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Call for Papers 7th SHAring and Reusing architectural Knowledge (SHARK 2012) Workshop WICSA/ECSA 2012 Helsinki, Finland, August 20–24, 2012 http://www.shark-workshop.org/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Important Dates Submissions: May 13, 2012 Notification: June 1, 2012 Camera ready: June 21, 2012 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Motivation and Objectives Architectural Knowledge (AK) is defined as the integrated representation of the software architecture of a software-intensive system or family of systems along with architectural decisions and their rationale, external influence and the development environment. The SHARK workshop focuses on current methods, languages, and tools that can be used to extract, represent, share, apply, and reuse AK, and the experimentation and/or exploitation thereof. The maturity of architectural knowledge and architectural design decisions approaches in recent years has leveraged this topic popular for software architects, who highlight its importance in academic and industry settings. SHARK focuses on current and emerging methods, languages, notations, technologies and tools to extract, represent, share, use and re-use architectural knowledge. Architectural Knowledge (AK) is the integrated representation of the software architecture of a software-intensive system (or a family of systems), the architectural design decisions, and the external context/environment. It is recognized as the means for architecture governance; it facilitates and supports collaboration and the transfer of expertise.In this seventh SHARK we will focus on current approaches tackling the problem of supporting the software engineering tasks driven by or producing architectural knowledge. Topics of interest are (but not limited to): • Architectural knowledge representation forms, models, and meta-models • Architectural knowledge and model-driven development • Architectural knowledge visualization techniques • The influence of reasoning tactics and design spaces in decision making • Multi-criteria and multi-objective architectural design decisions, optimization models • Tools to extract, visualize, share and use architectural knowledge • Evolution of architectural knowledge in the lifecycle and its relationship with context information • Sharing architectural knowledge in the context of service-oriented architectures (SOA) and Cloud-based approaches • Collaborative use of architectural knowledge • Agile capturing and sharing of architectural knowledge • Architectural knowledge and requirements engineering • Traceability approaches between architectural knowledge and other software engineering artifacts • The role of Architectural knowledge in the architecting process • Industry experiences and case studies using and managing architectural knowledge • Economics and value of design decisions • Variability models in the context of Software Product Line Engineering as decision models • Support for decisions that have to be made at runtime Type of papers • Full research papers (8 pages). • Industry experiences and case studies (8 pages. • Position papers describing new an innovative ideas and future trends (4 pages). Papers should be prepared in IEEE CS proceedings format: http://www.computer.org/portal/site/cscps/index.jsp Submissions must be done using the EASYCHAIR system https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=wicsaecsa2012 Workshop papers will appear in the WICSA/ECSA Workshop Companion proceedings and published by a recognized publisher like IEEE CS or ACM DL. Organization Workshop chairs • Uwe Zdun, University of Vienna, Austria, uwe.zdun@univie.ac.at • Rafael Capilla, Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain, rafael.capilla@urjc.es Steering Committee • Patricia Lago, VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands, patricia@cs.vu.nl • Paris Avgeriou, University of Groningen, Netherlands, paris@cs.rug.nl • Philippe Kruchten, University of British Columbia, Canada, pbk@ece.ubc.ca Program Committee • Pierre America, Philips Research, Netherlands • Jan Bosch, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden • Torgeir Dingsoyr, Sintef, Trondheim, Norway • Peter Eeles, IBM, UK • Jon Hall, Open University, UK • Rich Hilliard, independent consultant, USA • Kai Koskimies, Tampere University of Technology, Finland • Henry Muccini, University of L'Aquila, Italy • Antony Tang, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia • Anton Jansen, ABB Corporate Research, Sweden • Olaf Zimmermann, ABB Corporate Research • Davide Falessi, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy • Peng Liang, Wuhan University, China • Jeff Tyree, Capital One, USA • Janet Burge, Miami University, USA • M. Ali Babar, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark • Ivan Mistrik, independent consultant, Germany • Rik Farenhorst, Inspearit, The Netherlands • Ian Gorton, Pacific Northwest National Lab, USA | |||||||||||||||||||||||||