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Present CFP : 2015 | ||||||||||||||||||
******************************************************************** 14th International Workshop on Principles of Software Evolution 30 & 31 August, 2015, Bergamo, Italy Co-located with ESEC/FSE 2015 http://iwpse15.libresoft.es/ Abstracts: 28th May; Submissions: 5th June Main topic: Replication OVERVIEW ******************************************************************** Research in software evolution and evolvability has been thriving in the past years, with a constant stream of new formalisms, tools, techniques, and development methodologies. Research in software evolution has two goals. The first is to facilitate the way software systems can be changed so they become long-lived; this includes coping with demands from users and with the increasing complexity and volatility of contexts in which such systems may operate. The second goal is to understand and if possible control the processes by which demand for these changes come about. IWPSE’2015 invites high-quality papers presenting experiments, surveys, approaches, techniques and tools related to the evolution of software systems. The 2015 edition of IWPSE will be held in Bergamo, Italy, as a co-located event of ESEC/FSE 2015, the 10th joint meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering. TOPICS ******************************************************************** The acceptance of empirical hypotheses should be supported by several and diverse types of replications. Replication studies make a critical evaluation of previous empirical studies for overlooked factors of the initial studies, for instance: a) initial assumptions have evolved, changed, or are not relevant anymore b) limited generalization, including: aspects that were previously ignored but that may affect the conclusions, conclusions that might only apply to certain types of applications, relations that have only been tested in certain types of applications but there are reasons to believe that it will not hold for other types of applications, etc. c) examples of inconsistent or divergent results across studies about the same phenomena, including alternative hypotheses or differences in the experiment that could explain the divergence of results There are different types of replication depending on whether or not the experiment (model, variables and statistical method) and the data are the same. For instance, a) Same experiment & Same data: aimed at evaluating the certainty of current knowledge (i.e., confirming or disputing previous results). b) Different experiment & Same data: aimed at improving the model. c) Same experiment & Different data: aimed at identifying limitations to the generality of the conclusions (or to problems with the data). The first two types of replication are likely to be underreported due to the low contribution attributed to confirmatory results, and to their obliviousness with issues of the initial studies (either from the data or from missing variables). Nevertheless, they are crucial to understand the sensitivity of the conclusions to the variables analyzed. We are also interested in meta-studies that analyze the replicability of empirical studies on software evolution i.e., are all the details needed reported? at sufficient detail? to what extent original data can be reanalyzed? and to what extent the original experiment can be followed? Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: - Application areas: distributed, embedded, real-time, ultra large scale, and self-adaptive systems, web services, mobile computing, information systems, systems of systems, etc. - Paradigms: support and barriers to evolution in aspect-oriented, agile, component-based, and model-driven software development, service-oriented architectures,etc. - Technical aspects: co-evolution and inconsistency management, impact analysis and change propagation, dynamic reconfiguration and updating; architectures, tools, languages and notations for supporting evolution, etc. - Managerial aspects: effort and cost estimation, risk analysis, software quality, productivity, process support, training, awareness, etc. - Empirical studies related to software evolution. - Mining software repositories approaches and techniques supporting software evolution. - Industrial experience on successes and failures related to software evolution. - Interdisciplinary approaches: adaptation of evolutionary concepts and measures from other disciplines (biology, geology, etc.) to software evolution. - Theories and models to explain and understand software evolution. NOVELTIES ******************************************************************** 1. We will have a couple of papers selected papers for extended discussion one chosen by the program committee and another one chosen by the audience (via Twitter). 2. Given that the focus of this year's workshop is on replication we expect the tool demos to be given as tutorials / hands-on demos that would allow the workshop participants to use third party tools for their studies. 3. We expect all attendants who want to do so to give a lightning talk (5 min) explaining their motivation for attending the workshop. Once the camera ready is over, we will contact registered participants for a one-page abstract or slide that summarizes their lightning talk. SUBMISSION AND PUBLICATION ******************************************************************** Four types of submissions are possible: position papers (up to 2 pages), tool papers (up to 5 pages) and research or industrial papers (up to 10 pages). Position papers may present wild and speculative ideas, and will be judged on the potential to generate interesting discussions at the workshop. Tool papers may describe tools developed in academia or industry. The workshop will include one or more sessions for tool demos. We are particularly interested on tools that allow replication of software evolution studies. Research papers should describe innovative research, while industrial papers may describe the application or adaptation of known solutions to industrial case studies, and reflect on lessons learnt. Proceedings of the workshop will be published in the ACM digital library. All submissions must be original work, and must not have been previously published, nor be under consideration for publication. Papers must strictly adhere to the ACM proceedings format. They must be submitted as PDF with the EasyChair conference system: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iwpse15 IMPORTANT DATES ******************************************************************** Abstract submission: 28th May Paper submission: 5th June Notification of acceptance: 29th June Camera-ready submission: 15th July IWPSE 2015: 30th & 31st August WORKSHOP COMMITTEES ******************************************************************** Workshop co-chairs: * Gregorio Robles, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain * Angela Lozano, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium Program committee: * Bram Adams, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada * Tom Arbuckle, University of Limerick, Ireland * Árpád Beszédes, University of Szeged, Hungary * Rafael Capilla, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain * Andrea Capiluppi, Brunel University, United Kingdom * Massimiliano Di Penta, University of Sannio, Italy * Tamás Gergely, University of Szeged, Hungary * Mike Godfrey, University of Waterloo, Canada * Andrian Marcus, University of Texas at Dallas, USA * Alessandro Murgia, University of Antwerp, Belgium * Carlos Noguera, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium * Martin Pinzger, University of Klagenfurt, Austria * Denys Poshyvanyk, College of William and Mary, USA * Daniel Rodriguez, The University of Alcalá, Spain * Mark Van Den Brand, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands * Michel Wermelinger, The Open University, United Kingdom * Andy Zaidman, TU Delft, The Netherlands | ||||||||||||||||||