ICMB: International Conference on Medical Biometrics



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Event When Where Deadline
ICMB 2014 ICMB International Conference on Medical Biometrics 2014
May 30, 2014 - Jun 1, 2014 Shenzhen, China Jan 31, 2014
ICMB 2010 International Conference on Medical Biometrics
Jun 28, 2010 - Jun 30, 2010 Hong Kong, China Jan 31, 2010

Present CFP : 2014

In the medical field, personal medical feature data, especially digital images, can be referred to as medical biometrics. Such data are produced in ever-increasing quantities and used for diagnostics and therapy purposes. Medical biometric research aims to use personal medical features in different formats such as images, signals and other sources for solving medical problems and to provide high-performance services in medical field. Medical biometric systems integrate multidisciplinary technologies in biology, medicine, electronics, computing, and statistics. The importance of computer-aided diagnosis and therapy has drawn more and more attention worldwide and laid the foundation for the modern medicine with excellent potentials for promising applications such as telemedicine and web-based healthcare.

ICMB 2014 has an emphasis on efficient and effective medical biometric technologies and systems. It will provide a central forum for researchers, engineers and vendors from different disciplines to exchange most recent results, identify future directions and challenges, and initiate possible collaborative research and system development. This conference will significantly benefit a large variety of audience from both academia and industry.

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