VS-GAMES: Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious Applications



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Event When Where Deadline
VS-Games 2016 8th International Conference on Virtual Worlds and Games for Serious Applications
Sep 7, 2016 - Sep 9, 2016 Barcelona, Spain Mar 25, 2016

Present CFP : 2016

VS-Games Vision

That game-based technologies have found a place in the wider world (beyond interactive entertainment) is now beyond question, with topics such as gamification and interactive storytelling becoming accepted in many application fields. VS-Games 2016 aims to continue the series’ overall goals of developing and nurturing theoretical and academic rigour in the discussion of serious games and virtual worlds

New Modalities

As previous conferences in the series have noted, such development is made difficult by the ever-expanding horizons offered by new hardware and technological solutions. The 2016 edition aims to address this challenge head-on by particularly encouraging submissions related to the application and impact of new technologies related to Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR).

VS-Games 2016 invites submissions on the following subjects, as well the conference's standard topics:

- Alternate reality games
- Virtual environments
- Augmented reality
- Game design
- Animation for serious games and virtual worlds
- AI applications for serious games
- Serious games methodologies
- User-modelling in serious games
- Pervasive gaming
- Interactivity issues
- Visualisation techniques
- Human computer interaction
- Mobile games
- Education and learning
- Multimedia gaming
- Case studies in serious games and virtual worlds
- Gamification

The following are the dates of submission for the different tracks of the VS Games 2016 conference:

Full Papers (8 pages): 25th March 2016
Short Papers (4 pages): 25th March 2016
Poster Papers (2 pages): 25th March 2016
Call for Workshops (2 pages): 25th March 2016

All authors need to follow IEEE standards (A4 template) to format their papers (regardless of category), this can be found here.

All papers must be submitted via our online submission systems.

Related Resources

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OP 2025   Philosophical Approaches to Games and Gamification: Ethical, Aesthetic, Technological and Political Perspectives (second call)