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(ordered by deadline)
Event When Where Deadline
Expired CFPs
PLACES 2020 12th International Workshop on Programming Language Approaches to Concurrency- and Communication-cEntric Software
Apr 26, 2020 - Apr 26, 2020 Dublin, Ireland Feb 2, 2020
ICAI 2020 11th International Conference on Applied Informatics
Jan 29, 2020 - Jan 31, 2020 Eger, Hungary Jan 28, 2020 (Dec 15, 2019)
CAV 2020 Computer Aided Verification
Jun 21, 2020 - Jun 24, 2020 Los Angeles, USA Jan 23, 2020
VPT 2020 Eighth International Workshop on Verification and Program Transformation
Apr 25, 2020 - Apr 26, 2020 Dublin, Ireland Jan 20, 2020 (Jan 13, 2020)
HSB 2020 HSB 2020: Hybrid Systems and Biology
Apr 15, 2020 - Apr 16, 2020 Vienna Dec 13, 2019
CPP 2020 Certified Programs and Proofs
Jan 20, 2020 - Jan 21, 2020 New Orleans, Louisiana, USA Oct 21, 2019 (Oct 16, 2019)
ICST 2020 13th IEEE Conference on Software Testing, Validation and Verification
Mar 23, 2020 - Mar 27, 2020 Porto, Portugal Oct 14, 2019
VTS 2020 IEEE VLSI Test Symposium
Apr 5, 2020 - Apr 8, 2020 San Diego Oct 11, 2019 (Oct 4, 2019)
IEEE-5G-Security 2020 IEEE Communications Magazine Feature Topic “5G Security: Can 5G Be Verifiably Secure?”
N/A N/A Sep 29, 2019
OVERLAY 2019 First workshop on Artificial Intelligence and fOrmal VERification, Logic, Automata, and sYnthesis
Nov 19, 2019 - Nov 22, 2019 University of Calabria, Rende, Italy Sep 21, 2019
FTSCS 2019 7th International Workshop on Formal Techniques for Safety-Critical Systems
Nov 9, 2019 - Nov 9, 2019 Shenzhen, China Sep 10, 2019
NSAD 2019 Numerical and Symbolic Abstract Domains
Oct 8, 2019 - Oct 8, 2019 Porto Jul 4, 2019
DETECT 2019 The international workshop on moDeling, vErification and Testing of dEpendable CriTical systems 2019
Oct 28, 2019 - Oct 28, 2019 Toulouse Jun 22, 2019 (Jun 8, 2019)
RP 2019 13th International Conference on Reachability Problems (RP 2019)
Sep 11, 2019 - Sep 13, 2019 BRUSSELS, BELGIUM Jun 17, 2019
SERENE 2019 11th International Workshop on Software Engineering for Resilient Systems
Sep 17, 2019 - Sep 17, 2019 Naples, Italy Jun 14, 2019 (Jun 7, 2019)
Oct 15, 2019 - Oct 17, 2019 Paris Jun 2, 2019 (May 26, 2019)
RV 2019 The 19th International Conference on Runtime Verification
Oct 8, 2019 - Oct 11, 2019 Porto May 21, 2019
VECoS 2019 13th International Conference on Verification and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems
Oct 7, 2019 - Oct 9, 2019 Porto, Portugal May 8, 2019 (Apr 23, 2019)
ATVA 2019 International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis
Oct 28, 2019 - Oct 31, 2019 Taipei, Taiwan May 3, 2019 (Apr 26, 2019)
VSTTE 2019 Verified Software: Theories, Tools and Experiments
Jul 13, 2019 - Jul 14, 2019 New York Apr 29, 2019 (Apr 23, 2019)
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