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(ordered by deadline)
Event When Where Deadline
Expired CFPs
IEEE-SMM 2014 The Third IEEE International Workshop on Semantic Multimedia
Jun 16, 2014 - Jun 18, 2014 Newport Beach, California, USA Mar 17, 2014
MASTS 2014 6th International Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems Technology and Semantics
Sep 3, 2014 - Sep 5, 2014 Madrid, Spain Mar 17, 2014
ISEM-LDCUP 2013 I-SEMANTICS 2013: 9th International Conference on Semantic Systems (I-Challenge / Linked Data Cup)
Sep 4, 2013 - Sep 6, 2013 Graz, Austria Jun 10, 2013
ISEM-PDP 2013 I-SEMANTICS 2013: 9th International Conference on Semantic Systems (Posters, Demos, PhD Track)
Sep 4, 2013 - Sep 6, 2013 Graz, Austria Jun 5, 2013
SSN 2013 International Workshop on Semantic Social Network
Jul 8, 2013 - Jul 8, 2013 Aalborg, Denmark Apr 30, 2013
SEMAPRO 2013 Seventh International Conference on Advances in Semantic Processing
Sep 29, 2013 - Oct 3, 2013 Porto, Portugal Apr 30, 2013
SDAIN 2013 2nd International Workshop on Semantic and Dynamic Analysis of Information Networks - SDAIN 2013 colocated with ASONAM 2013
Aug 25, 2013 - Aug 28, 2013 Niagara Falls, Canada Apr 29, 2013
Semantic Cities 2013 Semantic Cities at IJCAI 2013
Aug 3, 2013 - Aug 4, 2013 Beijing, China Apr 27, 2013
ISEM 2013 I-SEMANTICS 2013: 9th International Conference on Semantic Systems
Sep 4, 2013 - Sep 6, 2013 Graz, Austria Apr 15, 2013 (Apr 8, 2013)
ISWC 2012 The 11th International Semantic Web Conference
Nov 11, 2012 - Nov 15, 2012 Boston Jun 8, 2012 (Jun 1, 2012)
SEMAPRO 2012 The Sixth International Conference on Advances in Semantic Processing
Sep 23, 2012 - Sep 28, 2012 Barcelona, Spain May 18, 2012
ruSMART 2012 The 5th conference on Internet of Things and Smart Spaces ruSMART 2012
Aug 27, 2012 - Aug 28, 2012 St. Petersburg, Russia May 3, 2012
SP-Sem-MRL 2012 ACL 2012 Joint Workshop on Statistical Parsing and Semantic Processing of Morphologically-Rich Languages
Jul 12, 2012 - Jul 12, 2012 Jeju, Republic of Korea Apr 18, 2012
AFMS 2012 The 2012 FTRA International Workshop on Advanced Future Multimedia Services
Nov 22, 2012 - Nov 25, 2012 Jeju, Korea Apr 15, 2012
wodswp 2012 Workshop on Open Data in a Semantic Web Perspective
May 27, 2012 - May 27, 2012 Toronto Feb 22, 2012
SMER 2011 First International Workshop on Search & Mining Entity-Relationship data (SMER 2011) | CIKM 2011
Oct 28, 2011 - Oct 28, 2011 Glasgow, UK Jun 29, 2011
SMBM 2010 Fourth Symposium on Semantic Mining in Biomedicine
Oct 25, 2010 - Oct 26, 2010 Hinxton, Cambridgeshire, UK Jul 30, 2010
ruSMART 2009 The 2nd International Conference on Smart Spaces
Sep 15, 2009 - Sep 16, 2009 St.Petersburg, Russia Apr 28, 2009
STI PhD 2009 1st International STI Germany PhD-Network Workshop
Apr 29, 2009 - Apr 29, 2009 Poznan, Poland Feb 20, 2009
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