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ROMAN INGARDEN 2018 : Roman Ingarden and His Times: An International Phenomenological Conference


When Oct 25, 2018 - Oct 27, 2018
Where Jagiellonian University in Kraków Poland
Submission Deadline Apr 1, 2018
Notification Due May 1, 2018
Categories    philosophy   phenomenology   history of philosophy   continental philosophy

Call For Papers

The 50th anniversary of the death of the eminent Polish philosopher and humanist Roman Ingarden in 2020 is an occasion to launch an international academic debate on his philosophical legacy. It is also an opportunity to share and celebrate the efforts of Jagiellonian University aimed at the study and archivisation of Ingarden’s hitherto unknown correspondence and research papers. These tasks are being carried out as part of the project entitled ‘The Roman Ingarden Digital Archive: Previously Unpublished Correspondence and Academic Papers of the Eminent Polish Humanist’, financed within the framework of the DIALOG programme, using funds provided by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Poland.

The conference will present the results of the Ingarden Digital Archive project and, we hope, will launch further studies on Ingarden’s heritage, culminating in an international academic congress to be organised at Jagiellonian University in 2020.

The organisers are also planning to publish selected papers in specially prepared thematic volumes of the journals Polish Journal of Philosophy and The Polish Journal of Aesthetics.

Keynote speakers:
Dagfinn Føllesdal (University of Oslo
Władysław Stróżewski (Jagiellonian University in Krakow)

Academic Committee:

Arkadiusz Chrudzimski (Szczecin University, Poland)
Jeff Mitscherling (University of Guelph, Canada)
Kevin Mulligan (University of Geneva, Switzerland)
Marek Piwowarczyk (Catholic University of Lublin, Poland)
Peter Simons (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)
Barry Smith (University at Buffalo, USA)
Dan Zahavi (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)

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