MWCN: Mobile and Wireless Communication Networks



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Event When Where Deadline
MWCN 2008 IFIP International Conference on Mobile and Wireless Communications Networks
Sep 29, 2008 - Sep 30, 2008 Toulouse, France Mar 3, 2008

Present CFP : 2008

The MWCNâ??2008 technical committee solicits papers describing original, previously unpublished, completed or on-going research. Topics include, but are not limited to, the following:

1. Architectures, protocols, and technologies for mobile and wireless networks
Wireless LAN, MAN
Body area networks
Personal area networks
Cellular networks
Satellite networks
Ad hoc networks
Wireless sensor networks
Wireless actor networks
Wireless mesh networks
Short-range Networks
Vehicle networks
Technologies: UWB, GSM, UMTS, CDMA, WCDMA

2. Evolution of 3G Systems, 3G/4G networks, Future generation systems and networks

3. Convergence
Protocols and platforms for convergence
Technology integration
Quality of service mapping between technologies
IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem)
Integration of heterogeneous mobile and wireless networks

4. Multimedia and Multicasting
Wireless multimedia networking
Multicasting and broadcasting issues
Multimedia session signaling in wireless/mobile environments
Digital radio and TV broadcasting

5. Mobile computing
Mobile networks and devices
Mobility-aware architectures
Mobility and roaming
Nomadic computing
Mobility tracking schemes
Mobility management
Realistic mobility models

6. Applications and services
Mobile and wireless applications: health, environmental protection,
vehicle guidance, traffic information,
infotainment, pervasive systems, RFID...
Location-based services
Mobile services
Content management and distribution
Context-aware wireless multimedia applications


Paper submission: March 3, 2008
Notification: May 5, 2008
Camera-ready: May 26, 2008

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