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Translaton 2018 : Translaton - Current paradigms in research on translation and interpreting. Opportunities and challenges


When Sep 27, 2018 - Sep 28, 2018
Where Wrocław, Poland
Submission Deadline May 31, 2018
Notification Due Jun 20, 2018
Categories    translation

Call For Papers

Dear Colleagues,
we are happy to invite you to the first Translaton conference that initiates a series of annual conferences devoted to translation and interpreting studies covering a vast variety of research topics. The inaugural conference is taking place on 27th–28th September 2018 at the University of Wrocław. The following theme has been chosen as the leitmotif: Current paradigms in research on translation and interpreting. Opport unities and challenges.
The process of translating and interpreting is a subject of numerous academic
discussions and research projects that fall within the frames of various paradigms. Researchers perceive and understand the analysed subject matter in different ways and each of them pays attention to those components of translation/interpreting reality that are particularly relevant from their point of view. Such a multitude of interpretations results in a great abundance of research methodologies which expound not only traits of different translation/interpreting forms, but also – or even, above all – the traits of translators/interpreters themselves, as well as other elements of translation/interpreting models.
As the Organising Committee, we strive to include in our discussion on translation/interpreting the most diverse group of participants possible. Thus, we would like to invite people from different areas related to translation and interpreting such as employers, whose opinion is essential to planning and specifying didactic aims in translation/interpreting teaching, translators and interpreters, European Commission representatives, translation and interpreting study researchers, linguists, literary study researchers, teachers and lecturers, psycholinguists, and neurobiologists.
We would like to invite you to participate in discussions on the following research areas:
 Translation Studies – the present state and perspectives
 Empirical research on translation/interpreting
 Translation and interpreting – different paradigms and points of view
 Audiovisual translation
 Intersemiotic and intermedial aspects of translation/interpreting
 Plain language as an example of intralingual translation
 Didactics of translation/interpreting
 Quality of translation/interpreting; praxeology of translation/interpreting
 New translation/interpreting technologies
 Translation/interpreting industry and practice
 Literary translation vs. specialised translation
 Neurobiological and psychological aspects of translation/interpreting processes.
For those willing to write a paper based on their presentation, there will be a possibility to publish conference proceedings in a ranked academic journal.
You are kindly invited to participate in the very first Translaton!
On behalf of the Scientific Committee
The Organisers of the Conference
dr hab. Anna Małgorzewicz, prof. UWr
dr hab. Monika Płużyczka, UW

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