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(ordered by deadline)
Event When Where Deadline
Expired CFPs
COMS 2018 The 9th Workshop on Computational Optimization, Modelling and Simulation (COMS 2018)
Jun 11, 2018 - Jun 13, 2018 Wuxi, China Jan 31, 2018
PADS 2018 2018 ACM SIGSIM Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation
May 23, 2018 - May 25, 2018 Rome, Italy Jan 26, 2018
FOODSIM 2018 10th biennial FOODSIM Conference
Apr 8, 2018 - Apr 12, 2018 University of Leuven, Ghent Campus Jan 15, 2018
SOREnergy 2018 Simulation and Optimization in Renewable Energy Production Systems
Apr 10, 2018 - Apr 13, 2018 Thessaloniki, Greece Jan 7, 2018
MOSIM 2018 12th International Conference on Modelling, Optimization and Simulation
Jun 27, 2018 - Jun 29, 2018 Toulouse, France Dec 15, 2017
HPCMS 2018 *** Extended Deadline *** 5th Special Session on High Performance Computing in Modelling and Simulation (HPCMS)
Mar 21, 2018 - Mar 23, 2018 Cambridge, UK Nov 3, 2017
Sep 15, 2017 - Apr 1, 2018 SI - M&S Sep 15, 2017
NoCArc 2017 NoCArc 2017 - 10th International Workshop on Network on Chip Architectures
Oct 14, 2017 - Oct 15, 2017 Boston Aug 1, 2017 (Jul 25, 2017)
DSS 2017 3rd International Workshop on Data-driven Self-regulating Systems
Sep 18, 2017 - Sep 22, 2017 University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ Jul 17, 2017
MIWAI 2017 The 11th Multi-disciplinary International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence
Nov 20, 2017 - Nov 22, 2017 Brunei Jul 12, 2017
OCS 2017 4th OMNeT++ Community Summit 2017
Sep 7, 2017 - Sep 8, 2017 University of Bremen, Germany Jun 30, 2017 (Jun 23, 2017)
ESM 2017 31st European Simulation and Modelling Conference
Oct 25, 2017 - Oct 27, 2017 Lisbon, Portugal Jun 15, 2017
SIMUTools 2017 10th International Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques
Sep 11, 2017 - Sep 13, 2017 Shenzhen, China May 1, 2017
GAME-ON 2017 18th annual Simulation and AI in Games Conference
Sep 6, 2017 - Sep 8, 2017 Carlow, Ireland Apr 30, 2017
CAMAD: Demo Session 2017 22nd IEEE Int'l Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD): Demo Session
Jun 19, 2017 - Jun 21, 2017 Lund, Sweden Apr 18, 2017
SDF 2017 SummerSim 2017 : 49th Summer Computer Simulation Conference (SCSC 2017) - System Design Flow Track
Jul 9, 2017 - Jul 12, 2017 Seattle Apr 17, 2017
SummerSim 2017 2017 ACM/IEEE Summer Simulation Multi-Conference
Jul 9, 2017 - Jul 12, 2017 Bellevue Apr 17, 2017
SummerSim 2017 49th Summer Computer Simulation Conference (SCSC 2017) - CyberSim Track
Jul 9, 2017 - Jul 12, 2017 Seattle Apr 17, 2017
EOMAS 2017 Enterprise and Organizational Modeling and Simulation
Jun 12, 2017 - Jun 13, 2017 Essen, Germany Apr 2, 2017
Mfg Processes Modeling Competition 2017 Reusable Abstractions of Manufacturing Processes (RAMP) Competition
Jun 4, 2017 - Jun 8, 2017 University of Southern California Mar 20, 2017
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