WCET: Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis



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All CFPs on WikiCFP

Event When Where Deadline
WCET 2015 15th International Workshop on Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis
Jul 7, 2015 - Jul 7, 2015 Lund, Sweden Apr 24, 2015
WCET 2013 13th International Workshop on Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis
Jul 9, 2013 - Jul 9, 2013 Paris Apr 26, 2013
WCET 2012 12th International Workshop on Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis
Jul 10, 2012 - Jul 10, 2012 Pisa, Italy Apr 20, 2012
WCET 2011 11th International Workshop on Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET) Analysis
Jul 5, 2011 - Jul 5, 2011 Porto, Portugal Apr 25, 2011

Present CFP : 2015

15th International Workshop on
Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis

WCET 2015

July 7th, 2015
Lund, Sweden





The 15th International Workshop on Worst-Case Execution time Analysis (WCET 2015)
is a satellite workshop of the 27th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems
ECRTS 2015 (http://control.lth.se/ecrts2015/), the premier European venue for
presenting research into the broad area of real-time and embedded systems.

WCET 2015 is sponsored by TACLe (www.tacle.eu) European COST-Action, and the
FP7 Projects PROXIMA (www.proxima-project.eu) and P-SOCRATES (www.p-socrates.eu).
WCET 2015 is supported by the HiPEAC Network of Excellence (www.hipeac.net).


WCET workshop is the reference forum for academics, practitioners and industrials
in any aspect related to the timing analysis of computer systems. While in the past
timing analysis has been a topic mainly for real-time systems, recently it has
becoming crucial in other domains dealing with timing guarantees. This includes
among other mobile computing and high-performance computing. This edition of the
WCET workshop, besides papers targeting traditional WCET analysis, encourages
submissions focused on less rigorous and mature timing analysis techniques on complex
multicore and manycore heterogeneous, usually COTS, architectures. For such complex
architectures Execution Time Bound (ETB) estimates are derived rather than WCET
estimates in the strict sense. ETB estimates are intrinsically less reliable
than WCET estimates.


This workshop seeks original contributions on topics that include but
are not limited to:
- WCET/ETB analysis for multi- and many-core systems
- WCET/ETB analysis for multi-threaded applications
- WCET/ETB analysis for COTS processors
- Case studies, and industrial experience of WCET/ETB analysis
- Timing Analysis and safety standards
- Different approaches to WCET/ETB computation
- Probabilistic timing analysis
- Tools for WCET/ETB analysis
- Timing-predictable operating systems and processor designs
- Compiler-based optimization of worst-case timing
- Low-level timing analysis, modelling and analysis of processor features
- Flow analysis for WCET, loop bounds, infeasible paths
- Integration of timing analysis and schedulability analysis
- Integration of timing analysis in development processes
- Methods and benchmarks for timing analysis evaluation

Innovative, controversial statements or that present new approaches are specially sought.



Research papers should present original research results not published or
submitted for publication in other forums. Authors of accepted papers agree
to attend the workshop and to present their work during the workshop.

Papers submitted for the WCET workshop must be written in English, must not
exceed 10 pages, should conform with the typesetting requirements specified
on the workshop's website (http://www.bsc.es/caos/wcet2015), and must be
submitted in PDF format using the WCET workshop paper submission website.
Author names, affiliations and self-references should not be anonymized.



Paper submission: April 24, 2015 (firm, no extension)
Notification of acceptance: May 22, 2015
Final paper submission: June 12, 2015
Workshop: July 7, 2015



Francisco J. Cazorla Barcelona Supercomputing Center and IIIA-CSIC, ES

- Benoît Triquet, Airbus
- Björn Lisper, Univ. College of Mälardalen
- Christine Rochange , IRIT
- Claire Maiza, Grenoble INP/Verimag
- Damien Hardy, IRISA
- Enrico Mezzetti, University of Padua
- Franck Wartel, Airbus
- Guillem Bernat, Rapita Systems
- Heiko Falk, University of Ulm
- Isabelle Puaut, IRISA
- Jaume Abella, BSC
- Luca Fossati, ESA
- Luis Miguel Pinho, CISTER
- Martin Schoeberl, Technical University of Denmark
- Peter Puschner, TU Wien
- Tullio Vardanega, University of Padua


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