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(ordered by deadline)
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Expired CFPs
URSW 2010 6th International Workshop on Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web
Nov 7, 2010 - Nov 7, 2010 Shanghai Sep 12, 2010
SWARCH-DL 2010 International Workshop on Semantic Web And Reasoning for Cultural Heritage and Digital Libraries
Sep 22, 2010 - Sep 24, 2010 Pittsburgh, PA, USA Jun 25, 2010
IEEE SWARCH-DL 2010 IEEE International Workshop on Semantic Web And Reasoning for Cultural Heritage and Digital Libraries
Sep 22, 2010 - Sep 24, 2010 Pittsburgh, PA, USA Jun 25, 2010
AISC 2009 6th Annual Conference of the Italian Association for Cognitive Sciences AISC09
Nov 25, 2009 - Nov 26, 2009 Naples Sep 13, 2009 (Sep 30, 2009)
IJSC 2009 Web Scale Reasoning: scalable, tolerant and dynamic: Special Issue of the International Journal of Semantic Computing
N/A N/A Mar 30, 2009 (Mar 10, 2009)
SR 2009 1st International Workshop on Stream Reasoning
May 31, 2009 - May 31, 2009 Herakion, Crete, Greece Mar 8, 2009
ICCS 2009 17th International Conference on Conceptual Structures
Jul 26, 2009 - Jul 31, 2009 Moscow, Russia Jan 12, 2009 (Jan 5, 2009)
AAAI 2021 35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Feb 2, 2021 - Feb 9, 2021 Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada TBD
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