (AVST), Aviation Safety Analysis Software within the Intelligent Synthesis Environment, Aviation Systems Capacity, Bio-nanotechnology simulation, Aerospace Propulsion and Power (Ultra Efficient Engine Technology, Hypersonic Craft Simulation, Ramjet Simulation, Aerothermoelastic Effects in Hypersonic Vehicles, Micro Air Vehicles Simulation, Small Aircraft Transportation Systems, Quiet Aircraft and Noise Reduction Technology, CICT Simulation, Vision-Based Autonomous Flight, Aircraft-UAV-UCAV networked flight simulation, Stealth and radar evasion technology, Thrust vectorization simulation. Space flight Simulation Next generation launchers (f.ex future X-Pathfinder), reusable launch vehicles (RLV), Aerospace Vehicle Systems, Technology, Payload Launch Simulation, Aerospace Autonomous Operations, System studies for future space transport architectures, Rocket propulsion simulation, Space materials and structures, Aerothermodynamics, launcher health management systems, avionics and in-flight experimentation. Space Cryo Electronics, Innovative Concepts and Technologies for lunar exploration (in-situ resource utilization, nuclear propulsion, habitation, nano-technology, modular architecture. ENGINEERING SIMULATION The Modelling in Engineering Processes track focuses on the application of simulation in mechanical and structural engineering. Oscilations and Waves, Stability and Control, Computational Mechanics, Numerical Analysis, Mathematical Methods in Engineering Sciences, Optimization Advanced simulation of dynamic systems, Simulation-based design, Qualitative modelling and simulation in engineering, Fuzzy modelling and simulation, Evolutionary synthesis and evolutionary methods in design, Rapid prototyping, CASE systems in engineering design, Modal Logic systems in design, Simulation in support of system specification and design, Construction Engineering and Project Management. SIMULATION IN LOGISTICS, TRAFFIC, TRANSPORT, PORT, AIRPORT AND HOSPITAL LOGISTICS SIMULATION Factory and Logistics Planning Strategies and Concepts for Production and Logistics, Technical and Organizations Planning of Production and Logistics Systems, Value Stream Mapping, Integrated Factory and Logistics Planning, Innovative Planning Methods, tools and systems Logistics Logistics supply chains, inbound logistics, materials management,Manufacturing Supply Chain Management, physical distribution, production planning and control, outbound and inbound logistics, Simulation of regional logistic systems, distribution centres, inventory management, warehousing decisions, materials management, handling and packaging, logistics information systems, information management in logistics systems, logistics network design and facility location, cost modelling, information systems (networked Manufacturing, Enterprise design and Control, etc..) Traffic Traffic flows, multi-modal systems, transit, transportation modes, urban city transport, transportation in logistics, transportation management, traffic demand, traffic control, traffic telematics, traffic performance, safety, macroscopic, mesoscopic and microscopic simulations. Port Simulation (Bulk Terminals, Container Terminals, Harbour Services, Industrial Facilities, Navigation Lines, Multimodal Transports, Oil Terminals, Passenger Terminals, Railways, Ro-Ro Terminals, Ships and Platforms, Supply Chains and Warehouses, Harbour Management, Safety in Maritime Environments, Vessel Traffic Systems. Airport Simulation Airport logistics simulation, passenger traffic throughput simulation, Aircraft traffic and airport capacity optimization. Hospital Logistics Decision support systems in medicine (diagnosis, prognosis, therapeutic, treatment follow-up...) which are based on medical knowledge representation, ontologies and cooperation of different knowledge sources. Organisation of health care units (hospital, ...) which involves management, economics, law, deontology, ethics, social and information technology aspects...f ex. Patient waiting time simulation, Emergency evacuation simulation, Brancardage, hospital occupation simulation and optimization. ROBOTICS SIMULATION Robot Systems Application of Industrial Robots, Service Robots, Control Technology, Development of Mechatronic Products, Innovation Management. Sensor Simulation,Simulation of Natural Environments Simulation of Agent-Environment Interaction/Intelligent Agents, Neural Networks and Simulation, Simulation of Collective Behaviour and Emergent Phenomena, Simulation of Learning and Adaptation Processes, Assessment Criteria and Assessment Methods for Simulators, Quantitative and Qualitative Comparisons between Originals and their Simulations, Simulation of User-System Interaction Robots in Assembly Systems Assembly Systems and Components, Processes Product Development and Design, Wiring Technology Robots in Technical Production Planning Technical Production Planning, Device and Equipment Technology, Production processes and Sequences, Information Technology. SIMULATION IN MANUFACTURING The goal of this track is to exchange ideas, experiences, and research results between practitioners and researchers. It shall offer the opportunity not only for presenting work done but also for discussing new