Physical Education

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(ordered by deadline)
Event When Where Deadline
Expired CFPs
Sport & Society 2024 Fifteenth International Conference on Sport & Society
Jun 13, 2024 - Jun 14, 2024 Granada, Spain Jun 13, 2024 (May 13, 2024)
ICCE 2018 2018 4th International Conference on Creative Education (ICCE 2018)
Jun 15, 2018 - Jun 17, 2018 Liverpool, UK May 1, 2018
EQOL 2016 EQOL - Exercise and quality of life
Apr 22, 2016 - Apr 23, 2016 Novi Sad - Serbia Apr 1, 2016
IAPESGW 2014 International Gender and Sport Symposium
Sep 4, 2014 - Sep 5, 2014 Ankara, Turkey Jun 15, 2014
ICPEC 2014 2014 2nd International Conference on Physical Education and Comptuer Technology
Apr 26, 2014 - Apr 27, 2014 Jinan China Mar 31, 2014
INCOPHED 2013 First International Convention for Physical Education and Sport Science Research
Jul 3, 2013 - Jul 5, 2013 Malaysia May 1, 2013
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