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Expired CFPs
ICASSP 2010 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing
Mar 15, 2010 - Mar 19, 2010 Dallas, Texas, USA Sep 14, 2009
IWSLT 2009 6th International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation
Dec 1, 2009 - Dec 2, 2009 Tokyo, Japan Jul 31, 2009
INTERSPEECH 2009 International Conference on Spoken Language Processing
Sep 6, 2009 - Sep 10, 2009 Brighton, United Kingdom Apr 17, 2009
TSD 2009 International Conference on TEXT, SPEECH and DIALOGUE
Sep 13, 2009 - Sep 18, 2009 Plzen, Czech Republic Mar 22, 2009
NOLISP 2009 Workshop on Non-Linear Speech Processing
Jun 25, 2009 - Jun 27, 2009 Vic (Barcelona), Spain Mar 15, 2009
SRSL 2009 2nd International Workshop on the Semantic Representation of Spoken Language
Mar 30, 2009 - Mar 31, 2009 Athens, Greece Dec 19, 2008
ICASSP 2009 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing
Apr 19, 2009 - Apr 24, 2009 Taipei, Taiwan Sep 29, 2008
SEPLN 2008 24th Conference of the Spanish Society for Natural Language Processing
Sep 10, 2008 - Sep 12, 2008 Leganés, Madrid Apr 28, 2008
INTERSPEECH 2008 International Conference on Spoken Language Processing
Sep 22, 2008 - Sep 26, 2008 Brisbane, Australia Apr 14, 2008
PIT 2008 4th Tutorial and Research Workshop Perception and Interactive Technologies for Speech-Based Systems
Jun 16, 2008 - Jun 18, 2008 Irsee, Germany Feb 10, 2008
HSCMA 2008 Joint Workshop on Hands-free Speech Communication and Microphone Arrays
May 6, 2008 - May 8, 2008 Trento, Italy Jan 25, 2008
Speech Prosody 2008 Fourth Conference on Speech Prosody
May 6, 2008 - May 9, 2008 Campinas, Brazil Nov 2, 2007
ICASSP 2008 The 33rd International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing
Mar 30, 2008 - Apr 4, 2008 Las Vegas Oct 5, 2007
IALUSP 2007 Identity, Authenticity, Locality, Urbanity and Speech
Dec 6, 2007 - Dec 9, 2007 Vienna, Austria Aug 15, 2007
Speech and Body in Interaction 2007 International Workshop: Speech and Body in Interaction
Oct 12, 2007 - Oct 13, 2007 Berlin, Germany Jul 31, 2007
IS-SSC 2011 INTERSPEECH 2011 Speaker State Challenge
Aug 28, 2011 - Aug 31, 2011 Florence, Italy TBD
ISCSLP 2012 8th International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing
Dec 5, 2012 - Dec 8, 2012 Hong Kong, China TBD
ICASSP 2017 ICASSP 2017 - 2017 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)
Mar 5, 2017 - Mar 9, 2017 New Orleans, LA, USA Sep 12, 2016
O-COCOSDA 2014 The 17th International Oriental Chapter of the International Committee for the Co-ordination and Standardization of Speech Databases and Assessment Techniques 2014
Sep 10, 2014 - Sep 12, 2014 Phuket, Thailand TBD
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