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(ordered by deadline)
Event When Where Deadline
Expired CFPs
SAL-Unilog 2018 Sociology and Anthropology of Logic: Past and Present. Unilog 2018
Jun 21, 2018 - Jun 22, 2018 Vichy, France Oct 5, 2017
International conference 2018 Coping with risks in agriculture; what challenges and prospects
Feb 22, 2018 - Feb 23, 2018 College des Bernardins, Paris, France Oct 1, 2017
Human Trafficking Conference 2018 2nd Annual Fox Rothschild Center for Law and Society at the Community College of Philadelphia Human Trafficking Conference
Oct 24, 2017 - Oct 24, 2017 Community College of Philadelphia Sep 24, 2017
CIRR 2017 Croatian International Relations Review Winter 2017
N/A N/A Aug 21, 2017
Dialogue of the Deaf 2017 History & Society - Dialogue of the Deaf
Aug 31, 2017 - Sep 1, 2017 Warsaw May 31, 2017
SocJusToronto 2017 CFP: Social Justice Conference -- Toronto, Canada
Oct 28, 2017 - Oct 29, 2017 Toronto, Canada May 30, 2017 (Jun 30, 2017)
espanetpoland 2017 CfP ESPAnet Poland Conference - Stream: Social Innovation and Technological Innovation in Ageing Policies in the European Union
Sep 25, 2017 - Sep 27, 2017 Wroclaw May 15, 2017
ECFS 2017 5th European Congress on Family Science
Nov 9, 2017 - Nov 11, 2017 University of Vienna, Austria Apr 30, 2017
Dialogo Conf 2017 Bridging Science and Religion together: SELF - SOUL - CONSCIOUSNESS
May 19, 2017 - May 26, 2017 Apr 25, 2017
GEE 2017 New Industrial Policies in Emerging Economies - Institutional Foundations, Instruments and Economic Performance
Jun 26, 2017 - Jun 27, 2017 Berlin, Germany Mar 31, 2017
muiscarch 2017 Designing with(in) Istanbul
May 3, 2017 - May 5, 2017 istanbul/ turkey Mar 30, 2017 (Mar 20, 2017)
COHDA 2017 The 4th International Conference on Human Development in Asia
Apr 29, 2017 - Apr 30, 2017 KKR Hotel, Hiroshima, Japan Mar 10, 2017 (Mar 31, 2017)
CIRR 2017 CfP: Croatian International Relations Review Summer 2017 issue
N/A N/A Feb 20, 2017
PROS 2017 9th International Process Symposium
Jun 22, 2017 - Jun 24, 2017 Helona Resort, Kos, Greece Jan 31, 2017 (Oct 1, 2016)
Censorship 2017 Censorship, Politics and Oppression – Call for Papers
Mar 11, 2017 - Mar 12, 2017 Gdańsk (University of Gdańsk) Jan 15, 2017
CFP SRZ 2017 CFP: The Relational Turn in Sociology: Implications for the Study of Society, Culture, and Persons
N/A N/A Jan 15, 2017
Space_Time 2017 Time, Space and Mobility
Jan 20, 2017 - Jan 22, 2017 Online Jan 10, 2017
Sociology under State Socialism 2017 Sociology under State Socialism: Varieties, Similarities, and Exceptions
N/A N/A Jan 10, 2017 (Oct 31, 2016)
Violence 2017 Violence and Society
Mar 18, 2017 - Mar 18, 2017 Warsaw, Poland Dec 20, 2016
CTD 2017 International Conference on Tourism, Ethics and Global Citizenship: Connecting the Dots
Jul 3, 2017 - Jul 6, 2017 Apeldoorn Dec 1, 2016
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