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(ordered by deadline)
Event When Where Deadline
VCOI 2024 International Conference on Vision and Computational Intelligence
Nov 29, 2024 - Nov 30, 2024 Virtual Conference Sep 28, 2024
RTEE 2024 10th International Conference on Recent Trends in Electrical Engineering
Dec 14, 2024 - Dec 15, 2024 Virtual Conference Sep 29, 2024
Expired CFPs
SLIE 2021 Semantic, Logics, Information Extraction and AI (extended deadline)
May 16, 2021 - May 19, 2021 North-Miami Beach Feb 16, 2021
KGSG 2020 Knowledge Graphs for Social Good
May 4, 2020 - May 4, 2020 Columbia University, New York City Apr 1, 2020
SLIE 2020 Semantic, Logics, Information Extraction and AI
May 17, 2020 - May 20, 2020 North Miami Beach Nov 18, 2019
ISAI 2018 The International Workshop on Semantic Audio and the Internet of Things
Nov 14, 2018 - Nov 15, 2018 Bologna, Italy Sep 14, 2018
SMAP 2018 13th International Workshop on Semantic and Social Media Adaptation and Personalization
Sep 6, 2018 - Sep 7, 2018 Zaragoza (Spain) Apr 23, 2018
Web2Touch @IEEE WETICE 2018 Web2Touch @IEEE WETICE 2018: Semantic technologies for smart information sharing and web collaboration
Jun 27, 2018 - Jun 29, 2018 Paris, France Mar 25, 2018
LIDARI 2017 2nd Workshop on Linked Data in Robotics and Industry 4.0
Sep 11, 2017 - Sep 11, 2017 Amsterdam Jul 3, 2017
SMAP 2017 12th International Workshop on Semantic and Social Media Adaptation and Personalization
Jul 9, 2017 - Jul 10, 2017 Bratislava, Slovakia Mar 17, 2017 (Mar 12, 2017)
SITIS 2016 SITIS 2016 - the 12th International Conference on SIGNAL IMAGE TECHNOLOGY & INTERNET BASED SYSTEMS
Nov 28, 2016 - Dec 1, 2016 Naples Sep 24, 2016
BDSDST 2016 Workshop on Big Data, Smart Data and Semantic Technologies
Sep 30, 2016 - Sep 30, 2016 Klagenfurt, Austria May 22, 2016
ESA 2016 Emotion and Sentiment Analysis Workshop (ESA2016) at LREC 2016
May 23, 2016 - May 23, 2016 Portoroz, Slovenia Feb 15, 2016
IEEE MTEL 2015 The 10th IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Technologies for E-Learning (MTEL)
Dec 14, 2015 - Dec 16, 2015 Miami, FL Jul 30, 2015
SaW 2015 International Workshop on Semantic and Web
Oct 21, 2015 - Oct 23, 2015 Porto - Portugal Jun 22, 2015
BDSDST 2015 Workshop on Big Data, Smart Data and Semantic Technologies - Deadline Extended
Sep 29, 2015 - Sep 29, 2015 Cottbus, Germany May 3, 2015
SEMAPRO 2015 The Ninth International Conference on Advances in Semantic Processing
Jul 19, 2015 - Jul 24, 2015 Nice, France Feb 27, 2015
SLIE 2015 Semantic, Logics, Information Extraction and AI (Special track in AAAI-FLAIRS 2015)
May 18, 2015 - May 20, 2015 Hollywood Beach (Florida) Nov 17, 2014
PCS 2014 7th International Workshop on Personalization and Context-Awareness in Cloud and Service Computing
Oct 12, 2014 - Oct 14, 2014 Thessaloniki, Greece Jul 6, 2014
SEMANTICS 2014 10th International Conference on Semantic Systems
Sep 4, 2014 - Sep 5, 2014 Leipzig, Germany May 30, 2014 (May 23, 2014)
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