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(ordered by deadline)
Event When Where Deadline
Expired CFPs
IPSN 2018 ACM/IEEE Information Processing in Sensor Networks
Apr 11, 2018 - Apr 13, 2018 Porto, Portugal Oct 6, 2017 (Sep 29, 2017)
ISSPIT 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology
Dec 18, 2017 - Dec 20, 2017 Bilbao, Spain Sep 4, 2017
Security and Communication Networks 2018 Security of Cyberphysical Systems and Industrial Control Systems and Networks
N/A N/A Aug 25, 2017
ASON 2017 10th International Workshop on Autonomous Self-Organizing Networks
Nov 19, 2017 - Nov 22, 2017 Aomori, Japan Aug 6, 2017 (Aug 1, 2017)
RTUWO 2017 Advances in Wireless and Optical Communications
Nov 2, 2017 - Nov 3, 2017 Riga, Latvia Aug 1, 2017
CSNet 2017 1st Cyber Security in Networking Conference CSNet 2017
Oct 18, 2017 - Oct 20, 2017 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Jul 31, 2017
IFIP PEMWN 2017 6th IFIP International Conference on Performance Evaluation and Modeling in Wired and Wireless Networks
Nov 28, 2017 - Nov 30, 2017 Paris, France Jul 31, 2017
CCNC 2018 15th IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC)
Jan 12, 2018 - Jan 15, 2018 Las Vegas Jul 29, 2017
SIN 2017 10th International Conference on Security of Information and Networks
Oct 13, 2017 - Oct 15, 2017 Jaipur, India Jul 17, 2017
NoF 2017 8th International Conference on Network of the Future
Nov 22, 2017 - Nov 24, 2017 London, UK May 31, 2017 (May 24, 2017)
FNSS 2017 3rd Future Network Systems and Security Conference
Aug 31, 2017 - Sep 2, 2017 Gainesville, FL, USA May 31, 2017
FGCT 2017 Sixth International Conference on Future Generation Communication Technologies
Aug 21, 2017 - Aug 23, 2017 Dublin, Ireland May 25, 2017
WiMob 2017 IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications
Oct 9, 2017 - Oct 11, 2017 Rome, Italy May 20, 2017
ICN 2017 4th ACM Conference on Information-Centric Networking
Sep 26, 2017 - Sep 28, 2017 Berlin, Germany May 8, 2017 (May 1, 2017)
IWDW2017:CUING 2017 Emerging threats of Criminal Use of Information Hiding (Special Session at IWDW2017)
Aug 23, 2017 - Aug 25, 2017 Magdeburg, Germany May 3, 2017
Games-SI:DMNSP 2017 Games Special Issue on Decision Making for Network Security and Privacy.
N/A N/A Apr 30, 2017
ISUT 2017 International Workshop on Ιntelligent & Sustainable Urban Transportation (in conjunction with ISCC 2017)
Jul 3, 2017 - Jul 3, 2017 Heraclion, Crete, Greece Apr 12, 2017
LCN 2017 42nd IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks
Oct 9, 2017 - Oct 12, 2017 Singapore, Singapore Apr 7, 2017 (Mar 31, 2017)
ISWCS 2017 14th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems
Sep 28, 2017 - Oct 1, 2017 Bologna, Italy Apr 7, 2017
AACSN 2017 Complexity Special Issue on Analysis and Applications of Complex Social Networks
Feb 28, 2018 - Feb 28, 2018 Complexity Journal Apr 7, 2017
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