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(ordered by deadline)
Event When Where Deadline
Expired CFPs
WPC 2018 Wireless Power Congress
Mar 21, 2018 - Mar 22, 2018 Munich, Germany Nov 9, 2017
WD 2018 Wireless Days 2018
Apr 3, 2018 - Apr 5, 2018 Dubai, UAE Nov 7, 2017
ICEVLC 2018 2nd International Conference and Exhibition on Visible Light Communications 2018
Mar 16, 2018 - Mar 16, 2018 Yokohama, Japan Oct 15, 2017
IPSN 2018 ACM/IEEE Information Processing in Sensor Networks
Apr 11, 2018 - Apr 13, 2018 Porto, Portugal Oct 6, 2017 (Sep 29, 2017)
AINTEC 2017 13th Asian Internet Engineering Conference (in cooperation with ACM SIGCOMM)
Nov 20, 2017 - Nov 22, 2017 Bangkok, Thailand Oct 1, 2017
IEEE EdgeCom 2018 3rd Workshop on Edge Computing
Jan 12, 2018 - Jan 15, 2018 Las Vegas Sep 15, 2017
EWSN 2018 Intl Conf on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks
Feb 14, 2018 - Feb 16, 2018 Madrid, Spain Sep 11, 2017 (Sep 6, 2017)
ACM CarSys (Demo and Poster Papers) 2017 [Demo and Poster Papers] ACM CarSys 2017 : The Second ACM International Workshop on Connected and Automated Vehicle Mobility
Oct 16, 2017 - Oct 20, 2017 Snowbird, Utah, US Aug 7, 2017
RTUWO 2017 Advances in Wireless and Optical Communications
Nov 2, 2017 - Nov 3, 2017 Riga, Latvia Aug 1, 2017
IFIP PEMWN 2017 6th IFIP International Conference on Performance Evaluation and Modeling in Wired and Wireless Networks
Nov 28, 2017 - Nov 30, 2017 Paris, France Jul 31, 2017
RABAN 2017 8th International Workshop on Recent Advances in Broadband Access Networks
Nov 6, 2017 - Nov 8, 2017 Munich, Germany Jul 30, 2017
APWiMob 2017 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Wireless and Mobile
Nov 28, 2018 - Nov 29, 2018 Bandung -Indonesia Jul 28, 2017
ACM CarSys 2017 The Second ACM International Workshop on Connected and Automated Vehicle Mobility
Oct 16, 2017 - Oct 20, 2017 Snowbird, Utah, USA Jul 14, 2017
OWC 2017 7th IEEE GLOBECOM 2017 Workshop on Optical Wireless Communications (OWC'17)
Dec 8, 2017 - Dec 8, 2017 Singapore Jul 8, 2017
GRCon 2017 GNU Radio Conference 2017
Sep 11, 2017 - Sep 15, 2017 San Diego, CA, US Jul 1, 2017 (Jun 1, 2017)
MOBIWAC 2017 International Symposium on Mobility Management and Wireless Access
Nov 21, 2017 - Nov 25, 2017 Miami Beach, USA Jun 30, 2017
ACM WiNTECH 2017 The 11th ACM Workshop on Wireless Network Testbeds, Experimental evaluation & CHaracterization
Oct 16, 2017 - Oct 16, 2017 Snowbird, Utah, US Jun 29, 2017
CyberC 2017 International Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery
Oct 12, 2017 - Oct 14, 2017 Nanjing Jun 15, 2017
IoTAD 2017 IoT and Antenna Design
Aug 21, 2017 - Aug 23, 2017 Dublin, Ireland Jun 1, 2017
FNSS 2017 3rd Future Network Systems and Security Conference
Aug 31, 2017 - Sep 2, 2017 Gainesville, FL, USA May 31, 2017
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