A-MOST - Advances in Model-Based Software Testing |
A2CWiC - Amrita ACM-W Celebration on Women in Computing in India |
AAA-IDEA - Advanced Architectures and Algorithms for Internet Delivery and Applications |
AAAI - National Conference on Artificial Intelligence |
AAIM - Algorithmic Applications in Management |
AAIP - Approaches and Applications of Inductive Programming |
AAMAS - Adaptive Agents and Multi-Agents Systems |
AB - Algebraic Biology |
ABZ - Abstract State Machines, Alloy, B and Z |
AC - Agent Communication |
AC - Applied Computing |
ACAL - Australian Conference on Artificial Life |
ACC - Advances in Computing and Communications |
AccessNets - International Conference on Access Networks |
ACCV - Asian Conference on Computer Vision |
ACE - Australasian Computing Education Conference |
ACE - Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology |
ACG - Advances in Computer Games |
ACHI - Advances in Computer-Human Interaction |
ACII - Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction |
ACIIDS - Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems |
ACISP - Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy |
ACIVS - Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems |
ACL - Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics |
ACM-L - Active Conceptual Modeling of Learning |
ACML - Asian Conference on Machine Learning |
ACNS - Applied Cryptography and Network Security |
ACoTA - Automated Configuration and Tailoring of Applications |
ACRI - Cellular Automata for Research and Industry |
ACSAC - Annual Computer Security Applications Conference |
ACSAC - Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architecture Conference |
ACSD - International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design |
Ada-Europe - International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies |
ADBIS - Advances in Databases and Information Systems |
ADC - Australasian Database Conference |
ADCONS - Advanced Computing, Networking and Security |
ADCS - Australasian Document Computing Symposium |
ADG - Automated Deduction in Geometry |
ADHOC-NOW - Ad-Hoc, Mobile and Wireless Networks |
ADHOCNETS - Ad Hoc Networks |
ADMA - Advanced Data Mining and Applications |
ADMI - Agents and Data Mining Interaction |
ADNTIIC - Advances in New Technologies, Interactive Interfaces, and Communicability |
ADS - Agent-Directed Simulation |
ADSN - Assurance in Grids and Networks |
ADT - Algorithmic Decision Theory |
AFL - Automata and Formal Languages |
AFRICACRYPT - International Conference on Cryptology in Africa |
Afrigraph - Computer Graphics, Virtual Reality, Visualisation and Interaction in Africa |
AGI - Artificial General Intelligence |
AGILE - Agile Development Conference |
AGILE - Association of Geographic Information Laboratories for Europe Conferences |
AH - Augmented Human International Conference |
AH - Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems |
AHS - Adaptive Hardware and Systems |
AI - Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence |
AI*IA - Congress of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence |
AIAI - Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations |
AICCSA - ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications |
AICI - Artificial Intelligence and Computational Intelligence |
AICS - Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science |
AICT - Advanced Industrial Conference on Telecommunications |
AIED - Artificial Intelligence in Education |
AIEMPro - Automated Information Extraction in Media Production |
AIIDE - Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment Conference |
AIME - Artificial Intelligence in Medicine in Europe |
AIML - Advances in Modal Logic |
AIMS - Autonomous Infrastructure, Management and Security |
AIMSA - Artificial Intelligence: Methodology, Systems, Applications |
AINA - Advanced Information Networking and Applications |
AINTEC - Asian Internet Engineering Conference |
AIPR - Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop |
AIPR - Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition |
AIRS - Asia Information Retrieval Symposium |
AIRWeb - Adversarial Information Retrieval on the Web |
AIS - Autonomous and Intelligent Systems |
AISB - Artificial Intelligence and the Simulation of Behaviour |
AISC - Artificial Intelligence and Symbolic Computation |
AISec - Security and Artificial Intelligence |
AISM - Australian Information Security Management Conference |
ALA - Adaptive and Learning Agents |
ALENEX - Algorithm Engineering and Experimentation |
ALGOSENSORS - Algorithmic Aspects of Wireless Sensor Networks |
AlMoDEP - Algorithms and Models for Distributed Event Processing |
ALPSWS - Applications of Logic Programming to the Web, Semantic Web and Semantic Web Services |
ALT - Algorithmic Learning Theory |
AM - Audio Mostly Conference |
AMAST - Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology |
AMBI-SYS - Ambient Media and Systems |
AMCIS - Americas Conference on Information Systems |
AMDO - Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects |
AMFG - Analysis and Modeling of Faces and Gestures |
AmI - Ambient Intelligence |
AMiRE - Autonomous Minirobots for Research and Edutainment |
AMMA - Auctions, Market Mechanisms and Their Applications |
AMR - Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval |
AMS - Asia International Conference on Modelling and Simulation |
AMS - Autonome Mobile Systeme |
AMSTA - Agent and Multi-Agent Systems: Technologies and Applications |
AMT - Active Media Technology |
AMTA - Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas |
ANALCO - Analytic Algorithmics and Combinatorics |
ANB - Algebraic and Numeric Biology |
ANCS - Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems |
AND - Analytics for Noisy Unstructured Text Data |
ANLP - Applied Natural Language Processing Conference |
ANNPR - Artificial Neural Networks in Pattern Recognition |
ANSS - Annual Simulation Symposium |
ANTS - Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium |
ANTS - Ant Colony Optimization and Swarm Intelligence |
AOSD - Aspect-Oriented Software Development |
AP2PS - Advances in P2P Systems |
APBC - Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference |
APCCAS - Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems |
APCCM - Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling |
APCHI - Asia-Pacific Computer and Human Interaction |
APGV - Applied Perception in Graphics and Visualization |
APLAS - Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems |
APNOMS - Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium |
APPT - Advanced Parallel Programming Technologies |
APSCC - Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference |
APSEC - Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference |
ApSys - Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems |
APWCS - Asia-Pacific Conference on Wearable Computing Systems |
APWeb - Asia-Pacific Web Conference |
ARC - Applied Reconfigurable Computing |
ARCS - Automation, Robotics and Control Systems |
ARES - Availability, Reliability and Security |
ARITH - Symposium on Computer Arithmetic |
ARM - Adaptive and Reflective Middleware |
ARSO - Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts |
ARTCom - Advances in Recent Technologies in Communication and Computing |
ArtsIT - Arts and Technology |
ASAP - Application-Specific Systems, Architectures, and Processors |
ASE - Automated Software Engineering |
ASIACCS - ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security |
AsiaSim - Asian Simulation Conference |
ASMTA - Analytical and Stochastic Modeling Techniques and Applications |
ASONAM - Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining |
ASP-DAC - Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference |
ASPLOS - Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems |
ASSETS - Conference on Computers and Accessibility |
AST - Automation of Software Test |
ASWC - Asian Semantic Web Conference |
ASWEC - Australian Software Engineering Conference |
ASYNC - Symposium on Asynchronous Circuits and Systems |
ATC - Autonomic and Trusted Computing |
ATMOS - Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modeling, Optimization, and Systems |
ATS - Asian Test Symposium |
ATVA - Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis |
AUIC - Australasian User Interface Conference |
AUS-AI - Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence |
AusDM - Australasian Data Mining Conference |
AutomotiveUI - Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications |
Autonomics - Autonomic Computing and Communication Systems |
AVI - Advanced Visual Interfaces |
AVSS - Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance |
AWIC - Atlantic Web Intelligence Conference |