Social Media

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(ordered by deadline)
Event When Where Deadline
Expired CFPs
METIS 2012 The Fifth Edition of the International Spring School on Distributed Systems: 'The Future of Social Networks'
May 7, 2012 - May 9, 2012 Tangier May 7, 2012
WDSN 2012 5th Workshop Digital Social Networks
Sep 19, 2012 - Sep 19, 2012 Braunschweig Apr 30, 2012
eGov & Social Media 2012 eGovernance and Social Media
N/A N/A Apr 30, 2012
EISRC 2012 Movements, Networks, Protest – New Agendas for Society and Politics
Jun 15, 2012 - Jun 15, 2012 London Apr 22, 2012
ASONAM 2012 The 2012 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining
Aug 26, 2012 - Aug 29, 2012 Istanbul, Turkey Apr 15, 2012 (Apr 8, 2012)
e-LBJET 2013 e-Leadership: Special Issue of The British Journal of Educational Technology (BJET)
N/A N/A Mar 31, 2012
RAMSS 2012 1st International Workshop on Real-Time Analysis and Mining of Social Streams
Jun 4, 2012 - Jun 4, 2012 Dublin, Ireland Mar 4, 2012
ICWSM Workshop Papers 2012 ICWSM-12 - Workshop Papers
Jun 4, 2012 - Jun 8, 2012 Dublin, Ireland Mar 2, 2012
SocMP 2012 First Workshop on Social Media Processing
Jun 18, 2012 - Jun 19, 2012 Delft, the Netherlands Feb 28, 2012
PSOSM 2012 Workshop on Privacy and Security in Online Social Media
Apr 17, 2012 - Apr 17, 2012 Lyon, France Feb 23, 2012 (Feb 20, 2012)
NLP4UGC 2012 @NLP can u tag #user_generated_content ?! via
May 26, 2012 - May 26, 2012 Istanbul Feb 22, 2012
Hypertext 2012 23rd ACM conference on Hypertext and Social Media
Jun 25, 2012 - Jun 28, 2012 Milwaukee, WI. USA. Feb 17, 2012
HT 2012 ACM Hypertext - Social Media Track
Jun 25, 2012 - Jun 28, 2012 Milwaukee, WI Feb 6, 2012
Messaging and Web of Data 2012 Messaging and Web of Data: Private meets Public (and vice-versa) at WWW2012 (April 16, 2012 - Lyon France)
Apr 16, 2011 - Apr 16, 2011 Lyon, France Feb 5, 2012
SMANE 2012 Workshop on Social Media Applications in News and Entertainment
Apr 16, 2012 - Apr 16, 2012 Lyon, France Feb 1, 2012
NLDB 2012 17th International conference on Applications of Natural Language Processing to Information Systems
Jun 26, 2012 - Jun 28, 2012 Groningen, the Netherlands Jan 31, 2012
PLoS One-altmetrics 2012 PLoS One: altmetrics - Tracking scholarly impact on the social Web
N/A N/A Jan 28, 2012
Hypertext Workshops 2012 ACM Hypertext 2012 - Call for Workshop Proposals
Jun 25, 2012 - Jun 25, 2012 Milwaukee, WI, USA Jan 24, 2012
ICWSM 2012 The 6th International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media
Jun 4, 2012 - Jun 8, 2012 Dublin, Ireland Jan 18, 2012 (Jan 13, 2012)
ICWSM Tutorials 2012 ICWSM-12 Call for Tutorials
Jun 4, 2012 - Jun 8, 2012 Dublin, Ireland Jan 9, 2012
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