ICHL: International Conference on Hybrid Learning and Education



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Event When Where Deadline
ICHL 2009 International Conference on Hybrid Learning
Aug 25, 2009 - Aug 27, 2009 Macau, China Mar 15, 2009
ICHL 2008 First International Conference on Hybrid Learning
Aug 13, 2008 - Aug 17, 2008 Hong Kong Jan 15, 2008

Present CFP : 2009

International Conference on Hybrid Learning

25-27 August 2009, Macau

Conference Website:


The Organizing Committee of ICHL2009 is cordially inviting you to participate at the
next International Conference on Hybrid Learning held at the University of Macau.

The word "hybrid" has been made famous by automobile manufacturers. The term
"Hybrid Learning" is no doubt a New Frontier in Education as neither the virtual
resources nor the physical resources alone could provide the best teaching and
learning environment. Intuitively, Hybrid Learning provides a way forward for
educators who are interested in helping students learn. Educators could ultimately
create learning experiences to compensate for the shortcomings of, or least
complement, conventional face2face teaching. The Conference will include keynote
addresses, paper presentations, and workshops. A proposal has been submitted to
select conference papers for a special issue on Human Centric Technology for Hybrid
Learning on IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies.

Paper Submission
Authors are invited to submit original papers reporting on research results or novel
applications. ICHL 2008 covers all topics in hybrid learning, but not limited to:

Adaptive Learning
Assessment Strategy for Hybrid Learning
Computer Supported Collaborative Learning
Content Management for Hybrid Learning
Digital Libraries for Hybrid Learning
Effective Content Development
Experiences in Hybrid Learning
Improved Flexibility of Learning Process
Institutional Policies
Instructional Design Issues
Interactive Hybrid Learning Systems
Learning Theories
Organizational Framework for Hybrid Learning
Outcome Based Teaching and Learning
Pedagogical and Psychological Issues
Practices Borderless Education
Student Prospects

All Papers should be submitted in PDF format electronically through the conference
website. The Conference Proceedings will be published as Lecture Notes in Computer
Science (LNCS) from Springer.All Papers should be prepared in 10~12 page LNCS

Paper Submission Deadline:
15 March 2009

Conference Organizers

Honorary Chair
Timothy Shih, National Taipei University of Education
Victor S. K. Lee, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Conference Chairs
Joseph Fong, City University of Hong Kong
Wen-Jing Shan, University of Macau

Program Chair
Philips F. L. Wang, City University of Hong Kong
Reggie C. Kwan, Caritas Francis Hsu College

Organization Chair
Liming Zhang, University of Macau

Local Arrangement Chair
Kong Siu Cheung, The Hong Kong Institute of Education

Registration Chair
Janice Fung, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Financial Chair
Jonathan Diu, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Silvia Choi, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Publication Chair
Titus Lo, Caritas Francis Hsu College

Publicity Chair
Louis Ma, City University of Hong Kong

Academic Liaison Chair
Wai Yin Mok, University of Alabama in Huntsville

Sponsorship Chair
Will W. K. Ma, Hong Kong Shue Yan University

Activities Chair
Simon Cheung, The University of Hong Kong
Oliver Au, City University of Hong Kong

Program Committee

Philip Alberts (Brunel University, UK)
Keith Barker (University of Connecticut, USA)
Vic Callaghan (University of Essex, UK)
F. T. Chan (University of Hong Kong, HK)
Giuliana Dettori (Istituto per le Tecnologie Didattiche, Italy)
Michael Gardner (University of Essex, UK)
Le Gruenwald (University of Oklahoma, USA)
Joseph Fong (City University of Hong Kong, HK)
Reggie C. Kwan (Caritas Francis Hsu College, HK)
Wolfgang Halang (Fern Universitat in Hagen, Germany)
K. P. Hewagamage (University of Colombo, Sri Lanka)
Raquel Hijon-Neira (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain)
Wen-Chi Hou (Southern Illinois University, USA)
Qing Li (Hong Kong Web Society, HK)
Sabine Moebs (Dublin City University, Ireland)
Dennis McLeod (University of Southern California, USA)
Sham Navathe (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
Diana Perez-Marin (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain)
Liping Shen (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China)
Stefanie Sieber (Otto-Friedrich-Universitat Bamberg, Germany)
Wei Sun (Beihang University, China)
Stefan Trausan-Matu (Politehnica University of Bucharest, Romania)
Fu Lee Wang (City University of Hong Kong, HK)
Tak Lam Wong (Chinese University of Hong Kong, HK)
Lei Xu (Tsinghua University, China)
W. L. Yeung (Lingnan University, HK)
Liming Zhang (University of Macao, Macau)
Wanlei Zhou (Deakin University, Australia)


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