MUD: Management of Uncertain Data



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Event When Where Deadline
MUD 2009 3rd International Workshop on Management of Uncertain Data
Aug 28, 2009 - Aug 28, 2009 Lyon, France Jun 1, 2009
MUD 2008 Management of Uncertain Data
Aug 24, 2008 - Aug 24, 2008 Auckland, New Zealand May 1, 2008

Present CFP : 2009

Call for Papers
3rd International Workshop
Management of Uncertain Data

in conjunction with VLDB 2009
August 2009, Lyon, France

Submission deadline: June 1st 2009

The aim of the workshop on Management of Uncertain Data
is to provide a forum to share original ideas as well as
research results and practical development experiences
among researchers and application developers. In this
workshop we want to explore the various aspects of
uncertainty in data as well as techniques how to handle
them in the domain of databases. In particular, we are
interested in discussing the different kinds of uncertainty,
different models for uncertainty representation in databases,
techniques for querying and updating data involving uncertainty,
and the varying application areas in which handling uncertain
data is involved.

The topics of interest for MUD include, but are not limited to:
* Incompleteness, ambiguity, inconsistency in data
* (Formal) models of uncertain data
* Logics for reasoning with uncertain data
* Querying uncertain data
* Ranking uncertain query answers (top-k, skyline, ...)
* Updating uncertain data
* Prediction models for uncertain data
* Data mining on uncertain data
* Approximation techniques
* Indexing uncertain data and query optimization
* Metrics for uncertainty
* Metrics for data quality
* Uncertianty reduction
* Database repairing
* Trust issues
* Uncertainty in
- Information integration
- Sensor data management
- Ubiquitous computing
- Context-aware applications
- Personalization and user preferences
- Schema matching
- Entity resolution
- Information extraction from text
- Semantic Web
- Ontologies
- Mobile systems
- Social networks
- Data sharing
- Data exchange
- Spatio-temporal data
- Information retrieval
- Multimedia search

Important Dates:
* Submission deadline: June 1st 2009
* Notification deadline: July 15th 2009
* Camera-ready version: August 1st 2009
* Workshop: August 28th 2009

Paper Submission:
Papers should be formatted according to the LNCS
format and should not exceed 15 pages (including references
and appendices). Papers in PDF or PS format can be sent to

Program Committee:
To be announced

Workshop Organization:
Ander de Keijzer (University of Twente, The Netherlands)
Maurice van Keulen (University of Twente, The Netherlands)

Contact Information:
Ander de Keijzer (


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