ESWC: Extended Semantic Web Conference



Past:   Proceedings on DBLP

Future:  Post a CFP for 2025 or later   |   Invite the Organizers Email


All CFPs on WikiCFP

Event When Where Deadline
ESWC 2024 The 21st Extended Semantic Web Conference
May 26, 2024 - May 30, 2024 Hersonissos, Greece Dec 7, 2023 (Nov 30, 2023)
ESWC 2021 Extended Semantic Web Conference
Jun 6, 2021 - Jun 10, 2021 Online Dec 18, 2020
ESWC 2020 Extended Semantic Web Conference
May 31, 2020 - Jun 4, 2020 Heraklion, Crete, Greece Dec 11, 2019 (Dec 4, 2019)
ESWC 2019 The 16th Extended Semantic Web Conference
Jun 2, 2019 - Jun 6, 2019 Portorož, Slovenia Dec 10, 2018 (Dec 3, 2018)
ESWC 2018 The 18th Extended Semantic Web Conference
Jun 3, 2018 - Jun 7, 2018 Crete, Greece Jan 12, 2018 (Jan 5, 2018)
ESWC 2017 14th Extended Semantic Web Conference
May 28, 2017 - Jun 1, 2017 Portoroz, Slovenia Dec 14, 2016 (Dec 7, 2016)
ESWC 2016 13th Extended Semantic Web Conference - Call for Papers
May 29, 2016 - Jun 2, 2016 Heraklion, Crete, Greece Dec 18, 2015 (Dec 11, 2015)
ESWC 2015 12th Extended Semantic Web Conference
May 31, 2015 - Jun 4, 2015 Portoroz, Slovenia Jan 19, 2015 (Jan 17, 2015)
ESWC 2014 11th Extended Semantic Web Conference 2014
May 25, 2014 - May 29, 2014 Heraklion, Crete, Greece Jan 13, 2014 (Jan 8, 2014)
ESWC 2013 10th Extended Semantic Web Conference
May 26, 2013 - May 30, 2013 Montpellier, France Dec 12, 2012 (Dec 5, 2012)
ESWC 2012 9th Extended Semantic Web Conference
May 27, 2012 - May 31, 2012 Heraklion, Greece Dec 12, 2011 (Dec 5, 2011)
ESWC 2011 The 8th Extended Semantic Web Conference
May 29, 2011 - Jun 4, 2011 Heraklion, Greece Dec 6, 2010

Present CFP : 2024

Call for Papers: Research Track
The research track of ESWC 2024 is looking for contributions addressing theoretical, analytical, and empirical aspects of the Semantic Web, knowledge graphs and semantic technologies in general. We also encourage contributions at the intersection of these domains and other scientific disciplines. Submissions to the research track should describe novel, significant research, and are expected to provide a principled evaluation.

Submissions are solicited in the following domains of interest:

Foundational Semantic Web research
Knowledge representation, ontologies, rules, and reasoning (within and beyond Description Logics)
Data quality, bias, transparency, and trust
Ontology analysis and design
Knowledge graphs: provenance, embeddings, management, query processing, and automated construction
Machine learning on or for semantic data
Hybrid learning and reasoning systems (explainability, neuro-symbolic)
Matching, integration, and fusion of ontologies and knowledge graphs
Reuse and modularization of ontologies and knowledge graphs
Tabular data to knowledge graph matching
NLP, language models, and information retrieval
Linked data
Ontology-based data access, and distributed data access
Data dynamics, internet of things, streaming data, and mobile platforms
Social and human aspects of the Semantic Web
Privacy and security
Science and research data management
User interfaces, usability and accessibility
Positioning and delineations
Other tracks: We strongly recommend that prospective authors carefully check the calls of the other main tracks of the conference in order to identify the optimal track for their submission.

Papers that propose new algorithms and architectures should continue to be submitted to the regular research track.
Papers that reuse and apply state-of-the art semantic technology or resources in practical settings should be submitted to the in-use track (i.e., the novelty falls into the in-use application of the semantic technology or resource).
Authors who want to present an interesting industry application but who do not want to submit a full paper should submit to the industry track.
Papers describing concrete resources (datasets, ontologies, vocabularies, annotated corpora, workflows, knowledge graphs, evaluation benchmarks, etc.) should be submitted to the resources track.
Note that research, in-use and resource papers are published within the same proceedings by Springer’s Lecture Notes in Computer Science series.

