INTENSIVE: International Conference on Intensive Applications and Services



Past:   Proceedings on DBLP

Future:  Post a CFP for 2011 or later   |   Invite the Organizers Email


All CFPs on WikiCFP

Event When Where Deadline
INTENSIVE 2010 The Second International Conference on Resource Intensive Applications and Services
Mar 7, 2010 - Mar 13, 2010 Cancun, Mexico Oct 17, 2009
INTENSIVE 2009 The First International Conference on Intensive Applications and Services
Apr 21, 2009 - Apr 25, 2009 Valencia, Spain Nov 1, 2008

Present CFP : 2010

All tracks/topics are open to both research and industry contributions.


Basics on RIAS (Resource Intensive Applications and Services)

Fundamentals on RIAS; Heuristics for relaxing RIAS; Optimization on RIAS; Coordinated checkpointing and rollback in RIAS; Approximation approach in RIAS; Suboptimal solutions in RIAS; Distribution RIAS; Pervasive parallelism RIAS

Basic algorithms for RIAS

Fundamental algorithms for massive data; Specialized algorithms for grapics, statistics, bio-databases; Load-balancing and cache algoritms; Hierarchical algorithms; Streaming algorithms; Sublinear algorithms; Quick convergence algorithms; Algorithms for synchronization intensive processes; Algorithms for very high speed sustainability;

Communications intensive

Transaction RIAS; Bandwidth RIAS; Traffic RIAS; Broadcast and multicast RIAS; Propagation RIAS; Stream media intensive

Process intensive

Resource RIAS; Computation RIAS; Memory RIAS; Data acquisition RIAS; Data compression RIAS; Replication intensive RIAS; Storage RIAS; Access RIAS; Image processing RIAS

Data-intensive computing

Computing platforms; Collaborative sharing and datasets analysis; Large data streams; Data-processing pipelines; Data warehouses; Data centers; Data-driven society and economy

Operational intensive

Cryptography RIAS; Intrusion prevention RIAS; Deep packet inspection RIAS; Reconfiguration RIAS; Load-balancing RIAS; Buffering & cashing RIAS; Performance RIAS

Cloud-computing intensiveness

Infrastructure-as-a-service; Software-as-a-service [SaaS applicaitions]; Platform-as-service; On-demand computing models; Cloud computing programming and application development; Cloud SLAs, scalability, privacy, security, ownership and reliability issues; Power-efficiency and Cloud computing; Load balancing; Business models and pricing policies; Custom platforms, on-premise, private clouds; Managing applications in the clouds; Content and service distribution in Cloud computing infrastructures; Migration of Legacy Applications

User intensive

User interaction RIAS; Multi-user RIAS; User-adaptation RIAS

Technology intensive

Mobility RIAS; High-speed RIAS; Intensive real-time decoding

Control intensive

Message RIAS; Monitoring RIAS; Power consumption RIAS; Hardware for RIAS; Software for RIAS; Middleware for RIAS; Threat containment RIAS

Complex RIAS

Bioinformatics computation; Large scale ehealth systems; Pharmaceutical/drug computation; Weather forecast computation; Earthquake simulations; Geo-spatial simulations; Spatial programs; Real-time manufacturing systems; Transportation systems; Avionic systems; Economic/financial systems; Electric-power systems

Related Resources

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