challenges emerging in this area. It focuses on innovative applications of simulation in the field of production and operation management. State-of-the-art applications covering any part of the value adding chain and any aggregation level are encouraged. This track will show the efficient utilization of simulation techniques and hybrid approaches for the optimization of manufacturing processes. This session covers: Computer Assisted Learning and Simulation Trainers, Customizing of ERP Systems using Simulation, Distributed Simulation Approaches, Hierarchical Simulation, Integrating Process Mapping and Simulation, Manufacturing Consulting, Manufacturing Controls, Model Integration Standards Optimization and Evaluation, Simulation Frameworks, Simulation of (Manufacturing) Processes in Virtual Enterprises, Virtual Factories, and Virtual Manufacturing Simulation Support Tools, Web-Based Workflow Modelling and Simulation, MRP systems; CAD; CAM; CIM; Process design; Process control; Embedded intelligent control systems; Scheduling; Automotive simulation; Robotics and automation. Manufacturing Applications Transportation and Material Handling, Best Modelling Methods, Integrating Simulation and Design, Manufacturing Modelling Architectures, Manufacturing Modelling Methods, Simulation of Manufacturing Operations. SIMULATION IN ELECTRONICS, COMPUTERS AND TELECOM Modeling and simulation of analogue circuits; Modeling and simulation of digital circuits at switch and/or at logic level; Hardware accelerators for circuit-level simulation; Hardware accelerators for logic simulation; Distributed simulation of circuits, components, and systems; Modeling and simulation of computer systems; Fault simulation; Parallel and distributed systems; High-speed networks; Network simulation software; Computer and telecommunication systems; Telecommunication devices and systems; Intelligent telecommunication networks; ISDN; ATM communications. AUTOMOTIVE SIMULATION Automotive simulation of Car Design, car behaviour, vehicle driver interaction, collision tests, on board diagnostics, vision enhancement and collision warning systems, vehicle dynamics and simulation, off-road vehicle design and modelling, engineering propulsion controls simulation, power train and fluid systems simulation, hydrogen and electric engine simulation, homogeneous charge compression ignition, emissions control, brake simulation Race Car Simulation: Aerodynamics simulation, Atmosphere simulation, Lift-Drag Simulation, Wind Tunnel Simulation, Flow Visualization, Computational Fluid Dynamics. SIMULATION IN CIVIL AND BUILDING ENGINEERING Construction Technologies, Flooding and Erosion, Infrastructure Engineering, Measurement and Control of Building Performance, Solid Waste Management, Subsurface flow and transport and Water Supplies. Physical Vulnerability Assessment of Critical Structures using computer simulation. SIMULATION IN ENERGY AND POWER SYSTEMS Simulators: Real-Time simulation methods, GUI, Advanced modelling tools, Trainees' performance evaluation, Simulator Projects Simulation Studies: Simulation during design, Safety and environmental hazard estimation, Production optimisation. Methodology: Real-time simulation and visualisation tools, Parallel and distributed simulation. Nuclear Fuel Cycle Simulations based on Monte Carlo techniques to simulate the behaviour of Non Destructive Assay (NDA) instruments used in nuclear safeguards. WATER MANAGEMENT SIMULATION As climate change is affecting water levels the world over, simulation of the effects of this phenomenon has become an important indicator for future habitat development. This track therefore looks at the development of models to improve the safety of human habitats, especially in the coastal regions of the world. Submissions are invited on the following subjects; Computer modelling in the natural and built environment; Coping with uncertainties in environmental modelling; Flood Risk Management; Vulnerability assessment; Integrated Water Resources Management and Integrated River Basin Management and Research and practice at the interfaces between engineering and social science. GRAPHICS SIMULATION Dedicated to scientific visualization--the new approach in the field of numerical simulation--which focuses on basic geometric, animation and rendering techniques specific to visualization, as well as concrete applications in sciences and medicine. Simulation on graphics workstations and processors. Fundamental problem solving of computational geometry, various aspects related to representing volume and special methods for modelling natural objects. Particle systems and modular maps, basic and advanced techniques in computer animation, and robotics methods for task-level and behavioral animation applications of visualization and graphics simulation, and computer vision. Conference Workshops The conference organization is open to suggestions on possible workshops featuring software packages, new hardware or methods used in simulation and modelling. If you want to propose a specific simulation workshop please contact; philippe.geril@eurosis.org before SEPTEMBER 15TH Workshop Ecological sustainable development and Innovative technologies for a bio-based economy