Model-driven Engineering

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(ordered by deadline)
Event When Where Deadline
MoDRE 2019 9th International Workshop on Model-Driven Requirements Engineering (MoDRE)
Sep 24, 2019 - Sep 24, 2019 Jeju Island (South Korea) Jul 5, 2049 (Jun 28, 2019)
Expired CFPs
FPVM 2024 3rd International Workshop on Foundations and Practice of Visual Modeling
Sep 22, 2024 - Sep 27, 2024 Linz, Austria Jul 15, 2024
CoPaMo 2024 International Workshop on Collaborative and Participatory Modeling
Sep 22, 2024 - Sep 24, 2024 Linz, Austria Jul 5, 2024
LLM 4 MDE & MeSS 2024 1st International Workshop Large Language Models for Model-Driven Engineering & 4th International Workshop on MDE for Smart IoT Systems
Jul 8, 2024 - Jul 12, 2024 Enschede, The Netherlands May 13, 2024
MODELS 2024 MODELS 2024 : ACM/IEEE 27th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems
Sep 22, 2024 - Sep 27, 2024 Linz, Austria Mar 28, 2024 (Mar 21, 2024)
MoDRE 2024 Workshop on Model-Driven Requirements Engineering (MoDRE) at RE'24
Jun 25, 2024 - Jun 25, 2024 Reykjavik (Iceland) Mar 27, 2024 (Mar 20, 2024)
Electronics : Special Issue 2024 Combining Model-Based and Data-Driven Methods in Human–Computer Interaction
N/A N/A Jan 15, 2024
LowCode 2023 International Workshop on Modeling in Low-Code Development Platforms
Oct 1, 2023 - Oct 3, 2023 Västerås, Sweden Jul 17, 2023 (Jul 10, 2023)
MoDRE 2023 Model-Driven Requirements Engineering (MoDRE) Workshop 2023
Sep 4, 2023 - Sep 5, 2023 Hannover (Germany) Jun 9, 2023 (Jun 2, 2023)
MeSS 2023 3rd International Workshop on MDE for Smart IoT Systems
Jul 18, 2023 - Jul 21, 2023 Leicester - United Kingdom May 21, 2023
KG4SDSE@CAiSE 2023 1st Workshop on Knowledge Graphs for Semantics-driven Systems Engineering @ CAiSE 2023
Jun 12, 2023 - Jun 13, 2023 Zaragoza Mar 7, 2023
ECMFA 2023 European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications
Jul 17, 2023 - Jul 21, 2023 Leicester Feb 10, 2023
MDE4SA 2023 3rd International Workshop on Model-Driven Engineering for Software Architecture
Mar 13, 2023 - Mar 17, 2023 L'Aquila Dec 9, 2022
MDE Intelligence 2022 The 4th Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Model-driven Engineering
Oct 23, 2022 - Oct 28, 2022 Montreal (Canada), Virtual Jul 20, 2022 (Jul 13, 2022)
MLE 2022 4th International Workshop on Modeling Language Engineering (MLE)
Oct 23, 2022 - Oct 25, 2022 Montreal, Canada Jul 20, 2022 (Jul 13, 2022)
WER 2022 25th Workshop on Requirements Engineering
Aug 23, 2022 - Aug 26, 2022 UFRN, Natal, Brazil Mar 28, 2022 (Mar 21, 2022)
COLA Journal (Elsevier) 2021 CFP: Special issue on “Methods, Tools and Languages for Model-driven Engineering and Low-code Development”
N/A N/A Nov 1, 2021 (Aug 1, 2021)
HoWCoM 2021 1st Hands-on Workshop on Collaborative Modeling
Oct 10, 2021 - Oct 12, 2021 Online Jul 23, 2021 (Jul 16, 2021)
MoDRE 2021 11th International Workshop on Model-Driven Requirements Engineering (MoDRE)
Sep 20, 2021 - Sep 21, 2021 Virtual Jun 24, 2021 (Jun 17, 2021)
FedCSIS - S3E 2021 FedCSIS 2021 Track 5: Software, System and Service Engineering (S3E)
Sep 2, 2021 - Sep 5, 2021 Online May 24, 2021
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