PAISI: Pacific Asia Workshop on Intelligence and Security Informatics



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Event When Where Deadline
PAISI 2013 Pacific Asia Workshop on Intelligence and Security Informatics
Aug 3, 2013 - Aug 4, 2013 Beijing, China Mar 1, 2013
PAISI 2012 Pacific Asia Workshop on Intelligence and Security Informatics
May 29, 2012 - May 29, 2012 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Jan 13, 2012
PAISI 2011 Pacific Asia Workshop on Intelligence and Security Informatics
Jul 9, 2011 - Jul 9, 2011 Beijing, China Mar 1, 2011
PAISI 2009 Pacific Asia Workshop on Intelligence and Security Informatics
Apr 27, 2009 - Apr 27, 2009 Bangkok, Thailand Dec 22, 2008

Present CFP : 2013

Pacific Asia Workshop on Intelligence and Security Informatics
***** PAISI 2013 *****

(to be held in conjunction with IJCAI 2013)

Workshop Website:

August 3-4, 2013, Beijing, China

Important Dates
Submission due: March 1, 2013
Notification of acceptance: April 5, 2013
Camera-ready copy due: April 19, 2013

Workshop Scope
Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI) is concerned with the
study of the development and use of advanced information
technologies and systems for national, international, and societal
security-related applications. The annual IEEE International
Conference series on ISI was started in 2003. In 2006, the
Workshop on ISI was started in Singapore in conjunction with PAKDD,
with most contributors and participants from the Pacific Asian
region. Since then, PAISI was held annually in Chengdu (2007),
Taipei (2008), Bangkok (2009), Hyderabad (2010), Beijing (2011),
and Kuala Lumpur (2012). This year, PAISI 2013 will be held in
conjunction with IJCAI ( and will provide a
stimulating forum for ISI researchers in Pacific Asia and other
regions of the world to exchange ideas and report research progress.

Paper Submission/Areas of Interest
Submissions may include systems, methodology, testbed, modeling,
evaluation, and policy papers. Topics include but are not limited to:

I. Information Sharing and Data/Text Mining
- Intelligence-related knowledge discovery
- Criminal data mining and network analysis
- Criminal/intelligence information sharing and visualization
- Web-based intelligence monitoring and analysis
- Spatio-temporal data analysis/GIS for crime analysis and security
- Cyber-crime detection and analysis
- Authorship analysis and identification
- Privacy and civil liberties issues
- Text processing and mining for Pacific Asian Languages

II. Infrastructure Protection and Emergency Responses
- Public/animal health and bioterrorism information infrastructure
- Transportation and communication infrastructure protection
- Cyber-infrastructure design and protection
- Intrusion detection
- Border/transportation safety
- Emergency response and management
- Disaster prevention, detection, and management
- Communication and decision support for search and rescue

III. Terrorism Informatics
- Terrorism related analytical methodologies and software tools
- Terrorism knowledge portals and databases
- Social network analysis (radicalization, recruitment, conducting
operations), visualization, and simulation
- Forecasting terrorism
- Countering terrorism
- Measuring the impact of terrorism on society

IV. Enterprise Risk Management and Information Systems Security
- Information security management standards
- Information systems security policies
- Behavior issues in information systems security
- Fraud detection
- Corporate going concerns and risks
- Accounting and IT auditing
- Corporate governance and monitoring
- Board activism and influence
- Corporate sentiment surveillance
- Market influence analytics and media intelligence
- Consumer-generated media and social media analytics

Long papers (15 pages) and short papers (8 pages) in English may
be submitted electronically via the online submission site
( Submission
file formats are PDF, Microsoft Word, or LaTeX. We are in the process
of making arrangements with Springer to publish accepted PAISI 2013
papers in its Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series, same as
all past PAISI proceedings including WISI 2006 and PAISI 2007 to 2012.
Required LNCS Microsoft Word/LaTeX templates can be found on the
workshop website.

Hosts and Major Sponsors
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
The University of Hong Kong
The University of Arizona

Workshop Organizing Co-chairs
G. Alan Wang, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Xiaolong Zheng, The Chinese Academy of Sciences
Michael Chau, The University of Hong Kong
Hsinchun Chen, The University of Arizona


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