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(ordered by deadline)
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Expired CFPs
SAT 2023 The 26th International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing
Jul 4, 2023 - Jul 8, 2023 Alghero, Italy Mar 17, 2023 (Mar 10, 2023)
LPAR 2023 24th International Conference on Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning
Jun 4, 2023 - Jun 9, 2023 Colombia Mar 13, 2023 (Mar 6, 2023)
ICLA 2022 10th Indian Conference on Logic and its Applications
Mar 3, 2022 - Mar 5, 2022 India Oct 2, 2022
Prolog Day 2022 Prolog Day Symposium
Nov 10, 2022 - Nov 10, 2022 Paris, France Sep 2, 2022
LogParadise 2022 Logic of Paradise
Nov 4, 2022 - Nov 8, 2022 Varanasi, India Jul 31, 2022
philosophia naturalis - 2022 philosophia naturalis. Making Sense of Relations and Realities
Feb 25, 2023 - Feb 25, 2023 Hilton Denver City Central in Denver, CO Jul 30, 2022
CSL 2022 Computer Science Logic 2023
Feb 13, 2023 - Feb 17, 2023 Warsaw, Poland Jul 16, 2022 (Jul 9, 2022)
RP 2022 The 16th International Conference on Reachability Problems
Oct 17, 2022 - Oct 21, 2022 Kaiserslautern Jul 14, 2022
TIME 2022 29th International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning
Nov 7, 2022 - Nov 9, 2022 online Jun 26, 2022 (Jun 19, 2022)
EBL 2022 20th EBL: XX Encontro Brasileiro de Lógica - XX Brazilian Logic Conference
Sep 12, 2022 - Sep 16, 2022 Salvador - Bahia, Brazil Jun 5, 2022
SYNASC 2022 24th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing
Sep 12, 2022 - Sep 15, 2022 Hagenberg, Austria Jun 1, 2022
EXPRESS/SOS 2022 Combined 29th International Workshop on Expressiveness in Concurrency and 19th Workshop on Structural Operational Semantics
Sep 12, 2022 - Sep 12, 2022 Warsaw, Poland Jun 1, 2022
Linearity & TLLA - 2022 Third Joint International Workshop on Linearity and Trends in Linear Logic and its Applications
Jul 31, 2022 - Aug 1, 2022 Haifa, Israel May 20, 2022
STRL 2022 1st International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Reasoning and Learning
Jul 23, 2022 - Jul 25, 2022 co-located with IJCAI-ECAI 2022 May 20, 2022
FOMEO 2022 Formal Methods Education Online: Tips, Tricks & Tools 2022
Jul 31, 2022 - Aug 1, 2022 Haifa, Israel May 10, 2022 (May 1, 2022)
Urteile 2022 Urteile der Logik, Logik der Urteile
Sep 29, 2022 - Oct 1, 2022 Hagen May 6, 2022 (Sep 26, 2022)
WCP 2022 The Sixth World Congress of Paraconsistency in Toruń (WCP6) - the Second Stanisław Jaśkowski Memorial Symposium
Sep 5, 2022 - Sep 8, 2022 Poland, Toruń Apr 30, 2022
PAAR 2022 8th Workshop on Practical Aspects of Automated Reasoning
Aug 11, 2022 - Aug 12, 2022 Haifa, Israel, Apr 26, 2022 (Apr 19, 2022)
CONCUR 2022 International Conference on Concurrency Theory
Sep 12, 2022 - Sep 17, 2022 Warsaw, Poland Apr 25, 2022 (Apr 18, 2022)
IWLS 2022 International Workshop on Logic & Synthesis
Jul 18, 2022 - Jul 21, 2022 Virtual Apr 18, 2022 (Apr 11, 2022)
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