Software Security

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(ordered by deadline)
Event When Where Deadline
Expired CFPs
SAW 2016 3rd International Workshop on Software Assurance
Aug 31, 2016 - Sep 2, 2016 Salzburg, Austria Apr 25, 2016
STPSA 2016 IEEE International Workshop on Security, Trust, and Privacy for Software Applications
Jun 10, 2016 - Jun 14, 2016 Atlanta, Georgia, USA Mar 18, 2016
AppSecEU 2016 OWASP AppSec Europe 2016
Jun 27, 2016 - Jul 1, 2016 Rome Jan 15, 2016
ASWEC 2015 Australian Software Engineering Conference 2015
Sep 28, 2015 - Oct 1, 2015 Adelaide, Australia Jun 14, 2015
ISSRE 2015 The 26th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering
Nov 2, 2015 - Nov 5, 2015 Washington DC, USA Jun 7, 2015 (May 27, 2015)
SAW 2015 The 2nd International Workshop on Software Assurance
Aug 24, 2015 - Aug 28, 2015 Toulouse, France May 1, 2015
QRS 2015 The 2015 International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security
Aug 3, 2015 - Aug 5, 2015 Vancouver, Canada Mar 20, 2015
SAW 2014 International Software Assurance Workshop
Sep 8, 2014 - Sep 12, 2014 University of Fribourg, Switzerland Apr 7, 2014
SPW 2013 Twenty-first International Workshop on Security Protocols
Mar 18, 2013 - Mar 20, 2013 Cambridge, England Jan 7, 2013
SEC@SAC 2013 Computer Security track at the 28th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing
Mar 18, 2013 - Mar 22, 2013 Coimbra, Portugal Sep 21, 2012
Metrisec 2011 7th International Workshop on SECURITY MEASUREMENTS AND METRICS
Sep 21, 2011 - Sep 21, 2011 Banff, Canada Jun 6, 2011
ISSA 2011 Information Security for South Africa 2011
Aug 15, 2011 - Aug 17, 2011 Johannesburg Apr 29, 2011 (Apr 4, 2011)
IJSSE 2011 Special Issue on Lessons learned in engineering secure & dependable Web applications
N/A N/A Mar 7, 2011
IEEE HSTC 08 2008 IEEE International Conference on Technologies for Homeland Security
May 12, 2008 - May 13, 2008 Boston, MA Nov 10, 2007
QSIC 2015 International Conference on Quality Software
Aug 3, 2015 - Aug 5, 2015 Vancouver, Canada TBD
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