JTRES: Java Technologies for Real-time and Embedded Systems



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All CFPs on WikiCFP

Event When Where Deadline
JTRES 2016 14th Workshop on Java Technologies for Real-Time and Embedded Systems
Aug 29, 2016 - Sep 2, 2016 Lugano, Switzerland Jul 3, 2016
JTRES 2015 The 13th International Workshop on Java Technologies for Real-time and Embedded Systems
Oct 7, 2015 - Oct 8, 2015 Paris, France Jun 8, 2015
JTRES 2014 The 12th International Workshop on Java Technologies for Real-time and Embedded Systems
Oct 13, 2014 - Oct 14, 2014 Niagara Falls, NY, USA Jun 15, 2014
JTRES 2011 The 9th Workshop on Java Technologies for Real-Time and Embedded System
Sep 26, 2011 - Sep 28, 2011 Kings Mannor, York, UK Jun 6, 2011
JTRES 2009 The 7th Workshop on Java Technologies for Real-Time and Embedded Systems
Sep 23, 2009 - Sep 25, 2009 Madrid, Spain Jun 28, 2009
JTRES 2008 The 6th International Workshop on Java Technologies for Real-Time and Embedded Systems
Sep 24, 2008 - Sep 26, 2008 Santa Clara, California, USA Jun 9, 2008

Present CFP : 2016



The 14th Workshop on
Java Technologies for Real-Time and Embedded Systems
JTRES 2016

Part of the
Managed Languages & Runtimes Week 2016
29 August - 2 September 2016
Lugano, Switzerland



Submission deadline: 3 July, 2016
Submission site: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=jtres2016


Over 90% of all microprocessors are now used for real-time and embedded applications. Embedded devices are deployed on a broad diversity of distinct processor architectures and operating systems. The application software for many embedded devices is custom tailored if not written entirely from scratch. The size of typical embedded system software applications is growing exponentially from year to year, with many of today's embedded systems comprised of multiple millions of lines of code. For all of these reasons, the software portability, reuse, and modular composability benefits offered by Java are especially valuable to developers of embedded systems.

Both embedded and general-purpose software frequently need to comply with real-time constraints. Higher-level programming languages and middleware are needed to robustly and productively design, implement, compose, integrate, validate, and enforce memory and real-time constraints along with conventional functional requirements for reusable software components. The Java programming language has become an attractive choice because of its safety, productivity, its relatively low maintenance costs, and the availability of well-trained developers.


Interest in real-time Java by both the academic research community and commercial industry has been motivated by the need to manage the complexity and costs associated with continually expanding embedded real-time software systems. The goal of the workshop is to gather researchers working on real-time and embedded Java to identify the challenging problems that still need to be solved in order to assure the success of real-time Java as a technology and to report results and experience gained by researchers.

The Java ecosystem has outgrown the combination of Java as programming language and the JVM. For example, Android uses Java as source language and the Dalvik virtual machine for execution. Languages such as Scala are compiled to Java bytecode and executed on the JVM. JTRES welcomes submissions that apply such approaches to embedded and/or real-time systems.

::Submission Requirements::

Participants are expected to submit a paper of at most 10 pages (ACM Conference Format, i.e., two-columns, 10 point font). Accepted papers will be published in the ACM International Conference Proceedings Series via the ACM Digital Library and have to be presented by one author at the JTRES.

LaTeX and Word templates can be found at: http://www.acm.org/sigs/pubs/proceed/template.html

Papers describing open source projects shall include a description how to obtain the source and how to run the experiments in the appendix. The source version for the published paper will be hosted at the JTRES web site.
Papers should be submitted through EasyChair. Please use the submission link:

Selected papers will be invited for submission to a special issue of the TBD.

Topics of interest to this workshop include, but are not limited to:

New real-time programming paradigms and language features
Industrial experience and practitioner reports
Open source solutions for real-time Java
Real-time design patterns and programming idioms
High-integrity and safety critical system support
Java-based real-time operating systems and processors
Extensions to the RTSJ and SCJ
Real-time and embedded virtual machines and execution environments
Memory management and real-time garbage collection
Multiprocessor and distributed real-time Java
Real-time solutions for Android
Languages other than Java on real-time or embedded JVMs
Benchmarks and Open Source applications using real-time Java

::Important Dates::

Paper Submission: 3 July, 2016 (extended)
Notification of Acceptance: 28 July, 2016 (extended)
Camera Ready Paper Due: 15 August, 2016
Workshop: 29 August - 2 September, 2016

::Program Chair::

Martin Schoeberl, Technical University of Denmark

::Workshop Chair::

Walter Binder, University of Lugano (USI), Switzerland

::Program Committee Members::

Ethan Blanton, Fiji Systems Inc
Ana Cavalcanti, University of York
Peter Dibble, RTSJ
M. Teresa Higuera-Toledano, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
James Hunt, Aicas
Stephan Korsholm, Via University College
Doug Lea, SUNY Oswego
Doug Locke, LC Systems Services
Kelvin Nilsen
Wolfgang Puffitsch, Technical University of Denmark
Anders Ravn, Aalborg University
Martin Schoeberl, Technical University of Denmark
Fridtjof Siebert, Aicas
Andy Wellings, University of York
Lukasz Ziarek, SUNY Buffalo

Related Resources

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BDAP 2025   6th International Conference on Big Data and Applications
RTAS 2025   IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium
ICAITA 2025   14th International Conference on Advanced Information Technologies and Applications
DIKW 2025   The 5th IEEE International Conference on Data, Information, Knowledge, and Wisdom
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