Positioning with respect to the Machine Learning Community: Contributions should be clearly related to the Semantic Web or have an impact in the field of the Semantic web. The scope of the conference is the Semantic Web and how it enables new research and applications. While the Semantic Web is part of a broader interdisciplinary ecosystem, including technologies, such as Machine Learning (ML) and Natural Language Processing (NLP), it remains a distinct scholarly field, with its own research methods, tools, and challenges. Therefore, contributions to other disciplines that have no direct impact on the Semantic Web are not relevant to the ESWC conference.

Use of LLM generated text: For ESWC 2024, we adhere to the principles and guidelines stated in the ACM Policy on Authorship specifically about “Criteria for Authorship” regarding the use of Generative AI technologies for authoring papers: “Generative AI tools and technologies, such as ChatGPT, may not be listed as authors of an ACM published Work. The use of generative AI tools and technologies to create content is permitted but must be fully disclosed in the Work. For example, the authors could include the following statement in the Acknowledgements section of the Work: ChatGPT was utilized to generate sections of this Work, including text, tables, graphs, code, data, citations, etc.). If you are uncertain ­about the need to disclose the use of a particular tool, err on the side of caution, and include a disclosure in the acknowledgements section of the Work. (…) Basic word processing systems that recommend and insert replacement text, perform spelling or grammar checks and corrections, or systems that do language translations are to be considered exceptions to this disclosure requirement and are generally permitted and need not be disclosed in the Work. As the line between Generative AI tools and basic word processing systems like MS-Word or Grammarly becomes blurred, this Policy will be updated.”

In case of any questions regarding this policy, please contact the organizing committee.

Review Criteria
Papers in the research track will be reviewed according to the following criteria:

Relevance to the Semantic Web conference
Impact of the research contributions
Design and execution of the evaluation of the work
Clarity and quality of presentation
Grounding in the literature and related work
Reproducibility and availability of resources
We also encourage the submission of interesting and sound approaches, even if these do not fully outperform the state of the art. All papers should include evaluations of the approaches described in the paper. Evaluation metrics should be explained and justified.
Negative results should be reported as well. Evaluations should be repeatable, and papers should provide links to the data sets, source code (including all the external dependencies and versions, as well as the necessary parameters), queries, and other resources.

Important Dates
Abstract submission November 30, 2023
Paper submission December 07, 2023
Opening of rebuttal period January 22, 2024
Closing of rebuttal period January 26, 2024
Notification to authors February 22, 2024
Camera-ready papers due March 28, 2024
All deadlines are 23:59 anywhere on earth (UTC-12).

Submission Guidelines
ESWC will not accept work that is under review or has already been published in or accepted for publication in a journal, another conference, or another ESWC track.
Papers must pre-submit an abstract.
The proceedings of this conference will be published in Springer’s Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. The preprints of the accepted papers will be available openly.
Papers must not exceed 15 pages (plus unlimited references) and be in English. Authors are permitted to include an optional Appendix of maximum 2 pages. However, reviewers will not be mandated to review the Appendix and all papers must be self contained.
Submissions in the research track are dual anonymous, and should not identify the authors. Use anonymous links (e.g., by Dropbox or similar services) or pseudo-anonymous Github repositories (e.g. Anonymous Github) for supplementary material. For more information on how to do this check out this article by Daniel Graziotin. Reviewers will not actively try to identify the authors.
Submissions must be either in PDF or in HTML, formatted in the style of the Springer Publications format for Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). For details on the LNCS style, see Springer’s Author Instructions. For HTML submission guidance, see the HTML submission guide.
Authors will have the opportunity to submit a rebuttal to the reviews to clarify explicit questions posed by program committee members.
At least one author per contribution must register for the conference for presentation.
Submission is done through EasyChair. When logging in select the appropriate track.
Program Chairs
Anastasia Dimou, KU Leuven, Belgium,

Raphaël Troncy, EURECOM, France,

Related Resources

SEAU 2024   3rd International Conference on Software Engineering and Automation
KEOD 2024   16th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
WEB 2025   The Thirteenth International Conference on Building and Exploring Web Based Environments
IJDMS 2024   International Journal of Database Management Systems
SOFEA 2024   10th International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications
WeST 2024   16th International Conference on Web services & Semantic Technology
SWIFT-AG 2025   The 1st International Workshop on Smart Web-powered Intelligence for Farm Technology and Agriculture
ICWI 2024   23rd International Conference WWW/Internet
IJWesT 2024   International Journal of Web & Semantic Technology
MAT 2024   10th International Conference of Advances in Materials Science and Engineering