Remote Sensing

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(ordered by deadline)
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Expired CFPs
SPIE DS 2013 SPIE Geospatial InfoFusion III
Apr 29, 2013 - May 3, 2013 Baltimore Nov 12, 2012
SBSR 2013 XVI Brazilian Remote Sensing Symposium
Apr 13, 2013 - Apr 18, 2013 Foz do Iguaçú, Brazil Nov 10, 2012
ISRSE35 35th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment
Apr 22, 2013 - Apr 26, 2013 Beijing, China Sep 30, 2012
ICTRS 2012 First International Conference on Telecommunications and Remote Sensing
Aug 29, 2012 - Aug 31, 2012 Sofia, Bulgaria Jul 2, 2012
RSSS 2012 Remote Sensing Summer School 2012 (IEEE GRSS / TUM)
Jul 19, 2012 - Jul 20, 2012 Munich Jul 1, 2012
EOTC - Innovative Sensor Systems 2012 Earth Observation Technology Cluster: Innovative Sensor Systems for Advanced Land Surface Studies
N/A N/A May 31, 2012
ACIVS 2012 Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems
Sep 4, 2012 - Sep 7, 2012 Brno, Czech Republic Apr 2, 2012
Agro-Geoinformatics 2012 First International Conference on Agro-Geoinformatics
Aug 2, 2012 - Aug 4, 2012 Shanghai, China Mar 31, 2012
IGARSS 2012 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium
Jul 22, 2012 - Jul 27, 2012 Munich, Germany Jan 12, 2012
ISPRS 2012 International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Congress
Aug 25, 2012 - Sep 1, 2012 Melbourne, Australia Nov 28, 2011 (Oct 24, 2011)
Air Force 2011 Advanced Air and Air Defense Capabilities
N/A N/A Jan 15, 2011
IGARSS 2011 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium
May 1, 2011 - Aug 5, 2011 Sendai, Japan Jan 7, 2011
JURSE 2011 Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event
Apr 11, 2011 - Apr 13, 2011 Munich, Germany Sep 30, 2010
ICRS 2010 International Conference on Remote Sensing
Oct 5, 2010 - Oct 6, 2010 Hangzhou, China Aug 1, 2010
M2RSM 2011 International Workshop on Multi-Platform/Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing and Mapping
Jan 10, 2011 - Jan 12, 2011 Xiamen, China Aug 1, 2010 (Jul 1, 2010)
PRRS 2010 IAPR Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Remote Sensing
Aug 22, 2010 - Aug 22, 2010 Istanbul, Turkey Apr 5, 2010
VISIGRAPP 2010 International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP)
May 17, 2010 - May 21, 2010 Angers-France Jan 20, 2010
TMIP-ITNG 2010 Theoretical Modeling and Image Processing Symposium In conjunction with 7th International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations ITNG 2010
Apr 12, 2010 - Apr 14, 2010 Las Vegas, Nevada, USA Nov 6, 2009
URS 2009 Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event
May 20, 2009 - May 22, 2009 Shanghai, China Oct 31, 2008
PRRS 2008 IAPR Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Remote Sensing
Dec 7, 2008 - Dec 7, 2008 Tampa, FL, USA Jun 16, 2008
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