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SI SPE: SEIP 2018 : Special Issue: Software Engineering in Practice


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline May 15, 2018
Notification Due Jun 30, 2018
Final Version Due Oct 15, 2018
Categories    software engineering   software architecture   agile   data analytics

Call For Papers

Call for Papers
Special Issue on Software Engineering in Practice
Journal of Software: Practice and Experience (Wiley)

The ever increasing complexity of software and rapidly changing development environments continues to drive the evolution of new technologies, techniques, and tools. This special issue, Software Engineering in Practice, is intended to provide the software engineering community with a valuable collection of current, high quality research articles that explore topics driven by real problems in industry. The issue is inspired by the upcoming ICSE Software Engineering in Practice Track (ICSE SEIP 2018, which is part of the Industry Program at the 40th International Conference on Software Engineering ( ICSE SEIP 2018 provides a premier venue for researchers and practitioners to discuss innovations and solutions to concrete software engineering problems.

In this spirt, we welcome submissions that present novel and innovative ideas that broadly span the software engineering discipline; ideas that provide solutions for real problems encountered by practitioners. Submissions need to be original manuscripts that have not been previously published and are also not under consideration for publication elsewhere. We encourage submissions of extended work (papers and talks) accepted for the ICSE SEIP 2018, where the extensions include at least 30% additional, novel

Special Issue Topics
Given the wide range of issues faced by software engineers in practice, the suggested topics of interest reflect this breadth. The topics include but are not limited to:
* Activities to develop, evolve, and maintain software systems
o Requirements engineering, architecture, component design, validation and
o Configuration management, deployment, traceability
* AI and SE
o search-based software engineering
* Data analytics and SE
o Mining repositories, predictive analytics
* Domains specific systems
o Automotive, finance, healthcare, social media, telecommunications,
* Emerging technologies, frameworks, platforms, and tools
o Blockchain, cloud, IoT, middleware, APIs
* Human factors and social aspects in software engineering
o crowd sourced software engineering, interactive design
* Kinds of systems
o Aps, autonomic and (self-)adaptive, cyber physical, embedded, mobile,
parallel/distributed/concurrent, recommender, ubiquitous/pervasive software
* Methodologies
o Agile, continuous development, DevOps, green and sustainable
* Model driven SE
* Quality attributes
o availability, reliability, performance, scalability, security, usability,
user experience
* Re-use
o Component-based, services, software product lines

Special Issue Paper Submission
Authors may choose to submit manuscripts in the following categories:
* experience report
* short communication, or
* extended conference
These three categories and manuscript style requirements (e.g., formatting) are described in the Author Guidelines, available on the Wiley Online Library Journal of Software: Practice and Experience here:

If you are submitting an extended version of an already published conference paper, you must submit supplementary material including a cover letter/document describing the additional, novel results as well as the original work published (e.g., conference paper). Otherwise, the submission will be desk-rejected without being reviewed. Reviewers will not have access to the supplementary material.

The submission site is available here: While submitting a paper to this issue, please select “Special Issue – Software Engineering in Practice” in the submission system.

All submissions will undergo a double blind peer review process. The submissions must omit the author names, affiliations, acknowledgements; in addition URLs, product/project names that may disclose identity must be omitted or disguised.

Regular Issue Submission
If you have a paper on software engineering in practice that does not match the requirements of the Special Issue, we encourage you to submit it as a regular paper to Software: Practice and Experience.

Important Dates
Submission: May 15, 2018 (extended)
First Notification: June 30, 2018
Revision due: August 30, 2018
Notification of final acceptance: September 30, 2018
Final revised paper due: October 15, 2018

Guest Editors
Jan Bosch, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Kendra M. L. Cooper, Independent Scholar, Canada
Frances Paulisch, Siemens Healthineers, Germany

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