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ESBE 2009 : International Workshop on Enabling Service Business Ecosystems


When Sep 27, 2009 - Sep 27, 2009
Where Athens, Greece
Submission Deadline TBD

Call For Papers


International Workshop on Enabling Service Business Ecosystems (ESBE'09) is
the second edition of referred workshop that encourages research on all topics
related to business models for services and their enablers, co-located with
Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (MCIS 2009) in Athens, Greece.

Online services impact the way organizations build, deploy, and manage their
information assets and market capitalization while creating business ecosystems.
In this scenario, it is critical that the underlying business models help to
meet organizations’ expectations and needs. This workshop will look at the
enablers for Service Oriented Systems to evolve, grow, and interact with other
services to support complex business ecosystems. We encourage contributions from
different perspectives including sociological, economical, psychological, legal,
and technical.

Topics of Interest

ESBE’09 welcomes research submissions (work-in-progress and/or position statements)
in the form of short papers or extended abstracts
on all topics related to business models for services and their enablers,
including but not limited to those listed below.

Service based information systems
Principles, theories, and challenges of business models for services ecosystems
Service innovation
Human roles in services and human based services
User interactions with service ecosystems
Service development communities
Open source service ecosystem
Knowledge management in service ecosystems
Service economics
Pricing models for services and market dynamics
Service oriented business intelligence and analysis
Service valuation
Innovative strategies for making and managing service-based organizations
Strategic, tactical, and operational management of service ecosystem
Risk and compliance management in service ecosystems
Change management in service ecosystems
Trust, security, and privacy aspects of service ecosystem
Interdisciplinary studies of service ecosystem
Sociological, economical, psychological, legal, and technological implications of services
Ethical and cultural issues in service ecosystems
Service level agreements/ Policies/ Contracts and negotiation
Educational methods for teaching service ecosystem
Real world case studies

The workshop also features a panel discussion session, moderated by the co-chairs,
to discuss open challenges and trends directly related to the workshop's theme.


You are requested to submit short papers or extended abstract
by one of the options of submission deadlines.

Option I

Short papers / Extended Abstract Submission: July 28, 2009

Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: July 29, 2009

Option II

Short papers / Extended Abstract Submission: August 10, 2009

Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: August 17, 2009

Submissions can follow any style with the following requirements:
(1) the lenght of papers should be between 2 to 4 pages;
(2) use Times Font Family with 12 points size;
(3) Top, Bottom, Left, and Right margins should be 2 cm.
They must be original and not submitted to or accepted by any other
conference or journal.

Papers should be submitted in electronic form (the only accepted format is PDF)
using Easychair at .

We expect the full papers to be submitted by the authors during the workshop.

All the accepted papers will undergo a double blind rigorous review
process and selected papers will be qualified for publication in a prestigious
journal (as a special issue from ESBE'09).

Organizing Committee

Vincenzo D'Andrea, University of Trento, Trento, Italy
G.R. Gangadharan, Novay, Enschede, The Netherlands
Renato Iannella, National ICT Australia, Brisbane, Australia
Michael Weiss, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada

If you have any queries about the workshop, please contact the workshop chairs at

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