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Present CFP : 2025 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Call for Submissions GROUP 2025 ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work, a PACMHCI Affiliated Conference
January 12-15, 2025, at Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, USA https://group.acm.org/conferences/group25 ** Second Wave Submissions Key Dates ** Abstract and Title Submission: May 1, 2024 Submission Deadline: May 8, 2024 1st Round Reviews and Notifications: July 24, 2024 Resubmit Contributions Invited for Revision: August 21, 2024 2nd Round Decisions: October 2, 2024 The ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work (GROUP) is a premier yet intimate and welcoming venue for research on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Sociotechnical Studies, Practice-Centered Computing, Human-Computer Interaction, Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, Open Source Software, and related endeavors. Details about the conference organization and attendance are currently a work in progress and more information will be provided on demand and the conference website in the coming months. Key goals for the program are to encourage and facilitate researchers within CSCW, HCI for practice-centered computing, and sociotechnical studies to interact and present recent research contributions. We also encourage research contributions from interdisciplinary groups to present work that might be difficult to place within one simple category. We are open to diverse and innovative research methods and contributions across broad areas such as systems, societies, participation, critique, collaboration, and human interaction. GROUP 2025 in particular would like to encourage cross-disciplinary research across computing, social science, law, and algorithmic systems design, as well as researchers from industry, academia, government, and other interested groups to participate. Conference topics include (but are not limited to): * Theoretical, methodological, and/or conceptual contributions about key concepts relevant to CSCW and HCI, including critique. * Social, behavioral, and computational studies of collaboration and communication. * Technical architectures supporting collaboration. * New tools/toolkits for collaborative technologies. * Ethnographic studies of collaborative practices. * Coordination and workflow technology. * Social computing and contexts of collaboration. * Studies on Open Source Software. * Current work in, and future visions of, practice-centered computing. * Social justice, ethical dimensions, and related issues in CSCW, HCI, and/or sociotechnical systems. * Online communities, including issues of privacy, identity, trust, and participation. * Cooperative knowledge management. * Algorithmic decision-support systems, automation, and human-AI collaboration. * Civic technologies and their uses. * Organizational issues of technology design, use, or adaptation. * Strategies for the use of technology in business, government, and newer forms of organizations. * The ethical conduct of research studying group work and sociotechnical systems. * Emerging technologies and their design, use, or appropriation in work, home, leisure, entertainment, or education. * Learning at the workplace (CSCL at work, Technology-Enhanced Learning, TEL). * Co-located and geographically distributed teams, global collaboration. * Cultural and cross-cultural collaboration and communication. * Mobile and wearable technologies in collaboration. * Innovative forms of human-computer interaction for cooperative technologies. The main technical program at GROUP will welcome submissions in a variety of forms. Traditional Papers report on high-quality, rigorous research results. We will also continue the submission category of Design Fiction, which may use a variety of speculative methods to explore the futures toward which technology research and design are working. Finally, we explicitly encourage shorter Notes style submissions, which maintain a high level of quality and rigor while focusing on a more circumscribed result that can be presented succinctly. To help set expectations, authors will have the opportunity to indicate to reviewers that their submission should be reviewed as a paper, a note, or as a design fiction. All papers, design fictions, and notes will be published in the Group track of Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (PACMHCI). ACM authoring templates and detailed instructions on formatting can be found at https://dl.acm.org/journal/pacmhci/submission-templates. Please note that some formatting details may change between acceptance and final submission due to the publisher’s requirements. Papers have no fixed minimum or maximum number of pages. Paper length should be commensurate with contribution, and typical submissions are: * Note: between 4,000 and 6,000 words * Full Paper: between 7,000 and 10,000 words * Design Fiction: between 4,000 and 10,000 words. Design fiction should clearly state that the paper is a design fiction in the abstract. Papers that are widely over the typical length (e.g., above 12,000 words) will be examined carefully to ensure that the size of the contribution warrants the length of the paper. Papers whose lengths are incommensurate with their contributions will be rejected. Papers are subject to anonymous review. Submissions must have authors’ names and affiliations removed, and avoid obvious identifying statements. Any grant information that identifies the author(s) and their institution should be removed as well. Citations to authors’ own relevant work should be done without identifying the authors. For example, “Prior work by [authors]” instead of “In our prior work.” If you for some very specific reasons have challenges with writing the paper in an anonymous way, please contact paper chairs and ask for advice, Papers that clearly violate the anonymization policy, including within the supplemental materials, will be desk rejected. Please check in particular the front page, headers and footers, and the Acknowledgement section. Also, check the meta information in papers prepared using word. GROUP does not have a policy against uploading preprints to SSRN or arXiv before they are submitted for review at the conference. In recognition that research happens more frequently than a biennial conference, GROUP 2025 will offer authors two waves of submission opportunities. Both waves will undergo a rigorous two-round review process, to guarantee that the accepted submissions comply with the quality standards of a journal submission. Initial submissions that are reviewed positively will be invited to be revised and resubmitted. The second wave submission deadline is May 8, 2024, and accepted submissions will appear in PACMHCI in early 2025. Submissions that are accepted after the revision process from both waves will be invited to present at the conference in January, 2025. It will be required that at least one author for each paper registers by the time the camera-ready version of the accepted paper is completed for each submission wave. Remote presentation will not be possible, authors who are not planning to attend the conference will be required to pay a publication fee (registration and publication fees will be indicated later on the conference website). See below for a list of important dates. All dates below are at 23:59 Anywhere on Earth (AoE). Main technical program submissions must be submitted online via the GROUP 2025 selection in Precision Conference Systems (PCS): https://new.precisionconference.com/submissions The track for submission can be selected with Society: Group ) Conference/Journal: Group 2025 ) Group 2025 Second Wave Research Papers ** Important Dates (Second Wave Submissions) ** Abstract and Title Submission: May 1, 2024 Submission Deadline: May 8, 2024 1st Round Reviews and Notifications: July 24, 2024 Resubmit Contributions Invited for Revision: August 21, 2024 2nd Round Decisions: October 2, 2024 ** Important Dates (First Wave Submissions -- COMPLETED) ** Abstract and Title Submission: May 31, 2023 Submission Deadline: June 7, 2023 1st Round Reviews and Notifications: August 30, 2023 Resubmit Contributions Invited for Revision: October 4, 2023 2nd Round Decisions: November 15, 2023 If you have questions, please contact the conference organizers and TPC at the emails noted below: General Chairs: chairs2025@group.acm.org Guo Freeman, Clemson University, USA David Unbehaun, Clausthal University of Technology and University of Siegen, Germany Technical Program Chairs (TPC): papers2025@group.acm.org Maria Menendez-Blanco, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy Matthieu Tixer, University of Technology of Troyes, France Donghee Yvette Wohn, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||