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B+70 2025 : BANDUNG AT 70: Assessments and Perspectives to Build the World Anew


When Oct 25, 2025 - Nov 4, 2025
Where Indonesia
Submission Deadline Jun 30, 2025
Notification Due Jul 15, 2025
Final Version Due Aug 31, 2025
Categories    bandung   global history/studies   non-aligned movement   asian history/studies

Call For Papers

with a possible extra activity in Bali or in the new Indonesian capital Nusantara (itinerary still to be decided)
Indonesia, October 25-November 4, 2025


The conference is open to individual and group paper presentations. Those willing to present their papers are invited to submit their abstracts until June 30, 2025. Selected papers may be included in an edited volume to be launched during the conference. The notification of selected abstracts will be communicated to their authors progressively according to their availability. The earlier the abstracts are submitted, the sooner the authors will get notified.


“We do not seek to defend the world we know: we seek to build a new, a better world! We seek to build a world sane and secure. We seek to build a world in which all may live in peace. We seek to build a world of justice and prosperity for all men. We seek to build a world in which humanity can achieve its full stature.” (Sukarno, To Build the World Anew, speech at the UN General Assembly, September 30, 1960, available at

The Bandung Conference and the Bandung Era entered History. Yet, the Bandung Principles, Spirit, and Dream have continued to live in the minds of different peoples, nations, states and institutions worldwide. The Bandung Principles were well formulated and established at the end of the Bandung Conference in 1955, known as the “Ten Bandung Principles of Peaceful Coexistence.” The Bandung Spirit has never been officially formulated and is open to interpretation. One possibility is translating it into five ideals centred around peace, independence, equality, solidarity, and emancipation. As for the Bandung Dream, it has never been officially formulated either. Inspired by the Bandung Principles and Spirit, it is possible to formulate the Bandung Dream as a global and sustainable prosperity based on peace, justice, cooperation, solidarity, and diversity. Seventy years after the Bandung Conference, how far has the Bandung Dream been concretised? What are the assessments and the perspectives of the Bandung Legacy for the Global Future? What are the challenges and the opportunities to make the dream come true?

See the full text at

The commemorative conference of the 70th anniversary of the Bandung Conference aims to discuss these questions. It encourages the participation of scholars from a wide range of scientific disciplines (area studies, cultural studies, ecology, economics, geography, built environment, architecture, urban studies, history, humanities, languages, management, political and social sciences, international relations etc.) and practitioners from diverse professional fields (business, civil society, education, enterprise, government, management, parliament, public policy, social and solidarity movements etc.) as well as artists and writers, based in diverse geographical areas (Africa, North, Central and South America, Australia, Asia, the Caribbean, Europe, Oceania, Pacific etc.).


The selection of presenters is based on the abstract and the basic personal data of the presenter candidates in respect to the following dates:
1. Deadline of abstract submission: June 30, 2025.
2. Notification of selected abstracts: progressively according to their availability. The earlier the abstracts are submitted, the sooner the authors will get notified.
3. Deadline of full paper submission for publication project will be decided case by case following the abstract submission.

Abstracts of approximately 200-300 words (excluding figures, tables, and references) and basic personal data of the authors are to be submitted online at:


The conference is to take place successively in a coordinated way as an itinerant conference from October 25 to November 4, 2025 (10 nights) in major historical localities of Indonesia: Jakarta-Bandung-Yogyakarta-Blitar-Surabaya, with a possible extra activity in Bali or in the new Indonesian capital Nusantara (itinerary still to be decided). In this way, participants will not only enjoy intellectual exchanges but also discover the diversity and the reality of life in Indonesia.

International participants travelling by airplane are invited to land at Jakarta International Airport. The Conference NOC (National Organising Committee) will organise their trip to Bandung, Yogyakarta, Blitar, Surabaya and Bali or Nusantara. The NOC will provide information about hotels and their tariffs in every conference locality.


The organising committee does not provide a travel grant to any participant even in the case of physical participation. The presenters and participants are supposed to find the necessary funds for their own participation (visa, international and national transport, accommodation).

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