Biobased economy Green genetics, biopolymers, biodiesel, bio-alcohol, bio-refining, white biotechnology, catchbio, paper and agrofibers, seaweed production, Ethanol from pulp and maize, jatropha Curcas, Bioliq, Taylor made fuels: isosorbides and amber acids. Sequestration of carbon monoxide, Carbon capture and storage. High efficiency power storage systems: battery systems; reversible fuel cells; flywheel systems; Kinetic energy use; super-capacitors. Control and optimisation of renewable energy systems: sensors and instrumentation technology, virtual sensors; smart monitoring and control using intelligent systems; high-efficiency switching systems; highly-efficient voltage conversion systems; novel high efficiency distribution systems and low voltage buses. Energy modelling schemes: life cycle analysis methodologies; tools and life cycle analysis; triple-bottom-line analysis. Renewable energy technologies Power Grids On-site, off-grid, grid-supplemented generation systems; combined heat and power (CHP) and micro-CHP systems, Simulation models and tools to measure systems ability to scale and to achieve relevant energy savings, Energy, performance, quality of service, Energy efficient resource allocation, Energy efficient scheduling, Energy management and power optimization, Power-down techniques, Energy efficiency and virtualization methodologies. Power Plants Nuclear energy from fission and fusion, Geothermal power plants, biomass fuel, low emission coal plants, Stirling cycle engines, bio-fueled diesel generators. Solar Energy Solar power, Solar cells, Photovoltaic solar energy, Solar thermal power stations, Solar power generators household energy systems, New solar cell production (from inkjets f.ex.), Affordable photovoltaic solar energy. Wave Energy Tidal wave energy stimulation, Hydro-powerwave/tidal. Wind Energy and materials Micro-wind turbines, horizontal and vertical axis aero-generators, Wind Turbines, Brushless double fed generators for windmill parks, Superglass for windmill ball bearings Sustainable buildings The application of intelligent sensing, control, optimisation and modelling techniques the technology of sustainable buildings. Applications to building services: heating and ventilating control systems for reduced energy use; building management systems; low energy building technology; low energy lighting systems; high-output light LED lighting systems; passive solar heating systems. F.ex.Buildings as Carbon gas receptors, Thermo electric materials for improved energy efficiency and Solar warmth as cooling agent. GreenTraffic/Car Technology Power Sources Green car technology using hydrogen fuel cells, Renewable fuels and biofuels, Fluid biogas, Hybrid vehicles, Plug-in-hybrids, Battery powered cars (lithium ion batteries with manganese components). Vehicles with Electric motors, inverters, and Air compressor motors High Tech Materials Ultralight and advanced high-strength steel, Carbon fiber and aluminum, Magnesium, Polycarbonate resin, Polymer composites Green Ship Technology Power Sources Solar sailing, using sun and wind power (Skysails), windmill turbine boats, LNG, hybrid power plants. Ship design Dolphin shaped fin-keels, SharkSkin Coatings, Air Bubble Vents, Stern Flaps. TUTORIALS Tutorials can be proposed in the following three categories: T1- Introductory tutorials T2- State of the Art Tutorials T3- Software and Modelware Tutorials Tutorial proposals should be emailed to Philippe.Geril@eurosis.org before SEPTEMBER 15TH. POSTER SESSION The poster session only features work in progress. Next to the actual poster presentation, these submissions also feature as short papers in the Proceedings. STUDENTS SESSION This session is for students who want to present their work in progress or part of their doctoral thesis as a paper. Student papers are denoted by the fact that only the name of the student appears on the paper as an author. They are published as short papers in the Proceedings. DIVERSE ACTIVITIES For demonstrations or video sessions, please contact EUROSIS. Special session will be set up for vendor presentations in co- ordination with the scientific program. User Group meetings for simulation languages and tools can be organised the day before the conference. If you would like to arrange a meeting, please contact the Conference Chairs. We will be happy to provide a meeting room and other necessary equipment. Partners for projects session(s) will be organised by EUROSIS to give potential project teams or individuals the opportunity to present their research in order to link up with fellow researchers for future research projects. Those wishing to participate in this session need to send a proposal to EUROSIS. A EUROSIS TC Meeting and an EU Project update meeting EXHIBITION A special exhibition will be envisaged during the conference focused on industrial simulation applications. For more information please contact EUROSIS for further details. Email: Philippe.Geril@eurosis.org DEADLINES AND REQUIREMENTS Send all submissions in an ELECTRONIC FORM ONLY in (zipped) Microsoft Word format, or PDF format indicating the designated track and type of submission (full paper or an extended abstract) to the EUROSIS (Philippe.Geril@eurosis.org). Please