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(ordered by deadline)
Event When Where Deadline
NLPTT 2024 5th International Conference on NLP Trends & Technologies
Aug 24, 2024 - Aug 25, 2024 Dubai, UAE Jul 6, 2024
PDCTA 2024 13th International Conference on Parallel, Distributed Computing Technologies and Applications
Sep 21, 2024 - Sep 22, 2024 Copenhagen, Denmark Jul 6, 2024
CBIoT 2024 5th International Conference on Cloud, Big Data and IoT
Sep 28, 2024 - Sep 29, 2024 Toronto, Canada Jul 6, 2024
IJESA 2024 International Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications
N/A N/A Jul 7, 2024
FASSI 2024 The Tenth International Conference on Fundamentals and Advances in Software Systems Integration
Nov 3, 2024 - Nov 7, 2024 Nice, France Jul 7, 2024
Expired CFPs
MASE 2024 Modeling in Automotive System and Software Engineering Workshop
Sep 22, 2024 - Sep 23, 2024 Linz, Austria Jul 5, 2024
SfP 2024 Software for the Past (SfP): 4th Workshop on Digital Technologies to Study the Past and Present: Focus on Digital Remembrance
Jul 28, 2024 - Jul 28, 2024 Virtual Jul 5, 2024
PEMWN 2024 Performance Evaluation & Modeling in Wired and Wireless Networks
Sep 25, 2024 - Sep 27, 2024 Agadir, Morocco Jun 30, 2024
FACS 2024 20th International Conference on Formal Aspects of Component Software
Sep 9, 2024 - Sep 10, 2024 Milan, Italy May 15, 2024 (May 8, 2024)
CIAA 2024 The 28th International Conference on Implementation and Application of Automata
Sep 3, 2024 - Sep 6, 2024 Akita, Japan May 3, 2024
APSys 2024 15th ACM SIGOPS Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems
Sep 4, 2024 - Sep 5, 2024 Kyoto, Japan May 2, 2024 (Apr 25, 2024)
IEEE SSE 2024 IEEE International Conference On Software Services Engineering
Jul 7, 2024 - Jul 13, 2024 Shenzhen, China Apr 7, 2024 (Mar 17, 2024)
DevSecOpsRO 2024 2nd Workshop on DevSecOps Research and Opportunities (DevSecOpsRO) (in conjunction with EuroS&P 2024)
Jul 12, 2024 - Jul 12, 2024 Vienna, Austria Mar 29, 2024
OSDay 2024 Open Source Day 2024
Mar 7, 2024 - Mar 8, 2024 Florence, Italy Jan 31, 2024
DEVOPSDAYSBHAM 2024 DevOpsDays - Birmingham, AL 2024
Apr 16, 2024 - Apr 18, 2024 Birmingha, AL Jan 7, 2024
VaMoS 2024 18th International Working Conference on Variability Modelling of Software-Intensive Systems
Feb 7, 2024 - Feb 9, 2024 Bern, Switzerland Oct 26, 2023 (Oct 19, 2023)
SIMUtools 2023 DEADLINE EXTENDED: 15th EAI International Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques
Dec 14, 2023 - Dec 15, 2023 Seville, Spain Sep 30, 2023
ICI2ST 2023 International Conference on Information Systems and Software Technologies
Nov 22, 2023 - Nov 24, 2023 Virtual event Aug 7, 2023
MemSys 2023 The International Symposium on Memory Systems
Oct 2, 2023 - Oct 5, 2023 Alexandria, VA Aug 1, 2023
QUALIFIER 2023 International Workshop on Quality in Software Architecture
Sep 18, 2023 - Sep 19, 2023 Istanbul, Turkiye Jun 30, 2023
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