EOOLT: Equation-Based Object-Oriented Modeling Languages and Tools



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EOOLT 2010 Workshop on Equation-Based Object-Oriented Languages and Tools
Oct 3, 2010 - Oct 5, 2010 Oslo, Norway Jun 3, 2010

Present CFP : 2010

Note that this workshop occurs during one of the three days of October 3-5. (See also


During the last decade, integrated model-based design of complex cyber-physical systems (which mix physical dynamics with software and networks) has gained significant attention. Hybrid modeling languages based on equations, supporting both continuous-time and event-based aspects (e.g. Modelica, SysML, VHDL-AMS, and Simulink/ Simscape) enable high level reuse and integrated modeling capabilities of both the physically surrounding system and software for embedded systems.

Note that this workshop occurs during one of the three days of October 3-5, concurrent with SCOPE.

During the last decade, integrated model-based design of complex cyber-physical systems (which mix physical dynamics with soft ware and networks) has gained significant attention. Hybrid modeling languages based on equations, supporting both continuous-time and event-based aspects (e.g. Modelica, SysML, VHDL-AMS, and Simulink/ Simscape) enable high level reuse and integrated modeling capabilities of both the physically surrounding system and software for embedded systems.

The EOOLT workshop addresses the current state of the art of such equation-based
object-oriented (EOO) modeling languages, as well as open issues that currently still limit their expressiveness, correctness, and use fulness. Moreover, integration of and comparison with related approaches and languages, such as actor oriented, synchronous, and domain specific languages, are of particular interest. The workshop is concerned with, but not limited to, the following EOO related themes:

* Acausality and its role in model reusability.
* Component systems for EOO languages.
* Discrete-event and hybrid modeling.
* Embedded systems and efficient code generation.
* Modeling language constructs in support of simulation, optimization, diagnostics,
and system identification.
* EOO mathematical modeling vs. UML software modeling.
* Integrated hardware-software modeling of cyberphysical systems.
* Requirement to model traceability, translation, and integration.
* Formal semantics of EOO related languages.
* Multi-resolution / multi-scale modeling using EOO languages.
* Model-driven development related to EOO languages.
* Numerical coupling of EOO simulators and other simulation tools.
* Parallel execution of EOO models.
* Programming / modeling environments.
* Real-time simulation using EOO languages.
* Reflection and meta-programming.
* Verification, type systems, and early static checking.
* Relation to functional reactive programming (FRP) and synchronous languages.
* Comparison with related causal or hybrid formalisms.


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