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(ordered by deadline)
Event When Where Deadline
Expired CFPs
HPSR 2021 IEEE 22nd International Conference on High-Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR 2021)
Jun 7, 2021 - Jun 10, 2021 Paris, ESME Sudria Apr 15, 2021
BAHIP 2021 Blockchain Applications in Healthcare: Innovations and Practices
N/A N/A Apr 15, 2021
ChainTech @IEEE WETICE 2021 WETICE TRACK on Advances in Blockchain Technologies & Applications
Oct 27, 2021 - Oct 29, 2021 VIRTUAL Apr 15, 2021
IoT5GCyber 2021 Security and Privacy-Preserving for IoT and 5G Networks: Techniques, Challenges, and New Directions
N/A N/A Apr 15, 2021
IEEE World AI IoT Congress 2021 IEEE World AI IoT Congress 2021
May 10, 2021 - May 13, 2021 Online (Seattle, USA) Apr 10, 2021
ESWEEK 2021 Embedded Systems Week
Oct 10, 2021 - Oct 15, 2021 Virtual Conference Apr 9, 2021 (Apr 2, 2021)
AIoTCon 2021 International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence of Things: Architectures and Applications (AIoTCon)
May 24, 2021 - May 26, 2021 Valencia, Spain Apr 1, 2021
RTCSA 2021 Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications
Aug 18, 2021 - Aug 20, 2021 Virtual Conference Mar 31, 2021
FDSS 2021 The International Workshop on Future Data Science Systems
May 24, 2021 - May 26, 2021 Valencia - Spain Mar 30, 2021
IEEE World AI IoT Congress 2021 IEEE World AI IoT Congress 2021
Oct 5, 2021 - Jan 5, 2022 Online Mar 26, 2021
Apr 21, 2021 - Apr 24, 2021 Toronto, Canada Feb 28, 2021
AI4EIoTS 2021 IOTBDS 2021 Special Session Artificial Intelligence for Emerging IoT Systems: Open Challenges and Novel Perspectives
Apr 23, 2021 - Apr 25, 2021 online Feb 24, 2021
Heavy Vehicle Technology 2021 Autonomous and Connected Heavy Vehicle Technology
Apr 1, 2021 - Apr 2, 2021 Dehradun,India Feb 15, 2021 (Jan 15, 2021)
Edge Computing Technologies for Mobile 2021 IS01: Edge Computing Technologies for Mobile Computing and Internet of Things
Jun 14, 2021 - Jun 16, 2021 Rome, Italy Feb 15, 2021
doors 2021 eDge cOmputing wORkShop
Apr 1, 2021 - Apr 1, 2021 Zhytomyr, Ukraine Feb 11, 2021
CBMS eHealth Security 2021 IEEE CBMS Special Track on Security of e-Health Systems and Connected Medical Devices
Jun 7, 2021 - Jun 9, 2021 Aveiro, Portugal Feb 5, 2021
Internet of things 2021 CALL FOR BOOK CHAPTERS : Internet of Things: A Hardware Development Perspective
N/A N/A Jan 15, 2021
EAI SaSeIoT 2021 (virtual) 5th EAI International Conference on Safety and Security in Internet of Things
Apr 25, 2021 - Apr 25, 2021 Cyberspace Jan 4, 2021
VTC- Connected Intelligence for IoT 2021 VTC-Spring 2020- WKSP Connected Intelligence for IoT and Industrial IoT Applications (C3IA)
Apr 25, 2021 - Apr 28, 2021 Helsinki, Finland Jan 3, 2021
Symmetry-SI 2020 Special issue on Symmetry and Asymmetry in IoT and CPS Security and Privacy
N/A N/A Dec 31, 2020
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