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ETRIJ Smart City 2022 : Smart Cities and its applications


When N/A
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Submission Deadline Oct 20, 2021
Notification Due Dec 15, 2021
Final Version Due Jan 31, 2022
Categories    smart city   intelligent transportation   artificial intelligence   smart energy

Call For Papers

ETRI Journal Special Issue on Smart Cities and its applications

A smart city means a sustainable city where various city services are provided based on city infrastructure constructed by converging information and communication technology (ICT) and civil engineering/construction technologies to support the growing urban population better. The smart city integrates ICT and various physical devices connected to the internet of things (IoT) network to optimize the efficiency of city operations and services and interact more effectively with its citizens. In particular, recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI) for smart cities move us closer to developing urban operating systems that simulate human, machine, and environmental patterns from transportation infrastructure to communication networks. The focus of this Special Issue of the ETRI Journal is to publish recent outstanding results in the rapidly progressing subject of smart cities and its applications. The topics of particular interest include but are not limited to:

Smart City Systems
- Smart buildings and intelligent infrastructures
- Smart cities cyber-physical infrastructures
- Green IT solutions in smart cities
- Sustainable information systems for smart cities

Intelligent Urban Transportation and Traffic Systems
- Intelligent transport systems for smart cities
- Intelligent transportation networks for smart cities
- Vehicle-to-infrastructure integration
- Urban traffic flow prediction with machine learning approaches
- Smart Mobility and E-Mobility for smart cities
(New Paradigm of Transportation System for smart cities)

AI and Big Data for Smart Cities
- AI techniques, deep learning, and machine learning for smart cities
- Big data for urban informatics
- Data collection and data mining for smart cities
- Cybersecurity and privacy for city data

Energy infrastructure for Smart cities
- Smart energy management infrastructures
- Energy-efficient smart grid systems
- Smart grid and renewable energy systems
- Sustainable energy systems for smart cities

IoT and Connectivity for Smart Cities
- IoT/IoE for smart cities
- Mobile broadband technologies (5G/6G) to support connectivity in smart cities
- Green, reliable, and low-latency communications for smart cities
- Cloud/Edge/Fog computing and its adoption for smart cities
- M2M communications in the smart cities

Smart City Services & Applications
- Robot capabilities in smart cities
- Emerging business models and services in smart cities
- E-marketing and smart economy
- E-government, E-health, E-education, E-social services for smart cities

Important Dates (tentative)
Paper submission due: October 20, 2021
First decision: December 15, 2021
Final decision: January 17, 2022
Final paper due: January 31, 2022
Publication: April 11, 2022

Paper Submission
Papers should be submitted at and should adhere to the journal’s Author Guidelines.

Guest Editors
Jinseek Choi, Hanyang University, Rep. of Korea,
Young-Jun Moon, The Korea Transport Institute, Rep. of Korea,
Dongjoo Park, University of Seoul, Rep. of Korea,
Keemin Sohn, Chung-Ang University, Rep. of Korea,
Seokjoo Shin, Chosun University, Rep. of Korea,

The Editorial Office can be contacted at

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