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Optimization 2014 Optimization 2014 Conference
Jul 28, 2014 - Jul 30, 2014 Guimarães, Portugal Mar 31, 2014
POMM 2014 Parallel Optimization using high perforMance coMputing (As part of HPCS 2014)
Jul 21, 2014 - Jul 25, 2014 Bologna, Italy Mar 31, 2014
MESS 2024 Metaheuristics Summer School ~ autoDL meets HPC
Jul 15, 2024 - Jul 18, 2024 Catania, Italy Mar 16, 2014
ICSIBO 2014 International Conference on Swarm Intelligence Based Optimization
May 13, 2014 - May 14, 2014 Mulhouse, France Mar 13, 2014
DCC 2014 SIGCOMM Workshop on Distributed Cloud Computing
Aug 22, 2014 - Aug 22, 2014 Chicago, USA Mar 1, 2014
COMS 2014 The 5th Workshop on Computational Optimization, Modelling and Optimization
Jun 10, 2014 - Jun 12, 2014 Cairns, Australia Jan 31, 2014
WiOpt 2014 The 12th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks
May 12, 2014 - May 16, 2014 Hammamet Tunisia Jan 13, 2014 (Jan 6, 2014)
OMAD 2014 Workshop on Optimization Methods for Anomaly Detection
Apr 24, 2014 - Apr 26, 2014 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Jan 10, 2014
REPRODUCE 2014 Workshop on Reproducible Research Methodologies
Feb 15, 2014 - Feb 15, 2014 Orlando, Florida, USA Jan 8, 2014
memresistors 2014 J. Electrical and Computer Engineering: Special Issue on : Nonlinear Circuits and Memristors
N/A N/A Jan 3, 2014
IJVD - RAOAVDMP 2014 Int. J. of Vehicle Design - Special Issue on: Recent Advancement in Optimisation Algorithms for Vehicle Design and Manufacturing Processes
N/A N/A Dec 31, 2013
ECDC 2014 Evolutionary Computing with Deterministic Chaos
Jul 6, 2014 - Jul 11, 2014 Beijing, China Dec 20, 2013
MOMAC 2014 International Workshop on Multi-Objective Many-Core Design
Feb 25, 2014 - Feb 26, 2014 Luebeck, Germany Dec 6, 2013
Call for Book Chapters: Analog/RF optim 2014 Call for book Chapters: Performance Optimization Techniques in Analog, Mixed-Signal, and Radio-Frequency Circuit Design
N/A N/A Nov 30, 2013
IPCO 2014 Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization
Jun 23, 2014 - Jun 25, 2014 Bonn, Germany Nov 15, 2013
IJOR 2014 CALL FOR PAPERS: A special issue of the International Journal of Operational Research on « Modeling and Applied Optimization in Business and Engineering »
N/A N/A Oct 31, 2013
ISMOST 2014 International Society for Metaheuristic Optimization in Science and Technology
Feb 28, 2013 - Dec 31, 2020 London Oct 31, 2013
NIPS BayesOpt 2013 NIPS 2013 Workshop on Bayesian Optimization in Theory and Practice
Dec 10, 2013 - Dec 10, 2013 Lake Tahoe, Nevada, USA Oct 18, 2013
PFMC&SCIGRAD 2013 Planification et Fusion Multi-Capteurs/Système Complexes d
Oct 23, 2013 - Oct 25, 2013 Brest Sep 16, 2013
TABNIA 2013 IJBIC Special Issue on Theoretical Analysis and Benchmarking of Nature-Inspired Algorithms
N/A N/A Jun 30, 2013
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