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HEC 2014 5th Health and Environment Conference in the Middle East
Mar 3, 2014 - Mar 5, 2014 Dubai - United Arab Emirates Nov 30, 2013
YHYS 2013 International YHYS Colloquium: Green Consumerism – Exploring dilemmas of sustainable consumption
Nov 21, 2013 - Nov 22, 2013 Jyväskylä, Finland Nov 1, 2013
IJBPSCM 2013 - SBITM 2013 IJBPSCM - 2013 Special Issue on: Sustainable Business Innovation and Technology Management
N/A N/A Oct 31, 2013
WSF 2013 The 3rd World Sustainability Forum
Nov 1, 2013 - Nov 30, 2013 online Sep 16, 2013
SEGC 2014 Software Engineering Aspects of Green Computing
Mar 24, 2014 - Mar 28, 2014 Gyeongju, South Korea Sep 13, 2013
JOS SI on Sustainable Healthcare 2013 Journal of Simulation Special Issue on Simulation for Sustainable Healthcare
N/A N/A Jul 1, 2013
GFS 2013 First International Conference on Global Food Security
Sep 29, 2013 - Oct 2, 2013 Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands May 10, 2013
Green Supply Chains & Logistical Issues 2013 Int. J. of Logistics Systems and Management - Special Issue on: Global Green Supply Chains and Logistical Issues
N/A N/A May 1, 2013
AES 2013 2013 Arctic Energy Summit
Oct 8, 2013 - Oct 10, 2013 Akureyri, Iceland Apr 15, 2013
STTF 2013 Summer School - Sustainable Technologies and Transdisciplinary Futures: From Collaborative Design to Digital Fabrication
Jul 8, 2013 - Jul 12, 2013 Lisbon, Portugal Apr 1, 2013
TGE 2014 Transitional green entrepreneurs: Re-thinking ecopreneurship for the 21st century
Jun 3, 2014 - Jun 5, 2013 Umeå, Sweden Apr 1, 2013 (Dec 31, 2013)
CSR Trends 2013 Beyond Business as Usual. CSR Trends
Jun 20, 2013 - Jun 21, 2013 Lodz, Poland Mar 31, 2013
Balance-Unbalance 2013 Balance-Unbalance International Conference
May 31, 2013 - Jun 2, 2013 Queensland, Australia Mar 11, 2013
AI & Society (Special Issue) 2013 Special issue of AI & Society on agent-based modelling, socio-technical systems, public policy, sustainability
N/A N/A Mar 1, 2013
Low-Carbon Logistics Mgmt 2013 Int. J. of Shipping and Transport Logistics - Special Issue on: Advances in Low-Carbon Logistics Management
N/A N/A Mar 1, 2013
Performance measurement sustainable SCM 2013 International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management - Special issue on Performance measurement of sustainable supply chains
N/A N/A Feb 28, 2013
Managing a. Measuring Sustainable SCM 2013 Supply Chain Management - Special issue on Managing and Measuring Sustainability Performance of Supply Chains
N/A N/A Feb 4, 2013
SAUPO 2013 Symposium on Asia-USA Partnership Opportunities (SAUPO)
Apr 19, 2013 - Apr 19, 2013 St. Regis Hotel, Atlanta, GA, USA Jan 18, 2013
SiaCC 2013 Software Infrastructure as A Crosscutting Concern Workshop
Mar 25, 2013 - Mar 25, 2013 Fukuoka, Japan Jan 17, 2013
EREID 2013 Sustainability Research in the Social and Human Sciences : Why ? How ? For whom ?
Apr 4, 2013 - Apr 5, 2013 Quimper - France Dec 15, 2012
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