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When Jul 5, 2018 - Jul 13, 2018
Where Porto, Portugal
Submission Deadline Jul 5, 2018
Categories    sponsor   summer school   computer vision   machine intelligence

Call For Papers

Be Represented at one of the top Computer Vision & Machine
Intelligence Summer Schools!

The Organizing Committee of VISUM 2018 (VISion Understanding and
Machine intelligence summer school) kindly invites you to participate
as sponsor in the sixth edition of this event, to be held in Porto
from July 5-13, 2018.

Since 2013, VISUM is one of the top international summer schools in
the areas of computer vision and machine intelligence. It aims to
gather Ph.D. candidates, Post-Doctoral scholars and researchers from
academia and industry with research interests in computer vision and
machine intelligence.

You will have the unique opportunity to promote your organization,
increase visibility and market your brand to well-known stakeholders
in the computer vision and machine learning community. This is the
ideal way to demonstrate your organization's commitment to the machine
intelligence field and to showcase the latest advances of your
research to many leaders and students in the area.

VISUM 2018 welcomes all forms of support from industry and research
institutions. There is a wide range of possibilities for sponsor
participation, including different levels of sponsorship, contribution
to grants and awards, as well as special options tailored to the
sponsor’s specific interests.

In the last editions, VISUM has been supported by world-leading
research companies and institutions such as Disney Research, Nvidia,
UTRC, INESC TEC and University of Porto.

It should be noticed that, in this edition, we already count on the
support of our Platinum sponsor - the NEADVANCE, a technological
based company working in the development of innovative solutions on
artificial vision and machine vision for health systems.

Besides the Platinum level, VISUM 2018 has three other sponsorship
levels: Gold, Silver, and Bronze; whose conditions (benefits and
costs) are listed in

All sponsor modalities have right to the following benefits:
- Logo and URL of their enterprise in all Visum’s marketing events and
materials as well as support material that will be given to all
- Logo in all entrances of Visum’s venue;
- Dissemination of the sponsorship during the opening, coffee breaks
and closing session of Visum;
- The possibility of having a promotional video of their institution
running during the event.

Do not hesitate to contact us for more information on the sponsorship plan.

We look forward to your support to make VISUM 2018 a great success!

Yours sincerely,

VISUM 2018 Organizing Committee


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