EISWT: Enterprise Information Systems and Web Technologies



Past:   Proceedings on DBLP

Future:  Post a CFP for 2011 or later   |   Invite the Organizers Email


All CFPs on WikiCFP

Event When Where Deadline
EISWT 2010 2010 International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems and Web Technologies
Jul 12, 2010 - Jul 14, 2010 Orlando, USA May 31, 2010
EISWT 2008 International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems and Web Technologies
Jul 7, 2008 - Jul 10, 2008 Orlando, FL, USA Feb 4, 2008

Present CFP : 2010

The scope of the conference includes all areas of web technologies, all areas of enterprise solution systems and all areas of enterprise information systems and their combinations.

The main topics include but will not be limited to:

Analysis of information systems
Computational biology
Decision support systems and AI
Enterprise Information Systems
Enterprise Solutions
Human-Computer Interaction
Integration of Databases with Systems
Internet Technology
Software Agents and Internet Computing
Software Engineering and Information Systems
Specification of Information systems
Web Interfaces

More specific topics include but will not be limited to:

* AI and e-learning
* Assessment methodologies
* Authoring tools
* B2B and B2C systems
* Bio-informatics
* Business processes re-engineering
* Business-oriented and consumer-oriented e-commerce
* Case studies
* Case studies and applications
* CASE tools
* Client-Server Architecture
* Content management
* Data clustering
* Data warehouses
* Database and internet integration
* Database security
* Databases and e-commerce
* Databases and systems integration
* Decision support systems
* Distributed databases
* e-business
* e-commerce
* e-government
* e-learning
* e-logistics
* Enterprise architectures
* Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
* e-organizations
* e-procurement
* Human-computer interaction
* Information systems analysis and design
* Instructional technologies
* Intelligence in e-systems development
* Intelligent agents
* Internet payment systems
* Knowledge management
* Legacy systems
* Legal aspects of e-systems
* Management issues
* Marketing using e-technologies
* Middleware technologies
* Mobile databases
* Mobile learning
* Multimedia databases
* Multimedia techniques and e-systems
* Negotiation systems and protocols
* Object-Oriented Database Systems (OODB)
* Ontologies
* Organizational issues
* Policies and strategy issues
* Public and private partnership
* Risk management
* Security and privacy aspects of systems development
* Security issues
* Semantic web
* Service-oriented systems
* Software architectures for enterprise information systems
* Software architectures for web-based systems
* Software engineering aspects of systems development
* Software engineering aspects of web-based systems
* Software measurement
* Software tools for e-Learning
* Supply Chain Management (SCM)
* Technologies for e-systems
* Training and evaluation
* Trust-based issues
* Usability issues
* Virtual learning environments
* Web technologies and databases


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