provide your name, affiliation, full mailing address, telephone / fax number and Email address on all submissions as well. For submissions please put in the subject of your Email the following indications: ASTEC'2013 and designated track or USE THE ONLINE SUBMISSION FORM. http://www.eurosis.org/cms/?q=node/2249 Only original papers, which have not been published elsewhere, will be accepted for publication Journal Publication Only accepted and presented extended papers are eligible for journal publication in any of the journals listed here. Quality Control In order to ensure the quality of the proceedings, Thomson-Reuters ISI and IET will receive the listing of the actually presented papers, next to the copies of the Proceedings. All EUROSIS Proceedings are ISI-Thomson Reuters and IET referenced. REGISTRATION FEES Registration Fees Author EUROSIS members Other Participants Pre-registration before February 5, 2013 € 500 € 500 € 555 Registration after February 5, 2013 Pre-registration required € 550 € 595 STUDENT FEES Registration Fees Students Author EUROSIS members Other Participants Pre-registration before February 5, 2013 € 360 € 360 € 400 Registration after February 5, 2013 Pre-registration required € 370 € 420 The full registration fee includes one copy of the Conference Proceedings, coffee and tea during the breaks, all lunches, a welcome cocktail and a conference dinner. SOCIAL PROGRAMME More information to follow. PAPER SUBMISSION TYPES FULL PAPER (including abstract, conclusions, diagrams, references) During review, the submitted full papers can be accepted as a regular 5 page paper. If excellent, full papers can be accepted by the program committee as an extended (8-page) paper. Each submission will be reviewed by at least three members of the ASTEC'2013 International Program Committee. EXTENDED ABSTRACT (at least five pages) Participants may also submit a 5 page extended abstract for a regular (5 pages) or short (3 pages) paper or poster, which will be reviewed by the International Program Committee. All accepted papers will be published in the ASTEC'2013 Conference Proceedings. SHORT ABSTRACT (at least three pages) Participants may also submit a 3 page abstract for a short paper or poster, which will be reviewed by the International Program Committee. All accepted papers will be published in the ASTEC'2013 Conference Proceedings. PLEASE NOTE: ONE (1) PAGE ABSTRACTS ARE NOT ACCEPTED. CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS Philippe Geril EUROSIS-ETI European Simulation Office Greenbridge Science Park Ghent University - Ostend Campus Wetenschapspark 1 Plassendale 1 B-8400 Ostend Belgium Tel: +32.59.255330 Fax: +32.59.255339 Email: philippe.geril@eurosis.org OUTSTANDING PAPER AWARD The 2013 ASTEC Conference Committee will select the Outstanding Paper of the Conference. The author of this paper will be awarded a free registration for a EUROSIS conference. Only papers SUBMITTED AS FULL papers will be eligible for the Outstanding Paper Award. LANGUAGE The official conference language for all papers and presentations is English CONFERENCE VENUE The conference will be held at at the Westin Bund Hotel. http://www.starwoodhotels.com/westin/property/overview/index.html?propertyID=1379 IMPORTANT DEADLINES EARLY BIRD SUBMISSION DEADLINE: NOVEMBER 5TH, 2012 SUBMISSION DEADLINE: NOVEMBER 30TH, 2012 LATE SUBMISSION DEADLINE: DECEMBER 10TH, 2012 NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE OR REJECTION: JANUARY 5TH, 2013 Authors provide camera-ready manuscript: FEBRUARY 5TH, 2013 CONFERENCE AT THE WESTIN BUND CENTER, SHANGHAI, CHINA: MARCH 7-9, 2013 REPLY CARD First Name: Surname: Occupation and/or Title: Affiliation: Mailing Address Zip code: City: Country. Telephone: Fax: E-Mail: Yes, I intend to attend the ASTEC'2013: [ ] Presenting a paper, by submitting a full paper [ ] Presenting a short paper (by submitting an extended abstract) [ ] Participating in the industrial program [ ] Organizing a vendor session [ ] Proposing a panel discussion (please mention names of panellists) [ ] Contributing to the exhibition [ ] Without presenting a paper The provisional title of my paper / exhibited tool is: With the following highlights: The paper belongs to the category (please tick only one): [ ] Simulation Methodology [ ] Discrete Event Simulation Technology [ ] Simulation Tools [ ] Agent Based Simulation [ ] Simulation in Aerospace [ ] Engineering Simulation [ ] Simulation in Logistics and Transport [ ] Robotics Simulation [ ] Simulation in Manufacturing [ ] Simulation in Electronics and Telecommunications [ ] Automotive Simulation [ ] Simulation in Civil and Building Engineering [ ] Water Management Simulation [ ] Simulation in Energy and Power Systems [ ] Graphics Simulation [ ] Ecological Sustainable Development [ ] Poster Session [ ] Student Session [ ] Tutorials [ ] Exhibition Other colleague(s) interested in the topics of the conference is/are: Name: Address: Name: Address: Please send or fax this card immediately to: Philippe Geril, EUROSIS-ETI European Simulation Office Greenbridge Science Park Ghent University - Ostend Campus Wetenschapspark 1 Plassendale 1 B-8400 Ostend Belgium Tel: +32.59.255330 Fax: +32.59.255339 |