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Present CFP : 2011 | |||||||||||
In cooperation with Google the IRF will provide 6 student travel grants for the IRF Conference: http://www.ir-facility.org/events/irf-conference/student-travel-grant Application deadline: 14 March 2011 C A L L F O R P A P E R S 2nd IRF Conference – The IRF Scientific Forum – 6 June 2011, Vienna, Austria http://www.ir-facility.org/events/irf-conference/irf-conference-2011/call-for-papers T H E I R F C O N F E R E N C E After a successful start in 2010 the 2nd Information Retrieval Facility Conference 2011 provides once again a multidisciplinary scientific forum for researchers in Information Retrieval and related areas. Furthermore, the conference aims at bringing young researchers into contact with the industry at an early stage. Another emphasis is put on the applicability of IR solutions to real industry cases and the respective challenges. A panel of experts from both academia and industry will discuss the relevance of the presented papers for current challenges faced by information professionals at the end of the conference. The 2nd IRF Conference addresses 4 complementary research areas: * Information Retrieval * Semantic Web technologies for IR * Natural Language Processing for IR * Large-scale or distributed computing for the above areas The 2nd IRF Conference targets researchers who are interested in: * Discussing results obtained by using the IRF computing infrastructure and data resources * Learning about complementary technologies * Applying their results to real business needs * Joining the international research network of the IRF All papers will undergo a review process with each paper being reviewed by at least three members of the programme committee. The proceedings in 2010 have been published by Springer in the LNCS series, and we have contacted Springer regarding 2011. The 2nd IRF Conference is collocated with the 4th Information Retrieval Facility Symposium (June 7-9, 2011, Vienna, Austria) where leading experts from the intellectual property and information retrieval domains will exchange ideas and debate about retrieval challenges in the intellectual property area. The 4th IRF Symposium will demonstrate examples of retrieval techniques developed to better solve the information professionals’ needs in 3 specific fields: Image Retrieval, Machine Translation and Interfacing. Additionally, the Symposium will give participants the opportunity to discover and test prototypical versions of the most innovative technologies in the market. The best papers of the IRF Conference will be invited to present a poster and/or a demo at the IRF Symposium. The attendees of the IRF Conference 2011 are also invited to participate in the PatOlympics, a half-day event that provides an interactive evaluation platform where prototypes of state-of-the-art patent retrieval systems will be tested and driven to their limits by patent retrieval professionals. The 2011 edition will cover two PatSports: ChemAtlon and Cross-Language Retrieving. O R G A N I S A T I O N General Chair: Bruce Croft (University of Massachusetts, USA) Programme Chairs: Arjen de Vries (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, NL) Andreas Rauber (Vienna University of Technology, AT) Programme Committee (as currently agreed, some additional invitations are still pending): * Yannis Avrithis, National Technical University of Athens * Christos Bouganis, Imperial College London * Pavel Braslavski, Yandex * Kilnam Chon, Keio University * Philipp Cimiano University of Karlsruhe * Paul Clough, University of Sheffield * Fabio Crestano, University of Lugano * Hamish Cunningham, University of Sheffield * Gideon Dror, Yahoo! Research * Norbert Fuhr, University of Duisburg-Essen * Wilfried Gansterer, University of Vienna * Gregory Grefenstette, Exalead * Allan Hanbury, Information Retrieval Facility * David Hawking, Funnelback * Noriko Kando, National Institute of Informatics, Japan * Udo Kruschwitz, University of Essex * Marie-Francine Moens, KU Leuven * Henning Müller, University of Applied Sciences, Western Switzerland * Patrick Ruch, University Hospital of Geneva * Stefan Rueger, The Open University, UK * Frank Seinstra, Free University, Amsterdam * Oren Somekh, Yahoo! Research * John Tait, Information Retrieval Facility * Dolf Trieschnigg, University of Twente * Howard Turtle, CogiTech * Keith van Rijsbergen University of Glasgow * Suzan Verberne, Radboud University Nijmegen * Thijs Westerveld, Teezir T O P I C S T O B E A D D R E S S E D We seek papers on novel, unpublished research in one or more topics mentioned below: Information Retrieval (IR), including but not limited to * IR Theory and Models * IR Evaluation * User Modeling, Personalization and Interactive IR * Machine Learning, Categorization, Clustering, and Filtering for IR * Cross-Language IR * Visualization of Search Results Semantic Web Technologies for IR, including but not limited to * Ontologies * Reasoning * Semantic Annotation Natural Language Processing for IR, including but not limited to * Information Extraction and Summarization * Named Entity Recognition * Machine Translation * Question Answering Large-scale or distributed computing for the above areas, including * Grid Computing * Cloud Computing * GPU and FPGA Processing * Parallel Computing Applications of IR, including but not limited to * Patent processing for Intellectual Property * Scientific Paper Search * Biomedical Information Search * Enterprise Search * Web Search Multi-disciplinary papers combining topics from multiple areas are particularly welcome. All paper submissions must be written in English following the LNCS author guidelines. Full papers must not exceed 15 pages including references and figures. I M P O R T A N T D A T E S Deadline for Abstract Submission: January 10, 2011 Deadline for paper submission: January 17, 2011 Acceptance decision and reviews to authors: March 3, 2011 Deadline for submission of final paper and speaker registration: March 22, 2011 Early registration deadline: March 22, 2011 IRF Conference: June 6, 2011 For more information, please consult our website http://www.irfc.at Or, contact the organising chairs via email: irfc2011@ir-facility.org In cooperation with the Austrian Computing Society and the Vienna University of Technology. | |||||||||||